Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 Finale Recap: The End of Paradise

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale recap
Photo: Craig Sjodin/ABC via Getty Images

Welcome to the Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale! Tonight, it’s party time in Paradise. Host Jesse Palmer promises us romance, drama, and tears. Who will get engaged? Who will leave Paradise broken-hearted? And who will actually tie the knot on the beach? Find out with our BIP Season 9 finale recap!

Kat and John Henry get a date card

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale recap
Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin

While everyone’s hanging out at the picnic tables, Sam comes running in yelling, “We’ve got a date card!”

She reads aloud, “Kat, John Henry: Love is about finding balance.” Turns out they’re going paddle boarding. Kat’s really good at it and hops right up. John Henry, not so much. He falls off, first try. I feel ya, buddy. That’s what happened to me when I tried to paddleboard. I could not stand up on that thing.

The underwater diver thinks Kat could bring a lot to his life. He has no idea! He likes how “caring and supportive” she seems of everyone. Ha! He hasn’t seen her activated yet. She can be nasty when she’s angry.

After they get out of the water, they drink champagne on the beach (what else would they drink on this show?). Kat tells John Henry about her difficult childhood. Her father had four wives! Wow.

John Henry also went through a period of depression a couple of years back. He’s never shared that with anyone before. He thinks Kat would be good for him in his life and believes they took a major step forward in their relationship today.

Even though he’s 31, John Henry seems very young. He doesn’t seem like he has a lot of experience with relationships. He can see an engagement with Kat. Yikes!

For her part, Kat thinks she’s finally found her person. They’re both all in.

Aaron and Eliza sweat it out

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale recap
Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin

Not long after Kat and John Henry got their date card, Mercedes shows up with another one. “Aaron and Eliza,” she reads, “tonight is about deepening your connection.”

They’re going to visit a shaman who’s going to try to cleanse them of their fears. Oh, Eliza needs that! She has a lot of anxiety over giving too much and it not being reciprocated. She wants it to come from him first.

Aaron says in a confessional, “This is the most important date in Paradise. Things are getting serious.” He’s fallen in love with Eliza, but she “hasn’t reciprocated that back” to him yet. Funny that they would both use the same word.

Inside the sweat lodge, Aaron finally tells Eliza that he’s falling more in love every day and definitely sees an engagement in their future. She’s thrilled and tells him she’s falling for him, too. She finally feels safe and secure.

Jess calls it quits

Jess is still sad that Blake broke up with her right before the last Rose Ceremony. She ended up giving her rose to Tanner, but now she’s having second thoughts. She decides to have a talk with him.

“When [Blake left], you were the one person that made me feel wanted and seen and, like, comforted,” she tells him. “When I gave you that rose, it was because I was really trying to be hopeful … [But] I haven’t been able to be my happy self at all since that happened, and I don’t think it’s fair to you. I don’t think it’s fair to me.”

“It’s okay,” he tells her. He’s very sweet and understanding and encourages her to do what she needs to do for herself. Jess feels lost. He asks if she’s done with this place, and she nods her head tearfully. So Jess pulls a Kelly Taylor and chooses herself.

Jess is peace out. “I came here for love, but I’m leaving with nothing,” she says sadly. And Tanner’s right behind her. “Who’s next?” asks Olivia.

Kylee wants an engagement and she wants it NOW

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale recap
Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin

Kylee’s feeling insecure. She wants an engagement from Aven at the end of Paradise, but doesn’t think he’s ready. She feels like they’ve been “dancing around” the conversation, so she decides it’s time to invite Aven for a chat.

They sit on one of the daybeds to talk. “How are you feeling about getting engaged?” she asks. Say goodbye now, Kylee. Guys don’t like having the pressure turned up.

He wants to know why it’s not enough just to leave Paradise together. Why does she need an engagement? They’ve only been together a few weeks. It’s not realistic. Aven says he really wants a relationship with Kylee, but he’s just not ready to be engaged. He doesn’t know what the solution is, so he just goes to bed, while Kylee cries and says she wants to go home.

Kenny and Mari’s wedding

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale recap
Photo: Bachelor Nation via YouTube

The next morning, as Kylee and Aven sit miserably at a picnic table together, Kenny Braasch and Mari Pepin walk down the stairs. They met and got engaged in Paradise two years ago on Season 7. (You’ll remember him as the guy who was always naked.)

They’re getting married today in Paradise (not really, though; they had a pretend wedding in Mexico last summer and had the actual one in Puerto Rico in November 2023). ABC wants to give all these couples a nudge and push inspire them into an engagement. Is it working yet, Aven?

