Biggest Surprises in the Below Deck Med Season 8 Mid-Season Trailer


Below Deck Mediterranean Season 8 has been full of twists and turns, and it is far from over. Captain Sandy Yawn has already had several crew members come and go, which is not unusual for Below Deck Med. There has also been a lot of drama, especially with the interior team. From the mid-season trailer, it does not appear that the season will get calmer as it continues. Here are all the jaw dropping revelations from the mid-season trailer, get ready to be shook!

Luka Gets Himself In A Jam


Luka Brunton started Season 8 on a high note, when Captain Sandy offered him the Bosun role. He initially did a great job with the new leadership role, and led the deck team with ease. However, the mid-season trailer shows Luka getting into more than one sticky situation onboard.

Originally, Luka had a fling with 3rd Stew Natalya Scudder, but he later took an interest in 4th Stew Jessika Asai. Luka and Jessika established a friends with benefits type of relationship, since Luka was looking for some fun. The trailer, however, shows Jessika admitting that she likes Luka “a lot more than she should.”

Later on in the trailer, Luka is shown getting friendly with new stew Lily Davison. Jessika is shocked, and instantly declares Luka to be a player. While Luka is certainly in rocky waters with Jessika, he is also shown having some tension with Captain Sandy in the trailer. When Captain Sandy gives Luka an order on the bridge, he responds with a frustrated “f*cking hell.” Will Luka be the next termination of the season?

Natalya Comes Back
(Natalya Scudder/Instagram)

Natalya made a shocking exit on Below Deck Med Season 8 after feeling bullied onboard. Natalya’s first feud was with Chief Stew Tumi Mhlongo, and the two women constantly clashed heads throughout the first few charters. Eventually, the two women came to somewhat of a truce, although they were not exactly friends.

The real problem for Natalya, however, was 2nd Stew Kyle Viljoen. The two had previously been friends during Season 7, but struggled to get along during Season 8. During a full blown argument, Kyle screamed at Natalya and claimed that she would “never control him.” Eventually Natalya confided in Captain Sandy, who told her that she considered Kyle’s behavior to be bullying. After a difficult goodbye, Natalya eventually left the yacht to go home.

The mid-season trailer teases Natalya’s return, which happens on a crew night out. Natalya walks up to the group, and seems to have a flirty reunion with Luka. Kyle is shocked, it is clear he never expected to see his former friend anytime soon. Will Natalya come back to try to reclaim her position or just to start some drama?

Lily Is Dead Weight
(Lily Davison/Instagram)

Lily turned heads when she first came in as Natalya’s replacement, however, the mid-season trailer does not paint her to be the best of stews. One of Lily’s biggest failures in the trailer is a laundry mishap, where she leaves towels scattered all over the floor. Jessika immediately calls her out on it, although she does not seem to see the issue.

Jessika later goes to Tumi, who then begins to realize Lily’s poor work ethic as well. Tumi declares that Lily “is dead weight,” and is not doing her part to help the interior team. Later on in the trailer, Captain Sandy is seen talking to Lily about her mistakes as well. Does Lily have what it takes to finish the season, or will she be in danger of termination as well?

Jessika not only has a problem with Lily’s work ethic, but her love life as well. Lily is seen flirting with Luka, who was involved with Jessika beforehand. Lily also seems to have a fling with Deckhand Max Salvador, who immediately took an interest in her. At the end of the trailer, Jessika kisses Max, while Lily walks toward them looking stunned. Jessika yells that she’s sorry, but that Max is a good kisser.

Between their work and social lives, Jessika and Lily are already butting heads. Will they be the next big feud of the season?


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