Captain Sandy became Captain Clueless in Below Deck Mediterranean Season 8, Episode 14. While her intentions weren’t to ruin Luka’s blossoming situationship with Jessika, that’s exactly what she (almost) did in the latest edition of the show. Meanwhile, Max’s bad attitude continues, and the sickness spreading around the yacht claims another victim. All that and more in this week’s recap for Below Deck Med Season 8, Episode 14: “Caught Read Handed.”
Max is playing with fire

Now, I actually don’t think Max “lied” to Captain Sandy during his whining about food. It was simply some crossed wires. That being said, if your captain tells you to apologize for acting like a baby, you do it. You don’t stomp off and expect them to come chasing after you. Inexplicably, that’s exactly what Sandy does. She enables Max’s bad behavior by giving him excuses, and then ensuring he has plenty of food that he deems good enough to eat.
So later in the episode, when Max moans about not having enough rest, it’s hardly surprising. His rotten attitude has served him well so far. He didn’t even get an official warning from Captain Sandy.
Don’t get me wrong, I think Max is great for the show. He’s actually one of the funniest deckhands Below Deck Med has had. But there’s not much adding up when it comes to his treatment from Sandy, and her treatment of others in the past. Maybe she’s just terrified of losing yet another deckhand…
Luka and Jessika are OVER!

Well, for half a day. When Luka gets a text from Below Deck alum Katie Flood, he’s all smiles. He also just so happens to be sitting next to Captain Sandy when it comes through. Once she realizes it’s an old friend, she gets a bee in her bonnet about the two being star-crossed lovers. “You like her, I can tell.”
Later, in the crew mess, Sandy asks Luka if he’s texting his “girlfriend,” right in front of other members of the crew – including Jess! This sends Jess into a spiral; especially as Sandy says she can tell Luka is “smitten” just by looking at him.
While Luka tries to explain the miscommunication to Jess, she’s not having it. They communicate only via text, and when the day comes to a close, she texts him to tell him she’s going to bed because she doesn’t have the “energy” for confrontation. It’s extremely awkward when she then walks straight past him to get some sleep.
The next day? All is forgiven. They kiss in the Captain’s office and do more than that post-charter, after a drama-free night out. But Luka is still texting another old friend – Natalya.
“I miss you,” he tells her. “I miss you more,” comes Natalya’s response.
Jack’s food finally impresses the guests

After a rocky start, Jack finally gets through to the guests. All it takes is for them being blindfolded and told how to eat by Tumi. “This is gonna be a test of my communication skills,” the chief stew says of the “dining in the dark” experience requested. Thankfully, she pulls it out of the bag. And every course impresses the hungry diners.
Though they missed Kyle, on their final day of charter, he does make an appearance. He’s feeling much better – just in time to collect his portion of the biggest tip of the season so far! The fact the interior did just fine without him says a lot…
The guests leave a little bit of criticism for Jack, but an overall positive note. With $32,000 left behind for the crew, it’s hard to argue with their critiques.
Lara’s being sent to the doctor

After feeling sick at the end of the charter, Lara stays in during the crew night out. Max also decides to take a rest, rather than join the rest of the crew. Following a “civilized” dinner, where Lily is praised for major improvement, the group head to a bar. They seem to be the only people there, but they still get the party going. Best of all? Everybody’s getting along! “This is the chaos I was looking for,” Tumi quips.
But the next day, it’s Lara who’s feeling worse for wear. She tells Captain Sandy that she is “so fluey” and has “body chills.” Captain’s heard enough, and wants her off the boat before a potential infection spreads. Having text Haleigh, who wants to call and chat, she could be looking at the eighth charter not being allowed to leave the dock. And what a sh*t show that would turn out to be.
Below Deck Mediterranean continues Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.