Stephanie Hollman Reflects On The Changing Friendships In The Real Housewives Of Dallas Cast

I ended up loving Real Housewives of Dallas a lot more than I ever expected. At first it kind of annoyed me with the constant poop references, but once that story line (finally) tired out it became a very endearing show that really added to the Bravo franchise. And I really ended up liking Stephanie Hollman. She is one of the few people who can pull off being entertaining on TV while actually being a nice person.

I can’t say the same for the rest of the cast though. There was a ton of a drama and it pretty much all involved the show’s villain LeeAnne Locken. Since the season just ended, Stephanie has reflected on the friendships that have come and gone throughout that time.


In all honesty, that finale was beyond boring. I really can’t think of one interesting part aside from Cary Deuber and LeeAnne having a conversation about LeeAnne spreading rumors about Cary’s marriage. Stephanie wrote about this in her Bravo blog: “I think Cary and LeeAnne clash because of miscommunication. Cary heard LeeAnne’s harsh judgments and accusations about her marriage. I understand that she felt she had to say something. I believe LeeAnne felt the tension and realized that Cary knew about her judgmental gossiping. Whatever the circumstance, nothing was resolved. When everyone left, I felt a sadness.”

Yeah, I didn’t really get much from that conversation either other than the fact that LeeAnne is not at all sorry and she has no regard for the family that she is shamelessly bringing down. LeeAnne doesn’t even know Cary so all the gossip was extremely out of line.

Then without naming names Stephanie talked about the weirdest friendship situation on the show: that LeeAnne friendship triangle involving Tiffany Hendra and Marie Reyes: “Just months earlier I was introduced to four beautiful, happy women. Three of them were long time friends that share life’s greatest moments; babies, weddings, struggles, etc. Now, there is only tension, hurt and sadness.” She really said that so well, but I also find it hard to believe that these friendships were truly solid. It really comes off like LeeAnne, Marie, and Tiffany are just bound to each other due to their years of history instead of a genuine fondness for each other.

Stephanie also wrote about her ability to form her own opinions and her refusal to ever be someone’s sidekick or follower (maybe Tiffany or Marie can learn a thing or two from her): “I haven’t experienced friendships where I felt pushed to choose one side or another and continually prove loyalties since high school. I believe that I can have an opinion based on circumstances but am entitled to think for myself. My opinion does not make me a less loyal friend — it makes me true to myself.” Good for Stephanie. She is really one of the few people who can pull of being kind and non-confrontational without being boring on reality television. I adore her and I hope that she sticks around if the show gets a second season.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]


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