Nicole Nafziger 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

90 Day Fiance Star Nicole Nafziger’s Mom Defends Her Parenting; Says Nicole Didn’t Abandon Her Daughter

After having appeared on two seasons of 90 Day Fiance and one season of the spin-off series 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, the franchise’s most notorious ’will they or won’t they?’ couple is making headlines once again by providing fans with some fresh new antics to criticize. 

Nicole Nafziger and Azan Tefou first graced our television screens back in 2016 when Nicole traveled to Morocco for five weeks to meet her “Arabian Prince” in person for the first time.  Hoping to secure an engagement by the end of the trip, Nicole and Azan put each other through the wringer non-stop by butting heads over literally everything for nearly the entire duration of her stay. And yet- even SHE ended up with a ring on her finger. Whoever said true love was dead? But alas- here we are in 2020 and, although they’re still together, they’ve still never actually gotten married. They do remain engaged, however, and both are in Morocco- which fans have been quick to criticize. Why, you ask? I MAY give you a hint… (see what I did there?)

According to The Ashley’s Reality RoundupNicole’s mother, Robbalee Nafziger, has come to her daughter’s defense after fans of the show criticized Nicole for flying to Morocco in March amidst the early stages of the global pandemic and essentially abandoning her young daughter, May, in the process. On a recent Instagram post dedicated to celebrating Robbalee’s youngest daughter’s pregnancy, the comment section quickly filled up with fans who were eager to call out Nicole’s recent behavior.

“Haha! This feels like lifetime ago. My little girl is having her own little girl. Love you Taylor!” Robbalee wrote alongside the photo.


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“Congratulations! I bet Taylor will be an amazing mommy and actually keep her daughter unlike Nicole who gave hers away for a guy who married his cousin,” one person commented. After denying the rumors surrounding Azan’s alleged marriage to his cousinRobbalee had some choice words to offer in Nicole’s defense.

“There was no abandonment,” she wrote. “[May] is getting to spend time with her grandparents while her mommy is away. There is a lot more to this story than a simple answer. I am grateful for the time I get to spend with May, many grandparents don’t get this much time or get to make this many wonderful memories.”


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While Robbalee and May are back in Florida AKA nearly four and a half thousand miles away from Morocco, she praised Nicole‘s attempts to stay as involved as possible in May’s life.

Nicole Facetimes with May almost every day,” Robbalee wrote. “They watch TV together or she shows her the peppers that grow in the garden. Right now Florida is not even a safe place to come home to, when it is safe to travel she looks forward to coming home. We are lucky to have this time with her.”


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Nicole has also defended her recent actions by claiming that she isn’t able to afford a plane ticket back to Florida. She has also remained active on social media amidst the controversy and recently posted a photo of herself with her mother and thanked her for watching May since she can’t come home.

“Missing my mom so much,” Nicole wrote on Instagram. “She is the best mom and grandma out there. Thank you for taking care of my little girl since I can’t come back home yet.” But she wasn’t done there. Addressing the recent backlash, “Stop judging my [life] and decisions,” she continued. “Just an idea. I know you won’t listen because it’s easier to pin me as a bad mom and gossip about the drama.”


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Public scrutiny continued as websites including Soap Dirt have claimed that Nicole has deliberately not taken advantage of opportunities offered to her by the U.S. Government to come back home.

Nicole Nafziger has skipped out on flights back to America before that wouldn’t have cost her a dime out of pocket,” the site claimed. “The American government had set up a few flights out of Morocco to America. The United States government will even pay for Nicole’s airfare until she is able to afford to pay her debt back at a later date, and at a cheap no-interest payment plan. So, Nicole wouldn’t have to worry about dishing out the money all at once. But, she seemingly didn’t jump on the opportunity.”

The article continued: “[She] will have another chance to leave Morocco – if she actually wants to. The U.S embassy in Morocco has arranged yet another special flight for U.S citizens to return to America. The flight leaves in about a week.”

Although we cannot confirm the website’s claims, Nicole has yet to specifically reveal if and when she will be returning home to the United States and- more importantly- her daughter. One thing is for certain though- Nicole is very lucky to have such a protective mama bear in her corner to help her fight her battles.


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[Photo Credit: TLC]

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