Why We’re Excited For Captain Kerry to Take the Lead On Below Deck Season 11

Captain Kerry Titheradge
Watch What Happens Live/Bravo

Moving forward, Captain Kerry Titheradge will be taking charge on Below Deck. His hiring brought about mixed feelings for many of Bravo‘s long-standing viewers, as Captain Lee Rosbach had been the face of this series for ten great seasons. However, production didn’t ask Captain Lee back, which left Below Deck without a leader. Enter in Captain Kerry.

Previously, Captain Kerry starred on Below Deck Adventure. Sadly, this spin-off failed to thrive, and as it currently stands, it’s all but certain it won’t return for a second season. Even though this new series was a bust, Captain Kerry had a great showing, so we are excited for him to now take the lead on Below Deck Season 11. Here’s why.

Captain Kerry Handles Unwarranted Advances Well


On Below Deck Adventure, Kasie Faddah and Kyle Dickard had struck up a bit of a flirtatious banter, which the charter guests picked up on immediately. During a shore excursion, these guests then egged on Kyle. This saw Kyle flirtations kicked up a notch towards a clearly uncomfortable Kasie. What Kyle should have done is tell the guests no, but instead, he gave in to his ego, and pursued his co-worker in an unprofessional, aggressive manner.

Afterwards, an equally uncomfortable charter guest alerted Captain Kerry to Kyle’s “inappropriate behavior.” At this, Captain Kerry immediately called Lewis Lupton, the Bosun, into his wheelhouse. For Kyle’s first strike, Captain Kerry asked Lewis to have a talk with his deckhand. He then had a quick chat with Kasie, assuring the nervous stewardess that she had done nothing wrong.

As we saw on Below Deck Down Under Season 2, unwarranted sexual advances can turn dangerous quickly. For Captain Kerry to swiftly address this incident while also gently reassuring the female crew member who was targeted, we can rest assured that the women under his care will be protected.

That said, though we are excited to see this level of strong leadership present, we still hope that this is not a storyline that takes place on Below Deck Season 11.

The Past Crew Trusted and Appreciated Captain Kerry


Even though we will miss the stud of the sea, we know that the cast of Below Deck will be in good hands, physically and mentally, when Captain Kerry replaces Captain Lee. You see, Below Deck Adventure crew member Kyle’s personality continued to suck. Unfortunately, his roommate, Nathan Morley, became his next target. After a drunken crew night out, Kyle berated Nathan. Following this, Kyle pulled a nasty passive-aggressive card, by continually refusing to flush their shared toilet within their cabin.

When Nathan asked Kyle to flush, Kyle chose violence, threatening Nathan in an incredibly uncomfortable scene to watch. Finally, Nathan realized that he needed help, as Bosun Lewis was failing to address Kyle’s behaviors. Therefore, Nathan went to speak with Captain Kerry. In this conversation, Nathan didn’t go to complain (although he had every right to do so), but instead, he went and asked Captain Kerry for a new cabin arrangement.

Nathan trusted Captain Kerry with his problems. Likewise, when Chef Jessica Condy burnt her hand, she began to spiral, but Captain Kerry saw her stress, and instead of admonishing her (at least this time), he rolled up his sleeves and helped in the galley. Jessica was relieved, and she appreciated his assistance.

Overall, Captain Kerry was held in a high regard by his crew, so we are excited to watch his first crossover season, where he’ll support a new crew on Below Deck.

Captain Kerry Was Swift To Remove a Physical Threat


Proving yet again that his leadership skills are solid, Captain Kerry reacted swiftly after hearing that Nathan had been threatened. First, he called Lewis to the wheelhouse, again, to get his department head’s take. Sadly, Lewis fell on Kyle’s side, because he was fearful of loosing a skilled deckhand. Nevertheless, Captain Kerry’s very real concerns became hard to ignore, and even Lewis had to concede that Kyle’s behaviors were crossing far too many lines.

Violence is never acceptable. Knowing this, Captain Kerry had a very calm, direct conversation with Kyle. At the end, he told Kyle to pack his bags. We are now eager to see how Captain Kerry handles the crew on Below Deck, while hoping that his leadership will once again prove to be just as efficient as they were on Below Deck Adventure.

Just Like Captain Lee, Captain Kerry’s Humor Is High

Below Deck Bravo/Instagram

Captain Lee had a quote and a clapback for almost every situation on Below Deck. Luckily, Captain Kerry’s humor is also solid. When Seth Jacobson replaced Kyle, his ego was through the roof. Pretty early on, Seth asked Captain Kerry for a promotion, which saw Captain Kerry joking, “Bosun?” No-son,” in a confessional.

When driving charter guests in a tender, they asked if he’d ever been in these waters before. He joked “I’ve never driven a boat before.” Then, when the guests walked through his wheelhouse, they made comments on the buttons and knobs that could be pressed. At this, Captain Kerry teased, “It’d be even more exciting if I knew what it did.”

Similarly, Captain Kerry bantered with his crew as well. From allowing himself to be covered in post-it requests and comments, to pranking Faye Clarke with unrealistic demands, the man made everyone laugh. We were sad at the thought of loosing Captain Lee’s wit, but Captain Kerry will likely be just as entertaining, which thrills us to no end.

Captain Kerry Will Nail Season 11


Whatever happens, Below Deck Season 11 promises a wild ride. Returning to this series to work underneath Captain Kerry will be Below Deck’s Fraser Olender and Ben Willoughby. From the looks of it, these two returning yachties will be at odds. From fights to flings to firings, Captain Kerry is truly going to be experiencing it all, and for this, we are seated and excited.


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