Denise Richards Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Season Finale Recap: Denise And Desist

After a season of secrets and lies, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are on their way out. Denise Richards must be breathing a major sigh of relief that it’s finally over. It’s been the season from hell for her. Once the Brandi Glanville allegations came out, it was all downhill from there. For the most part, the women don’t believe anything Denise is saying.

The biggest casualty out of the Denise/Brandi drama is Denise’s friendship with Lisa Rinna. It all boils down to the definition of friendship. Do you blindly defend your friend because of the length of the friendship? If you’re Rinna, the answer is a firm no. There is such ambiguity when it comes to Denise and her constantly evolving stories. It’s hard to trust that. It is what it is.

Dorit Kemsley Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

Sutton Stracke’s store is such an all-encompassing look at her personality. It’s glitz, glamour, and shiny, and everything she’s about. Luckily for Kyle Richards, Sutton is wanting to sell some of her pieces in her new store. Thank god someone is willing to sell it because that line is hideous. Not here for it whatsoever.

Dorit Kemsley’s planning a housewarming party, and I am so excited. Her parties are always so over the top. Dorit has somehow become the queen of this season. Whoever saw that coming? She soared from hated housewife to fan-favorite so fast.

Trying to play peacemaker, Dorit plans on using the party to help fix Denise and Rinna’s friendship. That is beyond repair I think. Too much has gone down. The bad blood is evident in every scene they share lately.

PK Kemsley is just as over this Denise drama as the rest of us. He’s not at all interested in anything Dorit’s telling him about the women’s drama. He’s clearly learned his lesson. PK was dragged a few seasons ago for getting involved, so he likely doesn’t want that backlash again.


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Teddi Mellencamp and Rinna check in with Erika Jayne who is finally living her dreams on Broadway. Glad Erika achieved her goals, and now she can go. She isn’t really bringing anything to this season besides shady confessionals. Show us your life. The constant self-promotion is tiring.

Rinna continues to ponder the possibility that Denise is the one being the bad friend. There are so many inconsistencies in Denise’s stories, that I can’t fault her for that. It’s safe to say neither of them is operating on the up and up. I think it might be best for this 20-year friendship to end and them go their separate ways.

Garcelle Beauvais Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

According to Garcelle Beauvais, Denise is feeling nervous about being around the women after the constant gang ups. It’s really hard to definitively say they are gang ups. Most of the issues broached to Denise are valid. The way she tried manipulating the footage to get a good edit was a big red flag. This isn’t a show that nobody has ever seen before. You know what you signed up for.

Dorit’s new house is absolutely stunning! The decor is a lot better than the Capri room. If she could’ve channel this interior energy into that, we wouldn’t have to look at that yellow.


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I love how into her wigs Rinna is. After having the same hairdo for 20 years, she’s finally getting out of her element. Thank you Brandi for triggering that. It’s playful, and it shakes things up. Beverly Hills slaying with the looks!

I was so not expecting to see Adrienne Maloof! SO FUN! I live for the past wives coming back into the mix. It shows they’re actually good friends beyond just the show itself. Also, she’s looking a lot better than she did at Kyle’s charity event.

Garcelle is FINALLY having sex after seven years. Now THAT is a positive thing. Congrats on the ending of that dry spell. However, Garcelle’s night is taking a turn for the worse. She keeps getting sent to voicemail while outside of Denise’s hotel. Is Denise actually bailing on the only true friend she has in the group? No heads up at all? Wow.

Garcelle shows up with the unfortunate news that Denise is a no show. Once again, Denise is neglecting her duty as a Housewife. If you can’t show up to the group events, you should be fired. Period. Everyone that shows up and puts in the work shouldn’t have to deal with that. I don’t care if you’re f***ing Denise Richards or not. You’re clearly not above the show or else you wouldn’t have signed that contract.


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Lisa Rinna Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

According to Rinna, Denise had planned on coming to the event all along. That morning even, she told Rinna she would be there. It’s not okay to just ignore people like that with no word. If you have your reasons to not show, then just say it. Be upfront with your real friends at least. I get that she doesn’t want to see Brandi, but SAY THAT. The duplicitous behavior is what makes people question her intentions.

Dorit tells the group that she received a phone call from Camille Grammer the night before. That explains everything. Camille likely convinced her to skip the group event. Camille has a grudge against this group because they won’t let her back in. She is quick to jump on the back of anyone who has a grudge with them.


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Camille probably wanted an invite to the party to be Denise’s bodyguard. Now don’t get me wrong, I love me some Camille. She’s highly entertaining, and she knows how to be great reality TV. Although at this point, she should just accept that this group isn’t interested in having her around anymore.

