Real Housewives Of New Jersey EXCLUSIVE: There Are Thirteen Sides To Every Melissa Gorga Story


For reasons I will never understand, everyone and their mother want to climb aboard the crazy train that is Real Housewives of New Jersey.  When I say everyone, I mean anyone who has come into contact with any of the cast members in the last two decades.  They all want to spill the beans and "take down" any number of the show's stars, most hoping for their own 15 minutes of Bravo notoriety.  Former babysitters, ex boyfriends, grocery store clerks, hair stylists, first grade recess buddies, you name it! 

Last week it was Melissa Gorga's ex beau from a million moons ago, threatening to expose her (ON screen, of course!) and this week it's a former friend.  We had sources crawling out of the woodwork this week – with several different versions of the same story, as seems to always be the case where our leading ladies, Melissa Gorga and Teresa Giudice, are concerned, right?


Today's exclusive gem features a friend that Melissa used to be close to, Jan Marie DeDolce. Source A tells us that Melissa dropped Jan (who was a bridesmaid in Melissa's wedding) like a hot potato once she hit it big with RHONJ.  Melissa reportedly dug Jan up out of the friendship graveyard recently because she needed a favor.  "Melissa reached out to her recently (because she needed a favor!) to attend one of her events that was being filmed. Jan also then filmed with Teresa and Kim D from Posche. Jan expressed how Melissa hasn't been a good friend to her and never supported her business (a salon called Teeze)."  Ahh Kim D, she's never far from the center of the storm, is she?

Source A continues "Melissa LIVES at hair salons yet NEVER went to or helped promote Jan's salon. Once again, Melissa just uses people to get what she needs. Melissa doesn't really have any friends so when she has events she has to call random people so when they tape it appears she has friends."

My suspicions are already raised by a few keywords in that quote.  It sounds like maybe Jan is a little jealous because her famous friend didn't give her any free shout outs, perhaps?  Being on reality TV seems to bring out the worst in the families and friends of the cast members.  Just my hunch. 

Our other sources say that this story is only half true.  Source B shared with us, "They were really good friends. Jan was fun and Melissa and her used to party on the shore when they were younger.  Jan was always wild and was drawn to the wrong guys.  Her fiancé died in front of her in Aruba of a drug overdose.  While Melissa was building a family, Jan’s life was going downhill. Melissa tried to be there for her, but they just went in two different directions."


Source B says it's not true that Melissa hadn't contacted Jan since she signed on for the show.  "Jan was with Melissa and Kathy at the Halloween Party that aired in Season 3, but Bravo didn’t show her. She was also invited to several parties that were filmed during Season 3 and never showed up. Before Season 3 aired, Jan began to lose touch."

Melissa and Jan did have a falling out in December of 2011 when a certain photo of Melissa (that Jan took) started making the rounds online.  Melissa eventually forgave her and the two had lunch and tried to stay in touch. 

An insider tells us, "Funny that Jan is now trying to cover up why she will be shown filming with Melissa saying how great Melissa’s marriage is and then shown again weeks later filming with Kim D and Teresa talking bad about Melissa and her marriage." 

Jan and Melissa reportedly got together for lunch in early December, weeks before Jan was invited to film a lunch with Melissa and her close friends around Christmas.

Source C tells us that Jan is definitely after some airtime – at any cost.  “Jan is playing extremely dirty. She is fabricating a story to bring drama to the show in the hopes that Bravo will cast her. She feels that it is within reach since she was friends with Melissa.   She is willing to make a fool of herself and look two-faced filming with Melissa congratulating her on her book and saying how strong her marriage with Joe is and then turning around and filming with Melissa’s sister-in-law Teresa saying her ex-best friend’s marriage is a sham.”

Source C says that Melissa's enemies/frienemies are coming out in full force since she announced her new book,  “The second Melissa announced that she was releasing a book on her “hot and happy” marriage, the accusations and attacks started rolling in.  Jan is a snake. She doesn’t care if she ruins a family over her lies.”

From what we're hearing, the back stabbing and crazy can't-keep-it-all-straight dramatics aren't going to end in season 5.  My head hurts just sorting through the emails we get daily. 

TELL US – WOULD YOU GET JEALOUS IF A FRIEND HIT IT BIG ON REALITY TV?  (if this happens and you want to dish their secrets, our email is…j/k.)  DO YOU THINK SEASON 5 IS GOING TO BE A NIGHTMARE?

Photo Credit: Melissa's Instagram

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