Laura Betancourt Below Deck

Below Deck Crew Shares Pros And Cons Of Co-Ed Roommates

The drama of Below Deck tends to manifest in different areas of the boat as a season progresses.  The interactions of this crew, both good and bad, have migrated from the crew mess, to the swim platform, back to the staff quarters.  On this week’s After Show, the cast dish on their experiences rooming with a member of the opposite sex.

And this season seems to have more co-ed cabins than usual.  Chief Stew Kate Chastain and her bestie Josiah Carter share a room.  Laura Betancourt is fending off unwanted suggestive comments from her roommate Adrian MartinRhylee Gerber’s cabin previously witnessed the breakdown of Caroline Bedol.  Now it’s all about night-vision hookups between herself and Tyler Rowland.

So what do some of the cast think about co-ed roommates?  Naturally, Tyler feels very positive about sharing a room with a female.  But was the small cabin space an issue before he and Rhylee were intimate?  Tyler answered, “I remember the first time she took her shirt off and her boobs were hanging out. I was like, is this happening? There’s no rules. Should I leave? what do I do?”

The only cons Tyler came up with were logistical ones.  He said, “Maybe just not getting enough mirror time.  I guess the con would be you do share a very, very small space.  And I’m used to just being dialed and everything ready to go.  And Rhylee was just kind of a little mini tornado.”

Had Laura shared a room with Ashton Pienaar instead of Adrian, she may have answered differently.  Her experience was all negative.  She opined, “I see no pros to co-ed bunking on yachts.  I think that as a female, no pros at all.  I think that it’s such close quarters that unless you are dating or really good friends it’s not nice.”

RELATED: Below Deck: Captain Lee On Rhylee Gerber- “That Girl Is Going To Be The Death Of Me”

Laura also said, “You have to just be on all the time. Like just make sure you’re wearing the right thing to go to bed.  You don’t wanna lead anyone on.”

Creepy comments aside, viewers have also seen Adrian relaying gossip to Laura after she had finished her shift.  Laura recalls how she felt to have Adrian as a roommate, “He was chill. a couple of times he would come in and tell me what they were saying. It like rattled me, I’m like bro I’m going to bed. He did it I think, to stir the pot. So that was annoying for sure.”

Adrian was the last crew member interviewed for this vlog.  And he is pretty clueless about how his flirtatious comments are coming off.  He commented, “I prefer rooming with women.  Usually, they’re cleaner and more respectful of the space.  It was the case.  She was definitely cleaner than Chandler Brooks.  Just everything smells good and there’s a good vibe.”

RELATED: Below Deck Star Captain Lee Rosbach Sees “Dark Clouds On The Horizon” For Tyler Rowland & Rhylee Gerber

Surely Laura improved on the “skunky” aroma she encountered when she first moved in.  It will be interesting to see if the energy in Rhylee and Tyler’s cabin changes after he decides to “pump the brakes.”


[Photo Credit- Bravo]

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