Everything You Need to Know About Below Deck Med Season 9

Below Deck Med
Photo by: Bravo Media

The winds are getting warmer, and the sun is shining longer, which can only mean one thing: Below Deck Mediterranean is back! The network dropped a new trailer for Season 9 that has everyone talking. Last Season 8 was a lot! Tumi Mhlongo was the chief stew. Kyle Viljoen and Natalya Scudder had a major fallout, which resulted in Nat leaving the boat! Jack Luby was the best chef ever, with a pretty uncommon calm demeanor for a chef. And Captain Sandy Yawn was back at the helm, showing what a boss b*tch she could be. 

The trailer 


The last few seasons have been rough on the high seas, but now viewers can prepare for a major shakeup! Firstly, the crew is on a new boat, the Mustique, and it will be sailing into Greek waters! Athens is home to the gods and now home to the god-like crew who will be enjoying themselves and spending those tips. Much like The Illiad, the crew will be partaking in their own odyssey to make it to the end of their charter season.  

Call up Dionysus because the tea will be spilled as the crew of the Mustique get acquainted with one another and their duties. The series will set sail to our small screen on June 3. 

New Faces


One-time wonder chief stew Tumi, Kyle, and Nat won’t be back to stir up their usual trouble. However, there is no need to fret because Bravo has hired some pretty good-looking new crew members. Captain Sandy will now be joined by stew Bri Muller, Chef Johnathan Shillingford, Bosun Iain Maclean, and Deckhands Joe Bradley (not of Southern Hospitality), Nathan Gallager, and Gael Cameron.

The crew is a nice mix of different countries, such as South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Slovenia, Dominica, Spain, and Ireland. With all these personalities on board, there are going to be some who bond and some who bump heads. Personally, I can’t wait to see how these bunch of yachties make the most of their time. 

An old alum returns


Captain Sandy is back at the helm, which I am thrilled to see. I know the skipper gets a lot of heat, but she is an inspiration. The Florida resident is blunt and a bit of a micromanager, but she knows how to inspire her crew and always wants to see them succeed. Also, my favorite Kiwi, Aesha Scott, is making her victorious comeback to Mediterranean waters after leaving the series after the conclusion of Season 5 back in 2020. The opening scene shows her saying, “The Med is where it all started for me. I’m just so excited to prove myself.” Aesha has worked in Australia for the last two seasons on Below Deck Down Under, so it will be interesting to see how she falls back into her old routine with the captain. 

Another familiar face viewers will recognize is Elena Dubaich. The stew’s last charter took place during Season 7 when she filled in for Kyle after he hurt his ankle. Elena was only on the series for two episodes after Captain Sandy hired her to help out with a sting on the motor yacht Home. The crew seemed to like her, and Bravo even invited her to make an appearance at the reunion. 

What to expect


The trailer for Season 9 was intense, and I wouldn’t have expected anything less, especially with Sandy holding Poseidon’s trident. However, this season looks demanding AF. The charter guests are bothersome, and not all are happy with the self-taught chef as one primary notes, “The food was…okay.” The crew is hot so naturally, there are plenty of boatmances a foot. Aesha notes, “Every single person is so hot,” Aesha notes. “You guys are all gonna be f*cking.” A few scenes show Joe in hot water with the women as he admits he is a “prick.”

Perhaps the best moment is the behind-the-scenes look at how Captain Sandy got down on one knee to propose to fiancée Leah Shafer. In September 2023, Sandy confirmed she popped the question on her Instagram, writing, “It’s official! I asked Leah to marry me, and she said YESSSSS We are engaged! Stay tuned for [the] wedding?.” Tune in to see how this charter season goes!


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