It feels like time comes to a complete stop when Brandi unexpectedly shows up at the party with Kim Richards. Dorit barely knows her, so it’s strange to crash her housewarming party. What I am interested to see though is how Garcelle interacts with Brandi. Nobody rides for Denise harder than her, so Brandi might have a big fight on her hands.

Brandi Glanville Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

It’ll never not be weird to see Rinna and Kim in a great place. These women have loathed each other for years, and this newfound giddiness when they interact is like the Twilight Zone. I never thought I’d see the day.

Sutton pulls Brandi aside and basically tells her to learn to keep her mouth shut. Knowing Brandi, there’s almost no chance of that ever happening. Love her or hate her, she is a cannon of words. You never know what’s going to come out of her mouth, but you know it’ll be salacious and reality TV gold.


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I think we know why Denise is a no-show to this party. Brandi reveals that she actually sent her a text prior to coming. While I do think they need to sit down and have a conversation, doing it at the party isn’t the way to go about it. All that will do is get all the women involved in the issue that has nothing to do with them. Having a one on one is the way something this delicate should be handled.

Garcelle chooses to believe Denise because they are friends. However, you can kind of tell that Garcelle thinks there’s truth to Brandi’s story. It’s good that she’s ride or die no matter what though. Not everyone has friends like that. Garcelle is a welcome rarity.

At the end of the party, Garcelle is shown talking to a producer. Aaron Phypers informed production that there was a family emergency, and they wouldn’t be attending. How sad is it that she couldn’t even give Garcelle that heads up? The friendship doesn’t really work both ways I suppose.

Garcelle says Denise kept her in the dark because she didn’t want her to lie for her. What a joke. She bailed on Garcelle again after the party. What is this woman’s problem? This should tell them everything they need to know about her. The way she lies and maneuvers has been deceitful and disrespectful.

YOU ARE THE BAD GUY IN THIS MOVIE LISA RINNA. Well, at least in Denise’s mind. You can’t really argue with that. Obviously, Rinna hasn’t been the kind of friend you’d expect after 20 plus years. Nowhere even close. At the same time though, Denise has more than made her bed this season. Time to lay in it.


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The topic of an Instagram post comes up that Aaron posted the day after the party. It shows Denise recovering from her hernia surgery. You know, the one that she had MONTHS prior. GTFOH. Rinna calls it like it is and how it was a sympathy post. By putting that out into the world, you control the narrative and have an excuse for why you didn’t show to Dorit’s party.

Lisa Rinna Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

Rinna knows exactly what Denise is doing here. Denise knows the game, and how to play it well. We quickly learn that in the following days, Denise sends cease and desist letters to the cast and producers. The headlines break a few weeks later about the alleged affair with Brandi, and Kyle/Rinna don’t think we will see her again. HOWEVER, two weeks after that, Denise and Rinna are meeting face to face. Here. We. Go.

Rinna is PISSED at Denise by this point. You can tell they miss each other, but the tension is off the charts. The first question Denise has is if Rinna knew Brandi would be at Dorit’s party. Denise admits that she didn’t go because Brandi was going to be there. No family emergency existed. DUH. No shock there.

This scene has the same vibe as the friendship ending fight last season with Kyle and Lisa Vanderpump. They will never recover. This isn’t a friendship that will be salvaged. Rinna doesn’t believe Denise, and that will always serve as a roadblock between the two. Even if they didn’t hook up, Denise lied at least about the extent of their friendship. No way did Brandi create a year-long chain of texts with Denise. Girl quit playing.


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Denise issues somewhat of a threat saying she will present Brandi and Rinna’s texts. Do it. We want to see it. If you have it, show it. Denise has never seen or spoken to Brandi since it all came out. Rinna calls out Denise for sending a cease and desist for wanting the footage taken out. Clearly, that didn’t work.

YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR. This is Housewives. It’s not Sesame Street. I don’t get how she’s so shocked about how things have gone down. It’s just baffling at this point. Rinna’s “oof you’re so angry” line was the soapy goodness I wanted out of this scene. Literally, nobody could pull off this scene the way these two can.

Denise accuses Rinna of playing dirty, but I’m not sure what she’s doing here. It was already repeated on camera by Brandi. That isn’t something Rinna has any control over. Denise tries to make this into a teachable moment for her children which is laughable. They get to watch the show and see their mom lie through her teeth for an entire season.

The season ends with the women jetting off to NYC to watch Erika in Chicago! It sucks that it had to end early because of the pandemic, but at least she was able to live her dreams. Now, we move on to the reunion, where Denise is sure to be in the hot seat.


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[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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