Below Deck Sailing Yacht

2 New Below Deck Spin-Off Shows Have Been Announced

Below Deck is overdue for another spin off.  The franchise is hugely popular, and why not?  What’s more fun than untethered youth working together, partying, clashing, and hooking up.  Then there are the views.  At least we can all live vicariously through Below Deck, Below Deck Mediterranean, and Below Deck Sailing Yacht while worldwide travel restrictions continue.

The second season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht is missing something though.  The coronavirus keep the crew on the boat most nights off, so we are missing out on some shenanigans for sure.  The Parsifal crew got one night on land so far.  Perhaps it’s because of the ongoing pandemic that two spinoffs were announced.  Their locations are both exotic and covid-free.

Rod Aissa, EVP Unscripted, Documentary & Lifestyle spoke to about the tremendous appeal of the show, “you have people coming in for a week, so there’s always new characters that come in, in terms of the guests.  You have a crew that is getting to know each other, and relationships are evolving over the course of the season. You have these drop-dead gorgeous backdrops — you just want to be there, and you want to be on the boat, and you want it to be served by these great people that are running the boat.”

Because of this high demand, NBC Universal announced that it is developing two new spin-offs, one set in Australia and the other in Iceland.

Australia is a no-brainer.  The covid-free island has been living life normally since 2020, and the crew would be able to interact onshore as well.


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The Australia show will be produced by the same production company as Below Deck Sailing Yacht and Below Deck Mediterranean so fans can expect the same format from 51 Minds Entertainment.

Shed Media will develop the Iceland spinoff.  Iceland is an interesting choice because it’s the only location lacking in significant bikini weather.  But it’s got stunning coastline, and can offer a different viewing experience.  Hopefully the crew can get to the hot springs for some down time.

But isn’t it the interaction of the crew that we enjoy the most?  Viewers have met yachties from around the world, but this country has not been represented yet.  Would there be cultural or personality clashes?

Whatever adjustments are made, Below Deck is a winning formula overall.


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“It’s just the ultimate reality show,” 51 Minds President Christian Sarabia told Deadline, “we always talk about producers always want to create bubbles and put people in situations. There’s no better bubble than a ship that you can’t leave if you’re going to get in the middle of a fight and the furthest you can run is the front of the bow. It’s really an Upstairs, Downstairs or the reality version of Downton Abbey.”

[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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