Andy Cohen

Andy Cohen Apologizes On Watch What Happens Live For Accidentally Offending Nurses

The nurses of the world are a force to be reckoned with, and some came for Watch What Happen Live’s Andy Cohen this week after Monday night’s episode. TooFab reports that the source of the drama was a careless comment made by the show’s own host. Surprising, as on WWHL, it’s typically the guests who put their foot in their mouths!

The incident started while Andy was introducing Summer House star Ciara Miller to the audience. He asked the reality star incredulously, “You’re actually a nurse?”.  “Yeah” Ciara replied. He added, “And this is what you look like? Wow!” She shrugged responding, “hey man!”, seemingly feigning offense. It was a fleeting moment, but the nursing workforce and it’s supporters sprang to action.

Viewers across twitter, started calling out the Watch What Happen’s host. One account tweeted, “Why did Andy say ‘you’re a nurse and this is what you look like?!’ As if nurses aren’t attractive. Ciara is obviously STUNNING but I know many beautiful nurses. #WWHL #SummerHouse

Another reacted, “What does Andy mean by ‘you’re really a nurse? And you look like this?’ So because Ciara is dressed like that, she can’t also be a real nurse? #SummerHouse #WWHL?”

Some users directly mentioned Andy’s twitter account. One account tweeted, “Ummm @Andy #WWHL ‘and this is what you look like’ to u r actually a nurse comment? Just not a good comment. Ughhh”. Another simply asked, “Nurses can’t be attractive, @Andy?? #WWHL”

A viewer explained, “@Andy there are a lot of nurses who look like her. I think you kinda of insulted us nurses by saying ‘you’re a nurse and look like that’. She’s gorgeous but I work with many nurses who are just as gorgeous”

The reaction on social media was so swift, that Andy apologized after a commercial break later in the episode. He turned to the camera, stating “Just wanna say before we go on, I have offended the nurses of America and internationally. I apologize.”

The Bravo producer and host further explained, “I was merely mentioning that Ciara looks like a supermodel. I know that many nurses look like… it’s no condemnation of nurses.” Ciara chimed in aid of the flustered host, “All nurses are hot!”

Andy made sure to drive the point further home, with some sweet sentiments we can all agree on. He affirmed Ciara’s statement and added, “All nurses are hot, but the most important thing is, all nurses have the biggest hearts in the universe, and they are beautiful inside and out. I am sorry if I offended anyone.”

The episode’s guest bartender, John Mayer could be heard saying “hear, hear!” above the crowd applause. “It’s a good save”, Ciara responded with a chuckle, teasing the host. On twitter, users had a generally good humor about it. One account tweeted “#WWHL #SummerHouse BABY did the nurses come for Andy? & I’m dead at John!,” followed by three crying laughing emojis. Another commented, “LMAOOOOOOO ANDY APOLOGIZING FOR THE NURSE COMMENT THIS QUICK OK BUT WHERES ALEX [Wach] #SummerHouse”

After the heartfelt apology Andy turned to John, asking, “Was that satisfactory?”. “It saved my woke little heart”, John replied. Andy, like the rest of us, holds all nurses in the highest regard and he’ll probably think twice before unintentionally crossing an entire workforce again. For apologies, its high on the list of those we’ve seen on the network, and we can think of a number of Bravolebs who could take notes.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]


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