
Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Shutting Down

During last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Briana DeJesus invited her next baby daddy boy toy, John to go camping. Briana’s mom hears about the trip and she hopes she is going to pace herself. I think we all hope that! She falls in love just as quickly as the relationships fall apart. SMH. If she put as much effort into her kids as she did with these men, then she would be super mom.

It is very odd to me that there are only three people going on this trip. Briana only invites her best friend and her new boo. Seems like this was supposed to be a girls trip and the plans changed at the last minute. Who would want to be the third wheel on a trip???? What is sad is that I am not surprised. She just seems like the type of friend who would ditch you at the club the moment a guy smiled at her.


Briana asks her friend what she thinks of John. She encourages her to define their relationship since she wants to be exclusive. He claims that he considers them to be a couple. He just doesn’t want any baby daddy drama. She assures him that the dads aren’t really in her kid’s lives, so that isn’t an issue. That statement made me sad. You would think this fact, would make her more cautious about when dating. But, no. It just seems to help her press the gas pedal in the relationship faster. Sigh!



Kailyn Lowry rushed back from her hair care meeting because Isaac is starting third grade. She has been speaking with her sister more often. She hopes to strengthen their relationship and wants to plan a baby shower for her. Kailyn is excited because she feels like a big sister now.  I am happy that she is taking steps to reconnect with some of her less toxic relatives. It has to be hard to be so young and not have anyone in your family to rely on.

RELATED: Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Don’t Wanna Go Home



Leah Messer comes home to find that her house has flooded. She shows her mom and her producer the damage to the house and their personal belongings. For their safety, she has moved her daughters to their dad’s home. Despite the stress, she seems to be handling the bad news well. I remember the day when this would have made her check out of reality for a month. I am so proud of all of the growth that Leah has made in her life. Leah is dealing with the repair of her home while her girls are away. Her boyfriend comes over and helps her clean up the mess.

RELATED: Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Hurricane

Leah goes to look at carpets with her friend and she talks about how supportive her boyfriend has been. She is so accustomed to doing everything herself. She is happy she has someone who is so willing to help. He also gets along well with her daughters, so she is truly happy. Hopefully, this guy is the real deal. I want Leah to remain stable and to finally have her happy ending. I don’t want this to be part three of the same story with her exes.



Chelsea Houska is thirty-eight weeks pregnant and is preparing for the arrival of her baby. While at a doctor’s appointment she realizes she is already five centimeters dilated. This time it’s not a false alarm, Chelsea is in labor. Her husband, Cole DeBoer rushes her to the hospital to deliver the baby on her birthday.



Jenelle Evans picks up her son Kaiser from her ex, Nathan Griffin. It’s a wonder how this sweet little boy could be Jenelle’s son. On the way home, he tells her “Dad said not to say bad stuff about you.” This was surprisingly mature, given their tumultuous relationship.

Barbara Evans talks to producers about how Jenelle now wants her son, Jace back. She is shocked given how close they have become recently. Barbara believes her anger is a result of the abuse rumors and her husband being fired from the show. Honestly, I don’t think Jace should go back into that household. Given all of the allegations of violence and their erratic behavior, he is better off with his grandmother.

RELATED: Teen Mom 2: Jenelle Evans’ Mom Barbara Evans Threatens Kailyn Lowry On Instagram Live

Barbara takes Jace to his soccer game. Jenelle shuts down production when she shows up with her husband, David Eason. I don’t know if they are doing this to force MTV to have him back on the show or as revenge. Considering none of them have any real skills, one would think they wouldn’t want to further jeopardize her sizable check.

Of course, Jenelle had a meltdown after production was shut down. Jenelle refused to film anymore and sent numerous texts to producers. She claims MTV is ruining her life and to talk to her lawyer. Barbara becomes emotional talking about the situation. Barbara feels like David is controlling her daughter and jeopardizing her livelihood. She feels if she loses everything, maybe she will decide to walk away from her toxic relationship.  At this point, I say call her bluff.

Neither Jenelle nor her husband has a job independent of Teen Mom 2. I think it’s time she gets a taste of reality and learns what happens when you are insubordinate at work. I am sick of her attitude considering that they put themselves in this situation. Can we start a petition to have Jenelle, David, and Farrah Abraham banished to the same island????????????


[Photo Credit: MTV]

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