Welcome back! Let’s jump right into The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 9 recap. This week’s episode, “A Fiesty Fiesta” gives us a showdown between Erika and Denise Richards.
Last week, Sutton celebrated her store’s anniversary. But how will she handle Dorit sharing one of her secrets? Meanwhile, Kyle shares some details with Dorit about her friendship with Morgan Wade. Here’s everything that you need to know about RHOBH Season 13, Episode 9!
Dorit was jealous of Morgan

Kyle had a little get-together and invited Annemarie and Dorit. Both Dorit and Annemarie were floored when Kyle mentioned the one-hour drama that she was producing. Dorit was shocked again when Kyle shared that she added another tattoo to her collection. It looks like Kyle is keeping secrets from Dorit.
Dorit asked if Mauricio had seen the latest artwork. Kyle admitted that he was upset when she showed him her newest ink. Poor Dorit was stunned that Kyle tattooed her first initial on Morgan’s arm. Dorit commented, “That is a really, really close friendship.”
All the single ladies

Erika met Garcelle for dinner. She was hopeful that she and Garcelle could develop a friendship after the drama that Erika caused last year. Swearing at Garcelle’s teenage son didn’t go over well with Garcelle.
Garcelle invited a guest to surprise Erika. And it’s Sutton! Erika was still pissed about Denise bringing up the past. Garcelle explained to Erika why Denise was upset. According to Denise, Erika said that Denise’s teenagers had been involved in a threesome by now. Roll tape! “They already know if they haven’t had one already,” Erika said. Close enough.
After a bunch of cocktails, everyone was having a grand time. Then Erika dropped some breaking news on her companions. “Did you know that it’s $7 for a naked bundle of Denise Richards on OnlyFans?” Garcelle thought that Denise needed to raise her prices. I mean, she is “Denise F*cking Richards.”
When Sutton mentioned that her driver was waiting, a tipsy Garcelle asked if it was the driver that Sutton kissed. Garcelle said she was joking, but Sutton’s face betrayed her secret. I’m happy that Sutton is at least getting some make-out action.
A spicy Taco Tuesday

Garcelle told Denise what Erika said on their way to Crystal’s Taco Tuesday dinner. Meanwhile, Dorit complained to Kyle about being “an afterthought.” But Kyle has been secretly upset with Dorit. Her disappointment stemmed from Dorit asking Kyle to own part of the problem with her sister, Kathy Hilton, at the reunion. Behind closed doors, Dorit was Team Kyle. There is a widening gap between these former besties. And according to Dorit, Kyle was changing her personality to fit Morgan.
At Crystal’s house, the ladies mingled with some of Crystal’s friends. Erika arrived, and she was already pissy. She didn’t want to be outside at the bar because it was cold. And she can’t afford to get sick before her Vegas residency. But Sutton may beat her to the doctor’s office because she was sporting a summery, spaghetti-strap dress. Most of the group exercised common sense and wore coats.
Then Erika told Dorit about Sutton’s make-out session with her driver. Mind you, Sutton was standing next to Erika. It’s okay though. Sutton explained that the duo only “accidentally kissed.”
But Dorit was ready to stir the pot, and she accused Crystal of doing the same. Ever since Crystal shared Dorit’s comments about Sutton’s drinking habits, Dorit thought that Crystal was pitting the two women against each other.
And one of Crystal’s friends, at the behest of Dorit, asked Sutton why she freaked out in Las Vegas. She calmly explained that she didn’t like the spread-eagle positions and that she was having a difficult time. Sutton admitted that she ruined the night for everyone.
Dorit in the hot seat

Dorit refused to let the mouse go. She mentioned that Sutton had a stack of dollars for Magic Mike. But when that didn’t get a rise out of her, she brought up Sutton’s driver. Dorit announced, “You made out with your driver.” Well, Dorit kept that secret for about 10 whole minutes.
“Oh my God. Hold on a minute. That was between me, Erika, and Sutton,” Garcelle responded. “And now I feel like you’re saying it to embarrass her, and that’s not okay.”
Then the Georgia peach weighed in. “To equate those two is very unfair,” Sutton said. “My driver has become my friend. Just because I was attracted to him, and we were having a conversation and yeah, did we have a little make-out session? It was sweet and I enjoyed it,” she added.
In a throwback to Sutton’s iconic “name ’em” moment with Kyle, she repeatedly uttered one phrase at Dorit. “Then why did you bring it up?” Dorit fired back, “Stop asking the same question and not waiting for an answer!”
Both Garcelle and Sutton felt that Dorit mentioned the driver to humiliate Sutton. After Dorit accused Garcelle of attacking her, a fed-up Garcelle mentioned Dorit’s “privilege.” Those words resulted in a swift apology from Dorit. Basically, Garcelle had no interest in educating Dorit. If Dorit intended to be as messy as possible, she killed it. Along with everyone’s hope of eating a taco in peace.
Erika dragged Denise and her daughter

Since she was batting a thousand, Dorit asked Denise if she and Erika had resolved their issues. Buckle up, everybody. When Denise told Erika that she wanted to discuss the events of the weed dinner, Erika wasn’t having it. She accused Denise of having “an agenda” and calling her a “bitch.” Erika added that she apologized for what happened in the past.
Denise clarified that Erika “insinuating” that her then 14-year-old daughter Sami Sheen might have had a threesome was “beyond, beyond inappropriate.” Erika disagreed, stating that kids with a phone know about sex. When Denise responded that they were discussing her daughters, Erika was ready. “Okay, your oldest daughter’s on OnlyFans. She doesn’t know?” she said. “That is a f*cking low blow to bring up my daughter’s OnlyFans,” Denise said.
“You came in slurring, inarticulate, could not string two words together, and wanted to call me a bitch. And you want me to sit here and pretend like it didn’t happen?” Erika exclaimed. “What do you think, I’m not gonna go to OnlyFans? You think I’m not gonna go as f*cking low as I can, have you met me?” she added. Then Denise called Erika “a mean woman.” Duh.
“I think it’s great! I just want to know who’s more profitable, you or Sami?” Erika commented as the room sat in shocked silence.
Aren’t kids off-limits in Real Housewives? Is Lent over with already? Because Erika was heated.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills returns Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 8/7c on Bravo.