BOSTON, MA - MARCH 03: Gregg Leakes and NeNe Leakes pose on the red carpet at the Lenny Zakim Fund's 9th Annual Casino Night to raise money to support more than 60 grass roots organizations that enable and empower under-resourced people and communities to address social and economic injustice, on March 3, 2018 in Boston, MA. (Photo by Paul Marotta/Getty Images for The Lenny Zakim Fund)

Did Gregg Leakes Cheat On Real Housewives Of Atlanta Star NeNe Leakes?

Did Gregg Leakes Cheat On Real Housewives Of Atlanta’s NeNe Leakes?

Real Housewives of Atlanta has given us plenty of drama when it comes to the marriage of NeNe Leakes and husband Gregg Leakes. While they started out as an adoring married couple when we were first introduced to them many seasons ago, the camera has caught all the ups and downs since. And there were many. Fans were shocked when they announced their divorce in 2011 but even more shocked when they decided to remarry in 2013. True to reality TV form, Bravo even aired a special about their second set of nuptials, titled I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding. The wedded bliss didn’t last long and a few short years later with NeNe back on RHOA, Gregg was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer.

NeNe was open and honest about how hard she found it to be a caretaker and the cracks in their relationship were on full display. They were sleeping in separate bedrooms and both making cryptic social media posts, leaving fans to wonder if they were headed for a second divorce. They pulled through and last year, Gregg also announced that he was cancer free. Despite the physical and emotional strain taking a toll on their relationship, by the the start of this season of RHOA, they seemed to have gotten to a good place.

Now it looks like health issues weren’t the only thing weighing on the couple as of late. People is reporting that on a recent episode of Angela Lee’s Lip Service podcast, NeNe gets candid about Gregg having some inappropriate conversations with a former employee. NeNe says that the alleged incident occurred over the summer of 2019 when she was opening a new clothing story in Maryland.

NeNe had asked Gregg to assist her in the hiring process for the new store claiming, “[He’s] really good with all things that I’m not good with.” She shared that she eventually hired a store manager that just so happened to be “Gregg’s type”. All was well until said manager, whose name is Juanita, was arguing with another employee. During the altercation, the male employee clapped back at her saying, “Well, how about you and Mr. Gregg be FaceTiming.”

NeNe recalls of the incident, “I’m in a whole room and I’m standing up and I didn’t get out of character I just said ‘Really? I knew he [the employee] wasn’t lying. And she was in shock,” she said of Juanita. NeNe then immediately called Gregg, who adamantly denied the accusation. After putting him on speaker during the meeting, NeNe asked if he had been speaking with Juanita. NeNe recalls, “He said ‘No!’ And I was like ‘Okay, you have. Bye.’ And he went insane, screaming going crazy and then her phone beeped.” NeNe then did what any partner would do and asked Juanita to pack up and get out.

When asked to explain the relationship, NeNe said Gregg told her, “We never did anything. We just talked on the phone. We never had sex.” Gregg gave a sorry excuse for his behavior, saying, “You weren’t here for me to talk to.”

After not speaking for a few months, NeNe says they eventually got back on track but she’s still disappointed in his actions. She continued, “Gregg has taken passes that I didn’t even give him. At this point, if he wanted to go, he would go the hell on. I like to talk open relationships and I have talked about that with Gregg and told him, ‘If you’re going to cheat, your relationship is open anyway.'”

NeNe concluded of their relationship dynamic, “I do what I want anyway. I don’t want to hear what he’s doing about anyway. I’m in New York and he’s in Georgia. Whatever he’s doing I don’t nee to know about it. We’ve really had these conversations.”


[Photo Credit: Paul Marotta/Getty Images for The Lenny Zakim Fund]


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