The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: So You Think You Can Dance?

The 7th episode of the Real Housewives of Atlanta brought us an engagement, an Aston Martin, and gasp – a dance number by Miss She by Sheree!

The episode starts out with Sheree Whitfield planning a surprise for her daughters.  And by surprise, she means calling up her daughters to show off her new Aston Martin car.  “I can’t keep putting my desires on the back burner,” she states in her interview.  No Sheree, no need to put your desires on the back burner, especially when you owe your attorneys and private investigator over $200,000.

Sheree also informs her daughter that she will be participating in the Dancing Stars of Atlanta, whatever that is.  By the way, the average price of an Aston Martin? Just a mere $200,000.  The cheapest 2010 model? $120,750. As reported, Sheree’s Aston Martin was seized two weeks ago by one of the law firms she owes money to.  Sheree’s extravagant spending is even more shocking considering the failure of her clothing line and the report that Bravo paid the Atlanta ladies $150,000 each for the third season.


Kim also has a surprise for her daughter, but unlike Sheree, this surprise is actually for her daughter courtesy of Big Poppa’s money.  We also find out that Kim loves herself and has her office decorated with numerous/inappropriate photos of herself.  With her parents present, Kim surprises 8-year-old Ariana with a new room design.  Kim claims the old room looked like it was meant for a little girl, though the new room design also looks exactly like it is meant for a little girl.  Ariana is very happy but older sister Brielle is jealous.  Kim pretends to be surprised by Brielle’s reaction but did Kim really think she could spend 60gs on one daughter’s bedroom without the other one wanting the same?

Nene shows up to Cynthia‘s gentrified home to help Cynthia’s sister plan her surprise proposal. Cynthia and Peter emerge and Cynthia appears to be truly surprised though Peter had mentioned on numerous occasions  that she should be expecting a proposal at any given minute. Peter gets down on one knee and Cynthia accepts his proposal.  In her interview, Nene wants to know why Cynthia isn’t showing more emotion, but Cynthia states in her interview that she simply doesn’t like surprises though Peter did nail the ring!

It’s Phaedra time! You know the Camille Grammer equivalent of the Atlanta Housewives.  Phaedra mentions once again that she is leaving Atlanta to go have her baby in a week despite the fact that the baby is only 7 months along.  In her interview, the always classy Phaedra mentions she is being induced because her baby is fully developed and “is ready to climb out of my vagina.”  But fret not as Phaedra has plans to deliver her 7-month-old baby in style. The classy one reveals she had a designer send her some high fashion nursing bras and couture hospital gowns. The very pompous one also mentions in her interview that the designer has worked with the likes of Nicole Richie.

As Phaedra’s friend continues to give her advice, Phaedra and her facial expressions look less than excited about learning how to take care of a baby. Nevertheless, Phaedra instructs her assistant to add penis ointment and a fifty cent piece belly band to her to do list.

I’m now convinced as ever that Bravo does this on purpose, you know, adding a very unlikable, borderline despicable housewife to every franchise. Example, Phaedra Parks, Camille Grammer, Michaele Salahi, Kelly Bensimon, etc. Oh bravo Bravo!

It’s rehearsal time and Atlanta “star” Sheree is ready to rehearse with her professional dance partner Derek.  As she practices, one of the judges of the competition shows up to watch and lend some advice, much to Sheree’s dismay as she finds him “annoying.”

Once again, we are back in the studio with Kandi, and it’s starting to seem like Kandi’s career is her main storyline this season. Lawrence aka the RuPaul of this generation, makes his entrance and Kandi wants him to lay down some tunes, but not before the messy one takes a funny shot at Kim. “I think it’s amazing that you can take someone uh like Kim, someone with no vocal ability and uh turn them into something. Somebody that is not a singer, has no tune pitch, no rhythm.” Oh yes Lawrence, we all think it’s amazing as well.

Lawrence reveals that Kim also informed him that she didn’t like Kandi’s new track, and Kandi is none too happy that Kim has been going around badmouthing her unfinished track. Lawrence steps into the booth and Kandi is pleased with his performance.

