Andy Cohen Gives Kim Zolciak Hell For Denying Plastic Surgery; Kim And Kroy Address KJ’s Cursing

After the season finale of Don’t Be Tardy tonight, Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann were in NYC to hang out with Andy Cohen in the Clubhouse on WWHL. They discussed viewer concerns over their kids’ swearing, Kim’s possible nose job, and more! Kim even answered a few questions about her former Real Housewives of Atlanta co-stars.

Andy plays a montage of the Biermann kids and their potty mouths.  Andy asks where they got those mouths and Kim laughs, “I have no idea.” (More on this later in the show)

Andy then shares that back in 2009 when Kim was on the show, she had a gig at a gay bar right after WWHL and Andy went along to introduce Kim. They recently noticed on the ad for the event that Erika Jayne actually opened for Kim way back then before they ever knew her!

Kim shares an update on her heart, “I have irregular heartbeats which isn’t uncommon when you have a device put in your heart, but it happened like six months after I had it put in. I’m good. I’ve been running every night, trying to kind of get my heart in better shape.”

Andy asks if it’s possible that Kim‘s lips have gotten bigger since he last saw her. “No, I haven’t had them done in a while.”  Andy doesn’t believe her and says “Sweetie, you need to stop, okay?” She swears no. Andy doesn’t let up and says he feels like both she and Brielle (who is the ‘bartender’ for the night) have gotten their lips made bigger since the last time he saw them. Kroy says it’s makeup.

Andy plays a game with her, asking questions about her former Real Housewives of Atlanta co-stars.

  • Was she surprised that Cynthia and Peter split? “No.” Does she think Cynthia should get back with Leon? “I don’t know about that.”
  • Does she think Phaedra knew that Apollo was up to no good while they were together? “How could you not? Yes!”
  • Kenya said last year at the reunion that she ‘lives for Kim’ but does Kim like Kenya? She says no and that she’ll share the details with Andy later.
  • Is she friends with NeNe still and what does she think of NeNe’s new nose? “Our friendship is fine, we don’t talk all the time but we text or whatever. Brielle just saw her last week out to dinner. Her new nose…I’ve seen some pictures of her. She looks good.”
  • Has she been to Chateau Sheree and was it worth the wait? “Yes, it’s beautiful.”
  • Has she paid Kandi any of the Don’t Be Tardy residuals? “You know that was thrown out of court because she was OVERPAID? The judge threw it out.” Andy gives shady side eye and Kim says “It’s documented, you can pull it up.”

The first caller of the night asks Kim if she thinks her cursing in front of the kids will have a negative impact on them later in school? “No. KJ is in school, he’s in kindergarten and he knows, he’s always known, when he’s able to cuss and when he’s not. So, no, it’s not an issue at all. In fact he’s one of the best behaved and his teacher says he sets a perfect example every day, so…”  Andy shares with her that they received those questions the most tonight, about the kids and cursing.

Andy asks Kroy his opinion on it since he’s more of a “straight arrow.”  Kroy shares that it’s proven and there are studies that have shown that a person who curses is more honest and can handle stress better.” Kim says “Google it!”

After a commercial break Andy says that Kim shared with him that KJ was given an award at school for being “most Christ like.”

A caller asks Kroy about his free agent status. “I am currently still a free agent. I have not retired. Right now I’m just kind of waiting to see what pops up.”  Andy asks what Kroy’s agent has to say about his exposure on the show. Does it make Kroy more marketable or less marketable? Kroy says it doesn’t have any affect on it. Andy thinks it’d be a big draw to get fans in the stands.


The next caller asks Kim to please, please, please admit what work she’s had done to her face. Kim is irked. “Oh my God.” Andy butts in and says “You won’t admit your nose job, which we KNOW you’ve had.” Kim is irritated and says “Can I show you something? If I’ve had a nose job, don’t you think my septum would be in place? (she tilts her head back) Because it’s not! I mean, seriously, my nose is not straight. My nostrils would be straight as well.” Kroy got a little offended and Andy says “Kroy, I’ve known her longer than you have!” Kroy tried to deny that that was true. Andy says “Hello, I’ve known her since season 1! You met her in like season 3…”  Andy is pleading with Kroy to admit that Kim had a totally different looking nose.  Kroy blames it on four pregnancies and Kim agrees and then says that’s what happened to her lips, too.  Andy is NOT having it. “No, NO!”  Kim tells Andy to Google it.

A viewer asks Kroy what his first impression of Kim was when they met and has it stayed the same throughout the years? “My first impression was that she was a very vibrant person, a no-bullshit straight shooter. Someone who was in control and had a good life ahead of her and that’s true.”  Andy says “the one thing I love about Kim is she has not changed since I met her.”  Kim says that Andy hasn’t changed either and then snipes at him about how he STILL doesn’t invite her to parties, and says that even in his book he admits that he didn’t invite her to an after party he was having after a night when she was on WWHL.  “August 15th, 2015!,” Kim recalls. “Read Superficial and you will see!”

Another fan asks why Kim thinks Kroy would be a good fit to co-host with Kelly Ripa on Live.  “Kroy is very well spoken, he’s super funny. He’s hot. He’s very educated. He’s very well rounded. I think being a dad, being a football player, being on TV, you know?”

Someone asks if Brielle is going to be allowed to move to Chicago since her boyfriend Michael was traded there. Kim says “Brielle is not moving anywhere until she has a ring on her finger.” Brielle chimes in to say she agrees with her mom but that she’s 19, almost 20, and if she does want to leave, she can. Kim reiterates that she doesn’t think it’s good to move in with her boyfriend until she has a ring. Andy asks Brielle if she has a job at this point. Kim quietly says “she’s my assistant!” and Brielle says “yes, I have many.”

Andy then pulls up a split screen – on one side is Kim and her nose from season 1 and her current nose on the other side. Andy says “So you don’t think that nose is a LITTLE different, Kim?” She exclaims “NO!” Andy makes her turn her head into the same pose as the photo from season 1 and he’s just floored that she continues to deny. It’s completely different. Andy says he could look at this all day.  Kim comments that everything has kind of changed and Andy quips, “yes, it sure has.”  Kim says again that if she’s going to have a nose job, it’d be a hell of a lot shorter.  She says she’s been honest about everything else she had done – her tummy tuck, her boobs, etc, so why would she not be honest if she really had a nose job?

Andy shares that Kim is going to be the last Real Housewife to be on WWHL in the old clubhouse and says they had some great memories.


Photo Credit: Instagram







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