How Fraser Olender Is Turning a New Corner on Below Deck Season 11

Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

Below Deck Season 11 is in full swing, and we are so glad to see Fraser Olender return as Chief Stew. Despite being problematic on Below Deck Seasons 9 and 10, Fraser is bringing out a different side of himself this season. Fraser has really turned a corner on Below Deck Season 11, which we love to see!

Fraser’s Work Ethic Is Spot On This Season
(Fraser Olender/Instagram)

While Fraser was not the worst of Stews during Seasons 9 and 10, he really stepped up his work ethic on Season 11. Before, Fraser often got involved in the drama and let that distract himself. This season, however, Fraser made it clear from the jump that his main priority this season was going to be being the best leader possible. He has stayed true to this promise, and has been doing an amazing job leading the interior team so far.

Captain Kerry Titheradge has noticed Fraser’s hard work himself, and has been quite pleased with it. Fraser and his crew have ensured that cabins are spotless, the interior is clean, and service is up to par for the guests.

He Is More Compassionate This Season
(Fraser Olender/Instagram)

Fraser has also shown a more compassionate side of himself this season, particularly with Stew Cat Baugh. Cat had a rough start to the season, and Fraser immediately noticed that she had a hard time keeping up. When Cat came to him with concerns after she felt disrespected by fellow Stew Barbie Pascual, Fraser handled the situation with grace. He heard Cat out completely, and assured her that he would keep an eye on things.

After things continued to be a problem with Cat, Fraser decided to have a one on one chat with her to get to know her more This was a great idea, as Fraser learned a lot about Cat he never expected. Cat told Fraser that her parents had died when she was young, and as a result she grew up in the foster care system where she had a hard time. Fraser understood Cat a lot more after this conversation, which showed how compassionate the Chief Stew can be.

Fraser’s Being More Vulnerable Himself
(Fraser Olender/Instagram)

While helping his crew through their ups and downs, Fraser has also become more vulnerable himself. After talking with Cat, Fraser opened up about some of his own difficulties that he faced in the past. Fraser explained that he had a run in with a homophobic crew member, who ended up spilling hot tea on Fraser’s hand when he realized he was gay. This is a very awful and traumatic event, and it was incredibly brave of Fraser to open up about it.

Learning more about the crew members pasts makes it easier to understand and relate to them. After knowing more about Cat and Fraser, it is easier to understand why they may be the way they are at times. Vulnerability is never easy, but it is always important in the long run.

He’s Holding His Fellow Crew Members Accountable
(Fraser Olender/Instagram)

Another thing Fraser is doing an excellent job with this season is holding his fellow crew members accountable. Fraser has already had to call out Barbie, after he realized that she had not been the friendliest to Cat. Fraser simply reminded Barbie to be nice to her fellow Stews, which she took as a personal dig. It’s already pretty evident that Barbie loves drama, so it would not be a surprise if she does not last long this season.

Fraser has also put Lead Deckhand Ben Willoughby in his place, respectfully of course. Fraser called out Ben for meddling in interior drama, after he decided to tell Barbie that Cat had gone to Fraser about her. Ben should not have done this, as it was simply not his place to do so. Fraser did the right thing by addressing this, so that it hopefully does not become a problem in the future.

Finally, Fraser has also worked hard to keep Chef Anthony Iracane on schedule. Despite being an amazing chef, Anthony has struggled with timing so far this season. The guests have been kept waiting hours for their food, which of course looks bad on Fraser as well. Fraser has respectfully asked Anthony to produce dishes quicker, which seems to be working!


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