Atlanta Housewife Phaedra Parks Talks Baby Shower, Being “Portrayed As A Snob”

Phaedra Parks, arguably the most controversial housewife on the Real Housewives of Atlanta this season, is finally addressing some of the controversy surrounding her on the show.

In an interview with Black Voices, the 38-year-old Atlanta entertainment attorney discusses her snobby portrayal on the show, clears up her statement about her husband Apollo Nida committing a white collar crime, opens up about her new baby boy, and defends her “boughetto” baby shower.  Excerpts from Phaedra’s interview below –

BV: What was your impression of the show and ladies before joining?

I wasn’t a huge fan of the show. I didn’t watch the show faithfully and I was familiar with most of the people on the show just from being in Atlanta and frequenting some of the same shopping districts. So, I knew them all, but didn’t have a close relationship with any of them besides Kandi [Burruss] who I hung out with and we travel in a lot of the same circles

BV: Speaking of not always being portrayed in a positive light, how do you feel about your portrayal since the first few episodes of ‘Housewives’ have aired?

I think because my background is different from some of the other ladies, you have to make a distinction and sometimes how they distinguish me is not really who I am. If you meet me , I’m probably the most humble down-to-earth person mentoring young girls and on the show you don’t see that part of my character. I think I’m portrayed as a snob and I’ve never been a snob, but at the end of the day people have to realize you’re only seeing 15 minutes of me on the screen and I’ve lived over 30 years. You can’t sum up a person’s character in a matter of 15 to 17 minutes one night a week.

BV: Nene Leakes said [Apollo] went to jail for stealing cars. Is that really a white collar crime?

He didn’t go to jail for stealing cars. He went to jail for racketeering. It’s easy to say what he went to jail for when you aren’t educating yourself and reading the case. And, I don’t know if she’s qualified to make a statement about anything unless she is a legally educated [person] and can read the case and cite to the actual case.

BV: How is the baby and parenting going?

I never knew I could be so happy but I’m crazy about him. He’s very, mild mannered and developing his personality. He’s very independent and so I’m assuming he’s taking after both of his parents. He is not a cry baby. He’s real quiet.

BV: What’s going on with the compromising with Apollo in terms of your parenting techniques?

We are great parents and things changed once the baby was born and once the baby is here you see it’s a huge responsibility. You’ve got this person you’re responsible for he’s a blessing, but you know I’m going to be accountable for his upbringing so it’s very important for me to know I’m making a leader and this world is waiting for another Martin Luther King, Jr. or Obama and that’s what I’m trying to instill in my child.

BV: Didn’t one of the ladies describe the [baby shower] as ‘boughetto?’

Ha! (laughs) That was Kandi. I think she thought the rhinestones on my eyes was ghetto but the event was very elegant event at The Tavern at Piedmont Park and I had about 175 guests. Lots of judges and lawyers and dignitaries and it was a nice event. I like to invite people from all walks of life so I had a Hodgepodge of people there.


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