Deal or No Deal Island keeps its contestants, and the fans, on their toes. The Banker picked 13 players to visit his tropical island. The final player left in the game will face the Banker and possibly win up to $200 million. Not too shabby!
Last time, Aron Barbell had to persuade two players to take a case containing a key. Both Miranda Harrison and Alyssa Klinzing trusted Aron and kept those cases. So, Aron sent Miranda to face the Banker in the fifth episode.
The Banker offered Miranda a $40,000 personal advantage if she accepted his offer. She knew it was probably a bad deal, but she would keep that cash. She accepted the offer and was eliminated.
Miranda joined Reality Tea writer Kim Stempel to discuss her elimination, why she wanted to play the game and her strategy.
Miranda felt that being part of the show was her “destiny”

Kim Stempel: What made you interested in being part of the show?
Miranda Harrison: So I feel like I have a set of skills that just need to be showcased and I remember watching the Netflix show, Outlast. And I was like, ‘Oh my God. I can do that. I want to do it.’ So, I started researching, and although there [was] no auditions for that, the next morning I had all these algorithms bringing me in these casting calls.
So, I just applied, and like ever since I applied, I manifested that I was going to make it on there. It felt like destiny because I feel like I could work my way up to this opportunity, and once it was provided, I was like, Gung ho about it.
Kim Stempel: Other contestants said that you weren’t afraid of anything in the challenges. Was there anything that made you nervous at all?
Miranda Harrison: No. Honestly, I love it all. I grew up with a twin brother and an older brother, and I am an adrenaline junkie. Even though like there were snakes and stuff, as long as they aren’t poisonous, I don’t care that they were going to bite me. You know, so like I said from the beginning, the only thing that was going to take me out was either money or death.
Miranda made up her own mind about the contestants

Kim Stempel: What did you think when you saw Boston Rob [Mariano] there?
Miranda Harrison: Well, I didn’t know who Boston Rob [Mariano] was, actually. I had no idea who he was or any of the contestants. But, you know, I mean I started hearing talk about him, and what he does.
Even then I was like, ‘So? That was how many years ago? He might be washed up.’ You know, like everybody’s had a past. You know, I wasn’t going to use that as a target. I needed to find out what real targets I needed to put on people rather than just petty targets.
Kim Stempel: Who did you bond with the most?
Miranda Harrison: I bonded with Amy [McCoy]. Amy was just like…she’s a fireball, she kept me laughing. If you can make me laugh you have me in, you know, the pocket.
And then the next would be Nick [Grasso]. And we were all tent mates. So, you know at first, we have the tent talk, and I just felt really comfortable with both of them.
Miranda’s strategy was on fire

Kim Stempel: Did you have a strategy coming into the game at all?
Miranda Harrison: Honestly, I did have a strategy. My strategy was to not allow anybody else to know what my next move was. So, I wanted to sit back and listen to everybody else’s [strategy] and agree to disagree.
But in the end, I had my mind made up. Although I had to adapt to different situations because, you know, this game is about luck. And if you come in with a strategy that could blow up in your face. Just like what happened to Alyssa.
You know, she had this plan and this strategy that just didn’t work out. So, I had to sit back, relax, and learn what other people’s strategy was first and then go from there.
Kim Stempel: It seems like the game has a lot of twists and turns that no one anticipated.
Miranda Harrison: Oh my gosh! Yeah, since day one, there were twists and turns. We could never keep up. There was always something the Banker had up his sleeve.
You know, there was one time [where] he dropped a letter out of the sky, and we thought it was going to be mimosas, and it was just orange juice. And then he told us that it was too early to celebrate. And we’re like, ‘What the hell?’
You know you could never…you could never feel comfortable. As much as I made myself feel comfortable in the situation, I was stressing every day. But I didn’t want people to know my weakness and know that, ‘Oh. She’s stressing.’
Kim Stempel: You said during the show that you didn’t want to discuss strategy. Why were you against that?
Miranda Harrison: So, I wasn’t necessarily against strategy, because there were certain people that I was talking strategy to. A lot of the times it’s just I wasn’t speaking my strategy to the ones who I knew I was going to blindside… They wanted to know my strategy just so they could line their strategies up.
You know, I had to in moments [say], ‘I don’t want to talk about strategy.’ In certain moments, they’re like, ‘What? We don’t know. Should we trust Miranda? Should we not trust Miranda?’ I was kind of on the edge because there were moments when they might need me, and thought like, ‘Alright. Well, let me try to make her into my friend right now.’ You know, I was, let’s say, a free agent.
Miranda explained why she targeted Alyssa

