Welcome to the Summer House Season 8, Episode 10 recap! In this week’s episode, titled “The Parent Trap,” Danielle makes Gabby cry and refuses to apologize. Carl tells Kyle that Lindsay wants him to “hustle” and make money, so she can be a stay-at-home mom, something they hadn’t previously talked about. Carl admits to his mom and stepdad that he’s afraid of Lindsay’s temper, and Carl’s stepdad advises him to reconsider getting married right now. Here are some of the highlights from Summer House Season 8, Episode 10.
Danielle thinks Gabby’s got no game

The alien party continues, and when it moves into the house, Danielle and Gabby sit on a couch together. Danielle immediately starts grilling her about her love life (or lack of it).
“How’s the Mojo?” Danielle asks. “Were you flirting [at the party]?”
“I don’t know why everybody thinks I’m incapable of [flirting],” Gabby says, a little irritated.
“You are, actually,” Danielle tells her. There’s that judgment again. She’s so ready to tell other people how to live their lives. Get your own life together, Danielle.
“You’re so closed off to the opportunity,“ Danielle adds.
“To f*ck someone?!” Gabby asks in disbelief.
“No, but sometimes, if it’s not your perfect person,” Danielle says, “you don’t even try to get to know their personality.”
“If I want to go kiss someone, I can grab someone and do that. That’s not what I want to do,” Gabby responds.
“Is there anyone at this party?” Danielle wants to know.
“Yeah, Balloon Guy [Lindsay’s friend] is hot as hell,” Gabby says.
“Yeah, but I’m also laying that groundwork, too,” Danielle says, getting territorial all of a sudden. “You don’t even flirt. Like [when you met Balloon Guy Joe], it was not giving flirtation.” Gabby just shook his hand and said hi. Danielle thinks Gabby was giving “closed-off.”
“I don’t think that’s fair,” Gabby says.
“Do I need to put myself out there a little bit more?” Gabby asks in a confessional. “Absolutely! But why are you trying to foster some kind of competition with me? That is the worst way to motivate me whatsoever.”
Danielle pushes Gabby too far

“What do you need?” Amanda and Paige ask Gabby, who seems frustrated.
“Danielle just sat me down and was, like, ‘You’re self-sabotaging,’” Gabby says. “Having standards isn’t self-sabotaging.”
“Danielle has a lot of opinions,” Amanda says. Meanwhile, here comes Danielle.
“Hellooooo,” she chirps. Gabby groans and leaves.
“Gabby’s so upset,” Paige says.
“Why?” Danielle asks.
“You were just very abrupt with her, like, abrasive,” Paige explains.
“She just didn’t want to hear it,” Danielle says.
“Are you okay?” Amanda asks as Gabby begins sobbing. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t take it anymore,” she hyperventilates. “Everyone’s like, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ Everyone’s looking at me like I’m the problem.”
“Oh, Gabby, no,” Amanda says, hugging her. “You’re not the problem. I’m so sorry people have made you feel that way.”
In the bedroom, Paige tells Danielle, “You have a way of saying things to people that kind of jabs them. ‘This is how you are. This is what you are.’ … If anyone did that to you, you’d be, like, ‘Who the f*ck are you?’”
“My personality type is just more in your face,” Danielle says.
“She’s crying,” Paige adds. “I think you should talk to her.”
“No,” Danielle says. “That’s silly.”
“You made your friend cry … “ Paige begins.
“I didn’t make her cry,” Danielle says.
“Well, she’s crying,” Paige responds. “Because of the sh*t you said to her. I’m just bringing it to your attention. And you’re saying it’s stupid she’s crying. You think you’re some moral compass … Who the f*ck do you think you are?”
Paige heads to the bathroom to check on Gabby as Danielle leaves. Wow. Danielle really isn’t doing a great job here.
Danielle (finally) apologizes

Naturally, Danielle ends up talking Balloon Guy Joe into staying over. As she’s leading him up the stairs to her room, Paige is texting Craig, “Danielle was such a bitch tonight.”
“You okay?” he responds.
“Yeah, but she made Gabby cry.”
“Oh, sh*t,” Craig answers.
Meanwhile, West and Ciara are in what I think is her room. OMG, I love Ciara, but she needs to clean up! There’s crap piled everywhere. No wonder West always wants her to come to his room.
The next morning after sending Ballon Guy on his way, Danielle comes to Gabby’s room to talk. She’d better say she’s sorry, or I’m done with her. Actually, I’m already done with her.
“I just feel like I want to give you the biggest hug,” Danielle says. “I mean, they told me that I made you cry.” But last night, you didn’t give a sh*t and thought it was “silly” to apologize. I’m not buying what you’re selling, Danielle.
“I just kind of wanted to … motivate you. I love you, I just want to see you…”
“Yesterday was just too much from everybody,” Gabby says. “I felt very much judged.”
“I never want you to feel like I’m judging you,” Danielle says.
“My previous relationship has definitely left some deep-cut scars on me,” Gabby says in a confessional. “The thing is that those feelings … don’t go anywhere, and then they explode. I don’t know how to make it different. I really don’t.”
At last, they hug it out, but I’m still not okay with Danielle. She’d better not try to hug me. I’m not having it.
Lindsay wants Carl to “hustle” for the family

