Carole Radziwill blog

Carole Radziwill Thinks The Last RHONY Episode Is The Top Three Of All Time

I still can’t get over how crazy that last Real Housewives of New York episode was. Can Dorinda Medley host parties every single episode? Something wild always goes down when she does and Carole Radziwill agrees with me.

That’s a little shocking since she was not at the center of the plot, but maybe that is why. I have to assume that it’s easier to enjoy an episode when you are not the cast member who is fighting with everyone else. 


As a faithful Real Housewives of New York viewer, I really live for Carole’s words. She is always throwing the best shade in the on-camera interviews. She has great comebacks in arguments. And she normally has the best shit to say in her Bravo blog– well, except for her latest entry.

With an episode so crazy, I figured that Carole (being professional writer and all ) would write a mini novel in response. But she weirdly did not say much about the actual episode. All she really wrote about it was, “That’s really all I can say about this episode. I’m speechless. Everything that needed saying was most definitely said — again and again and again. It will probably be on my list of top three most amazing episodes of all time.” I definitely agree with Carole on this one. The words that were said in that argument with Bethenny Frankel and Luann de Lesseps can never be erased. That shit got so intense.

Then she just started talking about Dorinda’s decor and how that could have affected the drama which didn’t really make any sense to me. I know she’s making a joke, but it just didn’t land and I thought it was weird: “There is something about Dorinda’s house…maybe it’s the schizophrenic decor? One room is Victorian, another Mid-evilish, another is Hello Kitty inspired and at the end of the hall hangs a blue plastic marlin circa 1950s Key West. A sort of Animal House meets Hot Tub Time Machine.”

What happened to the Carole that will jump at any chance to talk shit about Luann? That’s what I wanted to read about this week. But then again, I guess Bethenny said enough damning things for the both of them.

Maybe Carole just doesn’t like to write about the episodes that don’t center around her? SMH. That blog entry was a waste to me, in all honesty. 


[Photo Credits: Bravo]


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