Dorit Kemsley & PK Kemsley

Dorit Kemsley Said It’s “Easy To Stay Strong” Thanks To PK Kemsley’s Support During Multiple Legal Battles

I didn’t think we would be reunited again so soon, but here we are! Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Your Card Has Been Declined stars Dorit and PK Kemsley are in recovery mode. They have recently ended two long term financial legal cases that have followed the couple for multiple years. Finally settling with previous money lender Nicos Kirzis (#neverforget), over the nonpayment of a $1.2 million debt, as well as ending the beef Dorit had with a former business partner over her swimwear line.

Things were looking dicey for PK and Dorit, yet by all accounts they remained unbothered. Their denials of salacious money laundering financial transactions were loud as they continued luxurious vacations and shopping sprees. Even though the couple suffered the humiliation of having their finances examined, frozen bank accounts, and threats of seized assets, PK and Dorit remained a united front. Now Dorit explains how the haters never got her down, thanks to overseas accounts the love of her man.

Dorit still isn’t having it, you guys. Now she is basically serving a big slice of suck it cake to anyone who doubted the integrity of her wallet! Statistics may show that trouble with money is the main cause of divorce, but PK and Dorit are here to say their sketchy bank accounts only brought them closer together.

In an interview with Us Weekly, Dorit shared some thoughts. “PK and I are super tight. We’re super strong and most of it, it’s just really blown out of proportion.” But was it super blown out of proportion? I have to admire Dorit’s firm commitment to lie, lie, and deny her husband. At the end of the day, their many legal battles could have put even the strongest marriage under pressure.

RELATED: PK & Dorit Kemsley Settle Lawsuits; Look Forward To “Next Chapter” In Their Lives!

But PK and Dorit aren’t regular people because they live in a bubble! A bubble of delusion, you might ask? No silly, it’s a FABULOUS bubble. Dorit explained, “So you learn to be numb to it and you just carry on with life. And our life is a pretty fabulous bubble, you know, with our two beautiful kids and I’ve got a great husband and it’s easy to stay strong.”

Dorit maintains that people who hate on their lifestyle don’t matter anyway, so it’s all Chanel unicorns and Gucci rainbows in her world. “[And] they don’t know me. And some people just want to be vicious,” she explained. Oh right, vicious. Kind of in the same way it would be vicious to create a storyline to avoid having your money problems on television? Dorit continued, “You understand that comes with the territory and I ignore it. It just doesn’t have any affect on me.” Um, Dorit, have you guys paid your taxes yet? She might want to ask someone about that because jail will most definitely but a wrench in Dorit and PK’s super fabulous lifestyle.

RELATED: Dorit Kemsley Denies Money Issues, Says “Everything Is Perfect”; Would Welcome Lisa Vanderpump Back To Real Housewives

Now Dorit has her sights set on the future and growing her swimwear line. “Beverly Beach is growing. It’s turning into a lifestyle brand,” Dorit mentioned. “I’m working on a lot of new products to launch soon. I’m getting involved in a lot of new projects. Some things I can’t really talk about, but they’re all very good and I’m very excited.” Oh boy, a lifestyle brand by Dorit! Can we expect some shiny new hair clips that read, Paid In Full or Cash Only? Perhaps a line of t-shirts, Debt by Dorit?

It’s all happening for Dorit and PK! I know we are breathless with anticipation to see what the designer and her husband have in store for us on the next season of RHOBH. Hopefully the couple will remain strong and keep anything from penetrating their bubble of deception honesty and strength.

RELATED: PK & Dorit Kemsley Face Assets Being Seized; PK Rushes Back To Court To Block Collection Attempts!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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