Kyle asks Carl if he had a chance to talk to Lindsay about the career stuff.
“Yeah,” Carl says. “She’s really worried that I don’t have a job.”
“What did she say specifically?”
“It’s a turn-on for her if I have a hustle and a passion,” Carl replies. “I feel like I’ve been hustling, and I have things going on. I’m working on stuff. Like, what [has Lindsay] done? Like, her business is de-activated, but she sees [working as an influencer] as her career. That’s not a career. [Yes, it is. Ask Paige.] I’m not trying to be tit for tat, but it definitely hits my ego, this narrative that I’m not doing anything or making money.”
“It’s kind of ridiculous,” he adds. “I made seventy grand this year already, doing paid posts. I don’t make as much as she does, cause I’m not a woman, and I don’t have as many followers. She’s made a hundred and fifty.”
“You need her to be supportive,” Kyle says, “not questioning.”
“Yes,” Carl agrees. “I understand on one front, she’s just concerned about our future, and, like, what am I doing to bring home money for our family? But I honestly, for the first time — I don’t think I ever really understood from her — she wants to be a stay-at-home mom.”
“The way I’ve known Lindsay is this independent, career, badass woman,” Carl interviews. “Now it sounds like she just wants to be a stay-at-home mom and raise the family, and that’s amazing. But I don’t have the wallet right now to support a family, and all of a sudden, you just stay at home. It’s a lot of pressure for me.”
“It’s a conversation we should have maybe had a year and a half ago,” Carl adds.
Carl admits he’s afraid of Lindsay’s temper
Carl is visiting his mom and stepdad, Sharon and Lou. When Carl walks in, Sharon gives him a big hug and says, “Do I have to let go?” She’s a sweet lady. Everybody loves Carl’s mom.
“How’s everything going?” Lou asks.
“This is like the last summer before I get married,” Carl says. “The last summer before things get a little more serious, let’s say.”
When he talks about his sobriety, Lou says, “Now Lindsay was also sober for a while, right? You must have felt really supported.”
“I felt incredibly supported,” Carl says. “But at the same time, I’m not trying to tell her how to live her life.”
“But isn’t it hard to be around?” Lou asks.
“It’s not about you dictating,” Sharon says. “It’s about her understanding what you need.”
Even though he thinks she understands what he needs, Carl admits that they don’t have the best communication. “I’m not giving up,” he says. “I love Lindsay, and I know you guys love Lindsay.”
When Carl talks about the big fights they sometimes get into, Lou asks, “Do you live in fear of that? Of an explosion?”
“Yeah,” Carl admits. “Sometimes I worry about, if there’s been some drinking, I can sense she’s a little upset. Absolutely, I’ll be, like, ‘Let’s tread a little lightly here.’”
Carl’s stepdad gets real
“You came to Pittsburgh Memorial Day weekend, and you were really hurting [over a] relationship that almost appeared … abusive,” Lou continues.
“I don’t share every nitty-gritty fight we’ve had,” Carl interviews. “But back in May … Lindsay and I had had a huge fight.” He went to his mom’s for a few days, and “they were concerned.”
“I wish I’d never told my mom that [we] had a fight,” he adds. “But I’m human, and I need people to talk to. There was a time when I literally didn’t talk to anyone … I lived in fear that if I shared something and Lindsay found out … I would get in trouble.”
“You get married because of the relationship you have,” Lou says. “If the relationship you have [isn’t] working … getting married isn’t going to solve that. Only people who have a healthy relationship should be thinking about marriage. It’s much harder and so much more painful to end a marriage than to get it right before you get married.”
“I’ve been a minister all my career,” Lou adds. “I’ve married tons of people. There have been couples … [who] I wouldn’t marry … I don’t know that I’d [marry you and Lindsay].”
“I don’t know what to do,” Carl says. “The train is on the tracks. We’ve invested our time and energy, we’re committed to each other, we live together.”
“It’s gonna be worse when you’re married,” Lou concludes. “I don’t think you’re ready for this, Carl … You’re setting yourself up for a world of pain.”
Summer House continues Thursdays at 9/8c on Bravo.