Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13 Recap: Mended Fences and Burnt Bridges

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13 recap
Photo by Mindy Small/Getty Images

Fences were mended and broken again in Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13! Previously, it was a will they or won’t they show up to Hilton Head for Dr. Jackie and her husband Curtis. Sweet Tea also popped off on Jackie, which didn’t go over well with the group. This week, Alicia and Toya go head to head again, and Sweet Tea and Jackie call a truce. Here’s everything you need to know about Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13: “Golf Cart Girls.” 

Sweet Tea schooled the ladies at golf

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

The group decided to kickstart their day with a little healthy competition. The ladies went golfing while the men went to cooking school. Prosecco and cocktails were on hand at the golf course. Dr. Simone now understood why the men liked golfing so much. After a quick lesson on how swing a golf club, they began a game of who could hit the ball the farthest. Dr. Alicia and Phaedra did well, but the champion was Sweet Tea! She hit that ball like a pro. 

Over at cooking school, Cecil and Dr. Eugene lead their teams in a race to make a dish featuring Jack Daniels whiskey. Cecil’s team made brown rice with veggies and shrimp, while Eugene’s made orzo with chicken, shrimp, and grilled pineapple. Cecil made the classic cooking show mistake of underdone rice, womp womp. Eugene brought the flavor with their sauce and won! Eugene was now one step closer to his dream of becoming a celebrity chef. 

Jackie vs. Sweet Tea round two

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13 recap
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

A game of dominos was in full effect when the ladies came back from golf. Eugene told Dr. Damon to throw him a fiver once he heard that Sweet Tea had won the game. Cecil decided to get the goss going and asked Sweet Tea if Jackie apologized for calling her “baby girl.” Dr. G then stepped in. In his mind, the women needed to move on, and were getting along. Toya almost spat out her drink. All was not well with the group yet.

Next on the agenda was to live the yacht life. Dr. Heavenly honked the horn and they were off! Alicia pulled Jackie aside and wondered how she was feeling about Sweet Tea going off on her last night. Jackie told her she did the right thing by staying quiet, but in her confessional she said otherwise. Jackie stated she owed Sweet Tea an apology, “for not getting up and slapping her in the mouth like her mamma should have done.” So, I take it she’s not ready to forgive her?

Meanwhile Sweet Tea spilled the tea with Toya. She felt that Jackie had provoked her into popping off. Really? Toya was ready to stir the pot, and urged her to go and talk with Jackie. If not now, then when? She encouraged Sweet Tea with a “you got this” as Sweet Tea plopped herself down next to Jackie. And Jackie did not looked pleased.

All’s well that ends well

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

Sweet Tea turned on the waterworks and apologized. She was embarrassed by her outburst, but it came from a place of hurt. Jackie agreed she had made fun of her relationship and that wasn’t fair. She was ready to let it go. Sweet Tea breathed a sigh of relief and they gave each other a big hug. In her confessional, Sweet Tea observed that Jackie was “an old church lady in wolf’s clothing.” She added, “deep down under that fur, she was a good person.” 

The day of drinking was over, and it was time for dinner. The men were seated outside as the ladies came up with some food for them. Alicia put a napkin on Kema’s lap and said she was there to serve him. To which Kema shouted Alicia was “well-trained.” Cringe. Jackie swooped in for the win when she told Kema that dogs are trained, not women. However, because the rest of the group brought their men a plate, Jackie reluctantly brought one to Curtis. 

Alicia kissed Kema and sat down with the ladies. This prompted Kema to say he won in the group. Toya sent one of the stews over to the men to see if they needed anything else from their wives. This started a hilarious exchange between her and Eugene. Eugene told him he needed a kiss. To which Toya told the stew to tell him she’d kiss him later on his privates. Then Eugene said he truly won in the group. Jackie gave Toya a side eye if that was really going to happen. Toya said, not today!

Alicia’s relationship was back in the hot seat

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13 recap
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

While things were resolved between Sweet Tea and Jackie, the tension between Alicia and Toya heated up. After Toya grilled Alicia on her sex life, she wondered why it was fine for Kema to say she was well-trained. Alicia claimed Kema was joking and it was all about respect. But she had no believers at the table.

When Toya prodded some more, that set Alicia off. She told Toya that Eugene needed to train her, as he had no control over his wife. Simone jumped in and asked if she really thought a man should be controlling. Alicia said men should be able to temper them. And for Toya, a shock collar would do the trick. Alicia thought that was hilarious and kept mimicking being shocked. Surprisingly, Toya took it in stride and said the only collar they had was for other purposes.

Meanwhile, Kema told the men he got what he wanted from Alicia with consistent subtle suggestions. Eugene said, “like a Pavlovian response?” Kema gave a big yes! Thankfully Curtis had some sense and took his napkin to shoo Kema away from the table. 

And with that, the boat had docked. Simone realized that spending big money meant good behavior. But the trip wasn’t over quite yet!

Uncomfortable truths 

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 13
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

Back at the house there were an indoor tents set up for a slumber party, complete with smoking cocktails and appetizers. Jackie noted it looked like middle school, perfect for Sweet Tea. However, it was more toddler-sized than tween. Simone announced the rules. There were two envelopes for the couples. Write your name on the envelope and the answers to the questions inside. 

First up was Jackie and Curtis on what was a major issue in their marriage. One would think the affair which caused all the drama leading up to the Hilton Head trip, but instead Curtis mentioned social media. Jackie was glued to her phone and not her man. We could all use a little less time on our phones to be sure. 

Alicia shared she and Kema would be farther along in their empire if he listened to her. Surprise, surprise. She advised they buy multi-unit properties, but he invested in crypto. And like most people, he lost. Still, he said he would control the money until she learned how to quell her spending. Apparently, she was unable to account for $150,000.

And finally, Simone asked if everyone was happy with their sex life. Damon kept his mouth shut and nodded his head. He knew the phrase “happy wife, happy life,” so no truth bombs from him. Eugene said it’s improved ever since his weight loss. Not to be left out, Phaedra chimed in the biggest problem she had was being single and loving it!

Next week is the season finale, and Quad will be back on our screens once again. No doubt her impact will be just as big as it was the start of the season. Will she be allowed to sit at the lunch table once again? Or will she continue to be iced out? 

Married to Medicine continues Sundays at 9/8c on Bravo.


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