Luann de Lesseps Thinks Ramona Singer Takes Her & Sonja Morgan For Granted

What is with the women on Real Housewives of New York constantly excluding each other from trips this season? Do they not understand how this works? The trips are for the viewers, not the cast. They ALL need to go, otherwise it’s just not going to be as good. Needless to say, I was pretty peeved when I saw Bethenny Frankel asking the cast for a vote to decide if Luann de Lesseps and Sonja Morgan should be invited on tequila tasting trip in Mexico.

First off, I find it hard to believe that these women are truly “concerned” over Sonja and her drinking. If they were, they wouldn’t be trying to embarrass her on camera all the time. Second, everyone knows that Luann and Sonja are the ones who really make these vacation episodes. Needless, to say Luann had an issue with this decision, but her issue isn’t with Bethenny who called for the vote. Ramona Singer is actually the one that she’s angry with.


It never feels great to be excluded and I imagine that it feels pretty awful to be left out on a reality television show. So I can see why Luann would be miffed by the discussion to leave her out of the trip during  the last episode

In her Bravo blog, Luann explains that it was tough to watch: “When I watched how the girls responded to whether or not I was invited, I was surprised that Ramona didn’t stick up for me more. We’ve been on so many fun girls’ trips together and she does say how I would be missed if I weren’t included, but she didn’t say that to the girls.” Luann and Sonja really are the life of the party and these women all benefit when more people tune into the show, so I just assumed they would want to have the best vacation episodes possible. And that means including the most entertaining people in the cast. So yes, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that they want to have a cast trip without the entire cast- let alone, the only people who would add entertainment value to the episodes.

And instead of being mad at Bethenny (the person who proposed excluding people in the first place) or Carole Radziwill (the one who really wanted Bethenny to exclude Luann), Luann took issue with Ramona (the only person who stood up for her at all). So what is Luann upset about? Apparently Ramona did not stick up for her enough, but I just don’t get how she’s not at all furious with the people who did not have her back at all.

Then Luann goes into a tangent about Ramona: “I think that Ramona takes Sonja and me for granted. We’ve been by her side through the good and the bad for many years, so you’d think she would be more loyal? Wrong!” To be honest with you, I feel like Ramona was really the only one who cared about Luann’s feelings during that discussion, so I just don’t get why Luann is taking issue with her of all people.

But I guess it wasn’t really that Mexico trip exclusion that really bothered her. It seems like Luann is really more upset about Ramona’s comments about her new man Tom D’Agostino being in touch with his ex and buying her gifts and that she is just using the talk about Mexico as more justification to be angry. Luann writes, “When I was at her apartment trying out the hair extensions, I shared with her that I had a fortune teller come to my home back in November and she predicted I’d meet my soul mate within two weeks, and I did! Tom told me he loved me one week in, and the feeling was mutual. Ramona could tell how over-the-moon I was for Tom, so when she tried to burst my bubble by sharing what she’d heard about him calling his ex and giving her a present, I wondered if she was trying to be a good girlfriend or if subliminally, she was trying to hurt me.”

I don’t even know where to begin with that one. There is just way too much to pick apart in those words- mainly the speedy timeline of events. I don’t even feel like Ramona was trying to burst Luann’s bubble at all. It was definitely pertinent information to bring up and I have no idea why Luann is reacting this way.

At the end of her blog, Luann writes, “if I’m not invited, it’s their loss. I’m very happy to stay at home with Tom.” This is such a lie. She went out of the way to invite herself during that awkward hang out with Bethenny and she wrote a whole blog about not getting invited so there is no way that I would ever believe she would be happy not joining this trip.


[Image: Bravo]




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