Chandler Brooks

Below Deck After Show: Bosun Blunders- The Cast Breaks Down Chandler’s Mistakes

This past week’s Below Deck After Show included a very warranted critique of Season 6 Bosun Chandler Brooks. In a clip titled, “This Moment Had Captain Lee’s Patience Level at Transparent”, Captain Lee Rosbach and the deck crew of My Seanna, share their thoughts on Chandler’s leadership (or lack thereof).

Since the start of the season, the blame for the lack of cohesion between Rhylee Gerber, Ross Inia, and Ashton Pineaar has shifted from Rhylee’s outspoken demeanor to the questionable decisions coming from Chandler’s thinly pursed lips.

The cast presented Chandler’s mistakes in order of escalating anxiety and disbelief are the top 5 Bosun Blunders during the Below Deck After Show.

5) Doesn’t Put Fisherman on a Fishing Trip- This one is pretty self-explanatory.  How could you not include a professional fisherman on a fishing expedition? It is common sense. Or at least it should be. Rhylee admits that she wouldn’t put it past Chandler if he’d kept her off the trip as punishment. Ashton says, “I don’t know the first thing about fishing and I’m being sent on this fishing trip, when there’s a professional fisherman on our crew.”

Of course Captain Lee says what we are all thinking, “A good leader finds his assets and utilizes them for the overall good of whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish.  He’s got an asset there, but because he’s just walking around with his hard-on.  He’s not gonna utilize it.”

RELATED: New Below Deck Tonight: Captain Lee Frustrated With Chandler & Rest Of The Deck Crew

4) Doesn’t tell Captain the Guests Are off the Boat-Chandler’s fishing trip was plagued with yet another bad decision; not informing Captain Lee of their whereabouts. Ross explains,”You should always let the captain know when guests are going ashore [and] when the tender is actually leaving the boat.  That was his fault.” 100%.

3) Leaves Hot Tub Filling-This Bosun Blunder- The charter guests went on the stingray/shark lunch and was the muse for the clip title. Captain Lee said, “my patience level was almost transparent at that point. Anger? I wasn’t mad, disappointed sure. Did I want him to better? Yes.  Was he listening to what I was telling him? No.” Listening is not on the list of Chandler’s strong suits. That’s for sure.

2) Doesn’t Respond to Captain Lee’s Requests- In all fairness to Chandler, neither Ashton nor Ross responded when Captain Lee was radioing during the lunch so unless Chandler changed the frequency again, we can let this one slide.

1) Turns his Captain into a Deckhand-Because Chandler decided to take the entire deck crew off the boat, Captain Lee was left to cover cushions and deal with the hot tub as a storm was rolling in. This one is especially cringe-worthy because even a land-lover such as myself would think it’s not a great idea to leave the boat void of any deck crew.

It seems Ashton was on hand at the luncheon to make sure the food and drinks didn’t float away, surely some string would have sufficed and one person could have been back at the boat. What’s worse is Chandler telling Kate his worries with a mouthful of food. He had time to ponder over lunch, but not take action to fix his poor decision.

RELATED: Kate Chastain Shares Her Impressions Of Below Deck Season 6 Cast; Reacts To Captain Lee Rosbach Crying In Trailer

Kate Chastain sums it up, brisk and hilarious as always. An off camera producer asks, “What do you think he needs to do to be better at his job?” Kate responds “Quit.” That’s not a bad idea.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]






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