The beloved yacht-based reality show Below Deck is known for having a boatload of unforgettable moments and quotable one-liners. Of course, most of the best quotes in the Below Deck franchise were said by the iconic Captain Lee Rosbach, the gem who brought us the expression and accompanying mental image of being “madder than a pissed-on chicken!” However, whether you love her or hate her, Captain Sandy Yawn delivered some amazing one-liners as well. Captain Sandy’s quotes were nowhere near as entertaining (and graphic) as Captain Lee’s, but Sandy’s lines are more about the reality of being a boat captain.
Also many fans love Captain Sandy for her strict leadership skills, there are also many viewers who don’t like her at all, making her one of the most controversial captains on the series. For example, Captain Sandy was featured on Below Deck Mediterranean, and the show’s viewers decreased once Captain Sandy fired the Chief Stew, Hannah Ferrier, for having anxiety medication onboard without a doctor’s note. When Sandy let Hannah go, Below Deck viewers became divided into those who are pro-Sandy, and those who don’t like her at all.
However, since being a charter captain is a male-dominated industry, female captains have even more pressure to be successful and lead a good ship. Captain Sandy is smart, so she likely knows this, which feeds into her strict leadership skills. We respect you, Sandy! Captain Lee also lays down the law as well, but his most well-known quotes are generally just more colorful than those of other captains. Let’s take a look at some of Captain Sandy’s most quintessential quotes below.
“As A Captain…”

Although Captain Sandy is the second-sassiest boat captain after Captain Lee Rosbach, her most iconic quotes are more no-nonsense. Below Deck fans took to Reddit to note that Captain Sandy is frequently bringing up that she has to do this or that “as a Captain.” Viewers on the Reddit thread critically mentioned that Captain Sandy was quick to justify her sometimes controversial actions by saying she had to do whatever she did “as a captain.” (Firing Hannah is a great example!) Therefore, “as a Captain….” is one of Captain Sandy’s top catchphrases.
However, no matter your opinion of Captain Sandy, being a charter yacht captain does come with lots of responsibilities. We would imagine that “as a Captain,” sometimes one does have to do things for the good of the ship and the crew, even if it makes them less liked.
“Stop Speaking!”

Many fans remember when Captain Sandy demanded that Fraser Olender “stop speaking.” The moment was so tense that viewers like to repeat it in their best Captain Sandy voice in moments when they wish their friends would give them a little peace and quiet. We told you that Sandy’s best quotes are more no-nonsense than the other franchise quotes!
Fraser was furious when Captain Sandy told him to “stop speaking.” The Captain explained that the walls are paper-thin, which sometimes called for quiet upon the ship so they could all better do their jobs. Of course, it also meant that she could hear every word they said when they complained about her. Yikes!
However, to apologize for her harsh words to Fraser, Captain Sandy organized a fun team-building day playing volleyball and also owned up to snapping at Fraser. This shows that she isn’t always as much of a hard ass as she might seem.
“In My Years of Experience…”
One thing about Captain Sandy, she’s going to remind you she knows what the f*ck she’s doing. As you should, queen! Just like she tends to explain her actions by saying she is doing so “as a captain,” Captain Sandy has more than 25 years of experience as a yacht charter captain, and she likes to bring it up.
However, we don’t blame her one bit. Especially since people disapprove of her so much when she is simply trying to run a tight ship, we totally understand why she would want to keep reminding people she’s been in this game for years. Also, real quick, would people judge her harshness as much if she were a male Captain? Hard to say…