Cynthia decides to go dress shopping with her mother and sister. “Being a high fashion model, I just can’t buy my wedding dress off the rack. That would be fashion suicide. I just want to get some ideas to give to my stylist,” says Cynthia in her interview, sounding very Phaedra like.  I’m sure the store owners/workers are very happy to know Cynthia wasted their time with no intention of making a purchase.  As the dressing room is prepared, Cynthia has a heart to heart with her mom & sister about her fear of marriage.  Cynthia gets emotional as she discusses her mother’s abusive marriage to her step dad.

It’s the day of the dress rehearsal and Sheree shows up late without her dancing dress. “If they wanted me to wear my dress to the dress rehearsal, they should have told me,” states Sheree in her interview. I mean, how dare they expect anyone to come dressed to the DRESS rehearsal? The lols continue when Sheree states, “I’m a busy woman, I’m a mother, I’m an actress.”  Good one Sheree!

It’s the day of the event and Sheree shows up with her own glam team despite the fact that the event had people on hand to help her out. “I travel with my own glam team. You’ve got to be skilled to touch this face,” declares Sheree and as I said earlier this season, I’m not buying this over-the-top arrogant Sheree.  I think she is definitely playing into the Sheree character this third season, not wanting to get Lisa Wu Hartwelled.  She’s always been a tad arrogant and self absorbed but this season seems to be taking the cake.  Before she can finish up her hair and makeup, Sheree is kicked out of the room and is forced to use the restroom to get ready.

As the competition begins, Nene, who might or might not have a crush on Peter, drools over him while Kim is busy daydreaming about bouncing a quarter of the ass of NFL Player Kroy Biermann.  While at the table, Kim and Kandi discuss the song dilemma. And the always passive aggressive Kandi just kind of goes along with the conversation. I like Kandi, but I’m not a big fan of her this season as I feel she needs to speak up for herself and say what she feels instead of being so passive aggressive.

Kandi is the most talented one of the group, to my knowledge the richest, the most successful and the most liked last season.  However, I do think she is jealous of Kim’s success with her music.  If you recall, Kandi released a single last year around the same time Kim did, and as you now know, the talentless wonder had the most success. While every one knows Tardy For The Party, I’m not sure too many people remember the name of Kandi’s song. I think this fact along with the fact that Kim did not pay Kandi for the song, according to Kandi, has her feeling not too good about Kim. I mean, I keep going back to the new song she made for Kim. Kim could never sing that song or hit those high notes with all the voice lessons in the world. I’m no music expert and I know this, so why isn’t Kandi aware of this? I think on some level, whether it be conscious or subconscious, Kandi definitely wanted to embarrass Kim. Plus I don’t think the song was that catchy. I think Lawrence’s song was way catchier and more memorable. While Kandi has every reason to be frustrated with Kim over her work ethic, attitude etc, I just don’t like the way she’s going about it.

While at the table, the ladies discuss donating money to help Sheree reach her goal as it is a charity event after all. While Kandi contemplates making a generous donation, Nene quickly shuts her down and instructs everyone at the table to give $20. Yes folks, $20!  No words for this shameful display of cheapness. “They were being really cheap. I mean honestly, if I go to someone’s fundraiser, I’m spending anywhere from $500 to a $1000, you know, at least,” states Kandi in her interview, who for some reason, allowed Nene to convince her not to give more than $20. I think Kandi should have given what she wanted.  Even Sheree is a bit stunned by the cheapness of her castmates as she states in her interview that she paid $1500 for their table.

It is now time for the main event as Sheree steps out to dance with her partner Derek. As Sheree dances the night away, Bravo shows clips of her co-stars yawning, laughing and making faces in their interviews. And I can’t help but wonder if those reactions were taken out of context. I think they were.  The judges are impressed with Sheree’s dancing as she received all 9s.  “All 9s might have been a little high.  I don’t think her dancing was that challenging,” states Cynthia, once again sounding like Phaedra.

Following Sheree’s dance, Kim makes her way towards tight ass to you know, let him know about his great asset.  Evidently Kroy was pleased with Kim’s approach as he later went to her table to get her number. “Do I think he’ll call me? Duh! Would you call me?” asks Kim.  Too easy.  With that, this episode ends and next week’s looks to be oh so amazing! Sheree’s fake doctor will finally be exposed. Should be a good one.


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