
Jules Wainstein Actually Thought That Berkshires Trip Was Relaxing

I like Jules Wainstein (from what little I know of her), but she’s really not involved in the story lines so far on this season of Real Housewives of New York. Not only that, but she’s not even talking shit or commenting on the drama, so I am confused about why she would want to be on this show.

Why would she subject herself to the craziness of hanging out with these women and going on these torturous trips if she wasn’t going to at least share her commentary on the events. The only thing Jules has shared from that horrible holiday party at Dorinda Medley’s Berkshires house is actually a pretty surprising take on all that went down.


That holiday party was beyond uncomfortable for me and I was not even present. So I assumed that Jules would have a ton to say about it… but I was wrong. Even in her Bravo blog, Jules really didn’t have much to add to the situation (again).

Jules wrote, “Another week, another hit-and-run holiday gathering. I’m not going to say that our Berkshires “retreat” was what I expected it to be, but I chose to make the most of my gracious hostess’ hospitality and my time off from my kids. Some of us turn limes into margaritas, others turn grapes into Prosecco, I like to turn lemons into lemonade.” Given that most of that was essentially the same metaphor repeated, Jules really didn’t say much. I guess that it’s nice of her to appreciate Dorinda’s hospitality, but what about the drama? These women were screaming and slut shaming each other and she had nothing to say?! She didn’t even give a shout out to those delicious lasagnas that Dorinda made- plus Dorinda even made Jules her own Kosher one.

Jules felt like that shit show was a vacation from her own life of raising her kids every day and I don’t know how to take that: “After a good night’s sleep, waking up to a quiet house without kids jumping on my bed, a full 15-minute shower with the bathroom door closed and having my coffee with a side of fresh country air, I was missing my kids and couldn’t wait to get home. Of course, as soon as I got back, I regretted not taking another 10 minutes in the shower!” Then Jules listed all the trials and tribulations of her kids getting snacks all over everything, which I cut out to save you from boredom.

But she did write this: “I decided I was too physically and emotionally drained to make it to Ramona’s holiday party.” And then I realized that she was not at Ramona’s party. I honestly had no idea that she didn’t go. I just thought they cut her out because she wasn’t saying much….

I just wish that Jules would speak her mind more. I’m not saying that she needs to be shit stirrer or turn into a bully, but a nice girl can have opinions too!


[Photo Credits: Bravo]

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