A mariachi band plays Mendelssohn’s Wedding March as guests arrive, and Kenny walks up front. Jesse Palmer officiates. Blake is back as Kenny’s Best Man. Wells must be the Matron of Honor, since he jumps up to straighten out the train of Mari’s dress. All the girls are imagining themselves in Kenny and Maree’s place.

Kylee is obsessed with getting that ring. Aven obviously cares about her. She needs to focus on that and put an engagement out of her mind, or he’s gonna dump her. Kylee’s glad Blake is back. She needs to talk to him. Hopefully, he’ll talk some sense into her.

Party time!

Everyone’s invited to the reception/rave that evening. Kenny throws the garter and Aaron catches it, though John Henry made a valiant try. Eliza catches the bouquet. Did showrunners set that up? That’s just too obvious.

Kylee grabs Blake for a chat. She tells him things have gone to “sh*t” in her life since he left. Blake encourages Kylee to “stick to your guns” and hold out for what she wants.

“If he has any type of love for me and he knows he sees a future with me, then why not do this for me?” Kylee asks. She doesn’t know if she can see a future with Aven if he’s “not even on the road” to desiring what she wants. Poor Aven. Can he take the presser? Will he cave?

Kylee goes back to Aven and tells him, “Blake’s right. It’s only fair that I leave here sticking to my guns and making sure I leave with no regrets.” Oh, honey. It’s not about getting your way. It’s about both people being ready to take the step. Aven’s just not, and if you force him into it, he may always resent you for that.

Why am I suddenly thinking of Veruca Salt stamping her foot and insisting, “I want it NOW!”

Who’s (not) going to the Fantasy Suites?

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale recap
Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin

Here comes Jesse. He invites everyone to join him in the Rose Palapa. “You are the [last] couples who made it to the end of Paradise,” he says. “Are you ready to take your relationship to the next step and spend the night in a Fantasy Suite away from the cameras? Can you actually see an engagement here on the beach? Or is it time to say your goodbyes?”

Meanwhile, Mercedes’ bags are packed. Her relationship with Jordan is just not there romantically. She’s going home. Jordan and Mercedes both leave.

Likewise, Sam doesn’t feel she and Peter have a strong connection and says, “It doesn’t feel right to continue.” Sayonara, Sam and Peter!

Same with Michael and Olivia. They are done. Poor Olivia. She’s been through it in Paradise.

Aven asks Kylee straight up, “If we don’t get engaged are we done?” He tries to convince her that he wants to have a life with her outside of Paradise, he’s just not ready to get engaged.

“I can’t see myself walking away from you,” Kylee admits. “I just feel a little let down.”

Aven assures her they’ll be fine, and they’ll get there … very soon. So they leave Paradise together. Good for Aven for not being coerced.

When Jesse returns, there are only two couples sitting on the couch. Does Jesse know how to clear a room or what? The two couples remaining are Aaron and Eliza, and Kat and John Henry. “Next time I see you, it’s going to be at your very own final rose ceremony.”

Taking the next step

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 finale recap
Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin

The next day, Eliza is first up for her rose ceremony with Aaron. They had a great night together and told each other that they’re in love. But Eliza’s worried that her family’s not there. She’s not sure how she’ll react to Aaron’s proposal. Seriously?! Maybe producers just want her to build suspense. I’ll be pissed if she’s just leading Aaron on. Make up your mind, girl!

Aaron looks good in the turquoise shirt. He called her mom and talked to her for 15 minutes! Mom approves and Eliza is happy. Aaron gets down on one knee, and she says yes! Yay!

Likewise, Kat and John Henry had a great night. She’s all in, but in voiceover, JH says he’s conflicted about proposing. “My heart’s telling me to get engaged. But my gut’s telling me, don’t do it.” More producer-driven misdirection? We’ll see.

John Henry adds, “My gut’s telling me it’s too soon. We haven’t had any arguments. We haven’t disagreed on anything.” Boy, is he in for a big surprise!

But when he gets in front of Kat, he tells her that even though his gut is saying it’s too soon, he’s decided to follow his heart. He gets down on one knee, and of course, she’ll accept that Neil Lane rock! Are you crazy? And then it just becomes an “I love you” fest. I’m afraid for John Henry. He really doesn’t know what he’s in for.

Paradise is done and dusted for another season.

Bachelor in Paradise Season 9 is available to stream on Disney+ or Hulu.


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