Brandi Glanville Calls Kenya Moore A Horrible Human Being; Explains Her Expensive Car Purchase


Brandi Glanville was Andy’s guest tonight on WWHL alongside Sandra Bernhard.   It was an odd 30 minutes, for sure. 

They chatter away, with Brandi swearing that she doesn’t have fillers in her cheeks that it’s just her cheekbones and she makes Sandra feel her face.  She then says her only surgery has been boobs and a vajayjay tightening.   Because Sandra needed to know that tidbit. 

Andy plays a clip of the night when Adrienne Maloof, Taylor Armstrong and Camille Grammer were on his show and they played a game where the three of them had to find nice things to say about Brandi, but all gave really shady answers and at the end Taylor made a comment about Brandi not having any friends.  Brandi looks irked as she watches the clip and fires back “I really have no response. I have more friends than probably all of them put together. I think they’re all desperate for their job back.” 

They played a game where they shared what things are deal breakers when it comes to dating.  It was pretty boring but when it landed on “cheated before,” Brandi says “who hasn’t?!” 

Caller asks what Brandi’s issues with Kenya Moore are and why she battles with her on Twitter and calls her a whore.  “My issues with Kenya…we just finished Celebrity Apprentice together and she’s a horrible, horrible human being.” 

Twitter question: If Brandi is so worried about buying a house and a college fund for her kids, why spend six figures on a car?  She says, “I can understand that 100% but it’s a lease.  I put $3000 down and I’m paying what I can til I can’t afford it.”

A caller asks if Brandi has dentures so she shows us by yanking her lips all around and showing off her teeth that she doesn’t have dentures.  Andy says that maybe her lip enhancements have affected her speech and Brandi says no.  She had a third degree burn on her face from laser hair removal and that whole side of her face stopped moving.   She then offers to prove to Sandra and her girlfriend that she’s “not really that blonde” after the show.  Class act, as always. 

Then Brandi sorta seemed to ‘out’ Gerard Butler as not 100% straight!  They got on the subject of her hooking up with him and Sandra said that he was cute and asks “he’s straight?”  and Brandi gives her a look and says “ish”,  “so am I – ish”.    She’ll be hearing from Gerard’s lawyers in 3, 2, 1…

Then they play the “Never Have I Ever” game and Brandi pretty much drinks through every single thing.  Orgy participation, done blow in a bathroom, had sex on a private jet, had sex with a pro athlete, taken a shot off a model’s body.  The only one that didn’t apply to Brandi was receiving a gift worth more than $500,000.  

Andy then asks what she thought of LeAnn Rimes’ Hippo song at the tree lighting on NBC because he named her one of his jackholes for it.  Brandi agreed, calling her “jackhole.”  Way to ignite that again, Brandi.

You need to watch the episode – Brandi was just “off.”   

The drinking game tonight should’ve been drinking every time Brandi made references to her vag. 

Lisa Vanderpump won the poll for “which Housewife would you want for your bestie,” with Kim Richards coming in second!


Photo Credit: Twitter

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