Kim Stempel: What made you decide to eliminate Alyssa if you won against the Banker?
Miranda Harrison: So, everybody was focused on Rob, but there were more people that we needed out that were causing a lot of issues. And I knew eliminating Alyssa would not only help the game but also blow up Aron’s spot.
Aron saw her as his little buddy, so with her gone there was going to be this weakness in him. You know, I wanted to break that up. So, being able to break them up, then that would also hurt Rob. So, it was kind of a two-for-one deal.
I was just kind of tired of her you know spreading rumors and scooting away, and thinking that Aron could protect her. I didn’t want her to go to Aron for protection…She can’t be protected anymore, because nobody protected me.
Kim Stempel: Do you have any regrets about the way that you played the game?
Miranda Harrison: Oh my God! No! No No No No! I think it ended up well. You know, I would have loved to have that low case to get the $40,000 and then get Alyssa out. But other than that, I played the game really, really well. And watching it last night actually showed me even more how well I played. So, I’m really, really happy with it.
Rob and [them] couldn’t even understand, was I on their side? Was I not? And that was my goal for them to be a little bit questionable. Aron chose me because he thought I was trustworthy with him. But that’s where my blindside comes in.
Kim Stempel: Who did you think were the biggest targets in the game?
Miranda Harrison: The biggest targets, just from me watching, the biggest targets would be obviously Rob and Stephanie [Mitchell]. For sure. There was a lot of back-and-forth between the two.
I mean, Kim [Mattina] was a target, but it wasn’t necessarily a big target. I think from the beginning, Steph was a huge target. Aron, Alyssa, and Rob all wanted her out, and then everybody else [all] wanted Rob out. So, there was a lot of talk between the two.
Miranda’s reaction to Stephanie not following the plan to send Kim home

Kim Stempel: What was your reaction when Stephanie didn’t follow through with the plan of taking Kim’s case in the earlier challenge?
Miranda Harrison: I have so much to say about that because I remember, before we left, you know Claudia [Jordan], Stephanie, and Alyssa all made this plan together. And then Alyssa came within three minutes before we had to go to the challenge, and [tells] us, ‘Hey we have a plan in place. We’re going to throw the game. Just go with it.’
I’m like, Okay. Cool. They got a plan, they’re going to take care of it. I know about it. That’s fine. So, I was confused why Steph didn’t go with the plan, but then I realized… she also had a plan not to go with the plan. So, then why didn’t you have a plan in the moment?
And the reason why I spoke up was because it’s like, Hello! You have this elaborate plan. You told us all about it. Why are you sitting there confused? Just go ahead and do what you gotta do.
So, it’s just like, you don’t do the plan. You say you have a plan, but you stand up there so confused when immunity is right there. I would have taken immunity. So, it was a very interesting moment to watch, but that’s why I chimed in.
If you already knew you weren’t going to go with the plan, why didn’t you come up with a plan, especially when immunity was given to you right then and there? Rob is a great player. He knows that’s not going to paint more of a target on your back to take immunity. That’s the game. If you have the chance you take it. So, it was a really odd situation for me.
Kim Stempel: If you could choose, who would you like to see win the final case?
Miranda Harrison: Oh, Amy. Oh, Amy and her little arms. Oh, man. I love Amy! Who wouldn’t? I hope she does. That would be awesome. Nick’s cool. Stephanie would be cool, too, but Amy’s my girl.
Kim Stempel: And congratulations on winning the $40,000!
Miranda Harrison: Yeah. Plus, I won, in the second episode, $20,000. So, woohoo!
Kim Stempel: And I think it is wonderful that you planned to help out your community that was affected by the hurricane.
Miranda Harrison: Our elementary school… was absolutely destroyed. And we had to fight for it not to get torn down. I’m helping slowly, as much as I can, but once I get the money it will be a lot better. Like I said, I want to be blessed so I can bless others. And this was an amazing opportunity.
This interview was edited for conciseness and clarity.
Deal or No Deal Island continues on Monday, March 19 at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.