who got voted off Survivor last night
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

Who Got Voted Off Survivor Season 46 Last Night in Episode 1?

Survivor Season 46 is underway, and somebody has already been sent home. Host Jeff Probst recently promised that this would be a season to remember. And, it turns out he was telling the truth. The gameplay is already coming at viewers thick and fast. But who was kicked off Survivor last night? Here’s the first casualty of Season 46, and who was sent packing in Episode 1.

Who got kicked off Survivor last night, in Season 46, Episode 1?

who got voted off Survivor last night
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

David “Jelinsky” Jelinsky was the first person to be voted off Survivor Season 46.

The vote was a rare, unanimous one. Jelinsky is also one of the few Survivor players in history to be sent home without ever casting a vote.

The 22-year-old slot machine salesman from Las Vegas, Nevada, didn’t impress his tribemates, having given up not only at a physical challenge, but handing over his vote to competitors from rival tribes.

While it looked like Jessica “Jess” Chong would be the first person to be voted off the season, she managed to turn things around. However, she could be an easy vote in the future. Especially if she’s not going to start opening up to her tribemates about where her head is at.

Survivor Season 46, Episode 1 saw a number of threats to the crown emerge. While it’s still early in the game, there are some definite players who have victory in their sights. Tiffany Nicole Ervin in particular knows how essential advantages can be in the game, alongside social currency.

She found a “Beware Advantage,” that gave her instructions on how she may be able to claim a Hidden Immunity Idol. Before the episode had finished, she’d cracked a coded letter, and the Idol was in her pocket.

Survivor Season 46 continues Wednesdays at 8/7c on CBS.


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