Kathryn Edwards

Kathryn Edwards Claims She Did Nothing Wrong In Relaying Erika Girardi’s Comments To Lisa Vanderpump!

Running to Lisa Vanderpump with gossip from Camp Erika Girardi-Jayne looked like a rookie Housewife move to most. But Kathryn Edwards claims she sees nothing wrong with repeating Erika’s gossip and that “there was no ill will” intended on her part. Mmm hmmmmmm. OK, we’ll bite! Let’s go down this rabbit hole together, shall we?

In her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills blog, Kathryn defends her actions. She also claims this dysfunctional dynamic within a group of women is all new to her; indeed, navigating her castmates’ “ulterior motives” is a full time job! She explains, “I’d like to remind everyone that I am just getting to know these ladies as a group, and I am clearly unaware of the history some of them may have and what may have transpired in the past. As I watch this now, seeing what you, the viewers, are seeing, I see tension between Yolanda [Hadid] and Lisa Vanderpump. I don’t know what it is, I don’t know what happened. Maybe it’s just the relationship Lisa has with Yolanda‘s former husband. Could that be it?”


Noting her confusion over Erika’s motivations in spearheading Take Down LVP 2.0, Kathryn notes, “When I had lunch with Erika, and she started talking about Lisa VDP, I was confused. She had just had dinner with Lisa and Ken, and as far as I knew, they all enjoyed each others’ company… at least that is what Lisa VDP said.”

Lisa spoke highly of Erika and Tom and the relationship she witnessed between them. Nothing but compliments. So when Erika started telling me that Lisa VDP was to be viewed with concern, I thought it was strange. Lisa has been nothing but welcoming, friendly and forthright with me. I personally had no feeling that she was playing me and acting in any type of manipulative way to further herself.”

Kathryn also defends asking Erika how long she knew Yolanda, a question that Erika interpreted as calculated manipulation from LVP’s camp. “It was 100% percent coincidence that Lisa VDP and I asked Erika how long she has known Yolanda. My reason for the question was that Erika was coming across like a guard dog, and I didn’t understand why she felt the need to protect Yolanda like that…Yolanda seems very capable of defending herself. It seemed as though she knew something about Lisa VDP, and I wondered where it came from. Keep in mind that Erika just met Lisa VDP.” YESSS! Exactly. (Guard dogs are usually trained for years by their owners, no?)

“If Erika would have told me she didn’t like or trust Lisa VDP and asked me to keep that between us, I would have gladly done so. I had no idea I was crossing the Mason Dixon line and this would be viewed as a betrayal,” blogs Kathryn. “When Erika and I both said we ‘assumed’ something different, it was simply a miscommunication of the way we both saw it. There was no ill will. She assumed it was in confidence, and I assumed that she would say that to Lisa’s face if she felt that way. So what’s the bid deal? Lisa didn’t jump on Erika. Lisa asked her why she would say that in a very inquisitorial way, trying to understand where Erika was coming from. Why would Lisa VDP want to ‘discredit’ the friendship between Erika and Yolanda? For what purpose? Am I the only one that thinks this is a big stretch and has no merit?”

(No, Kathryn, you are not the only one who thinks this is a big stretch and has no merit. If we all mentally logged the overlapping questions friends/acquaintances/colleagues asked us, then carefully conceived some diabolical intent behind each set of them, none of us would have time to work. Or eat. Or watch reality TV!! And that’s just no way to live!)

Kathryn continues, “Just to back track a bit… When Eileen [Davidson] called me over to repeat to Lisa Rinna what went happened at Lisa VDP’s dinner the previous night, Lisa Rinna said that she didn’t understand Erika’s feelings either in regard to the manipulation. Please notice how Eileen doesn’t like that Lisa Rinna doesn’t co-sign with her. Lisa Rinna asked Eileen if she was mad at her, Rinna said she was torn between loyalty to Eileen and her liking Lisa VDP. Hmm, lets see where this goes.” Yes, let’s!

Still smarting from watching her first season of women talk smack behind her back on camera, Kathryn comments next on the names Erika called her in RHOBH interviews this week. “I want to address the names that Erika called me, because it was very upsetting to me. I have never been called those names that I know of, in my life. F—ing c—, f—ing bitch. It really hurt my feelings, it was so mean spirited. I wish she would have said that to my face and at least owned it if she feels that way.”

But Kathryn defends, “I will not lash back at that. I won’t call her names in that manner, ever. There is nothing I could say that would make her look worse than she made herself look. I thought/think that Erika knows my heart and who I am. I know she views those words differently than I do, and I take that into consideration but nonetheless, the pain is real.”

Kathryn finally ends on a positive note of thanks to Yolanda for the Andrea Bocelli moment, then advises, “Until next time, please remember that most things can be settled if there is a dialogue between willing parties. It’s much easier to talk it out and wish someone well with a genuine heart than it is to carry resent. Been there, done that and don’t want to live that way.”


Photo Credit: Bravo

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