It’s that time of the week again! Here’s our Below Deck Mediterranean Season 8, Episode 10 recap! In this week’s episode, called “Dirty Laundry,” the interior team gained a new face in the form of greenest of green stews, Lily Davison. Kyle’s managed to cling on to his position, despite being called out for his “bullying” behavior by Captain Sandy. Meanwhile, the deck team are doing everything in their power to ensure Max sticks around until the end of the season. Oh, and Jack’s found his voice! Here’s everything that went down in Below Deck Med Season 8, Episode 10.
Kyle keeps his job, but wants to resign – and so does Max!

After a dressing down from Captain Sandy, Kyle is ready to say his goodbyes. Fortunately, chief stew Tumi has more time for him than she did with Natalya. While he didn’t like being called the “common denominator,” Kyle needs to swallow his pride. He’s been an ass, and was caught out. Tumi acknowledges he should “take accountability” in a confessional, but also admits that she needs him.
Over with the deck team, Max is adamant he’s leaving the yacht after one more charter. Lara pleads with him to stay, but he seems pretty certain he’s going. She encourages him to speak to Captain Sandy, so another deckhand can be lined up to replace him if he does pack up and quit. The relationship between Lara and Max has been a sight to behold. They butted heads as soon as he joined the team, but now they’re like brother and sister. I’m a fan of both, and hope we get to see them moving forward in harmony for the rest of Season 8.
Jack gives Kyle the silent treatment, as a new stew arrives

Kyle is an “absolute f*cking rat,” who would “cause drama in an empty room with a mop bucket.” At least according to chef Jack. Instead of confronting the second stew, however, Jack is … well … stewing on his anger. The pair are refusing to look one another in the eye, and the tension is close to reaching boiling point. Not a great thing when there’s a new charter about to start! Kyle at least earns some points from Sandy when he apologizes from the “bottom of my heart.” She wants to allow people to prove they can change. We’ll see how well that works out.
For this week’s charter we have primary guest Tonia DeCosimo. She’s the founder and editor of Power magazine, coming on board with a bunch of powerful female friends. Their requests are pretty laidback, such as a White Party for dinner, but there is absolutely one line that Jack cannot cross. Tonia refuses to eat eggs outside. As Jack says, it’s some “next-level weird.” The primary later explains it’s because of the “foul taste” when eggs mix with “outside air.” Alrighty then…
Tumi’s in luck, because a new fourth stew is available right before the charter begins! Enter Lily. She’s a beautiful Brit, who immediately catches the attention of Max. His Eiffel Tower is starting to perk up. A sentence I never wanted to write, and one I’m already regretting.
Did I say Tumi was in luck? Lily appears to be more of a hindrance to the team than an asset. She’s never worked on a yacht before, and struggles throughout the first charter, even just dealing with laundry. This interior team was cursed from jump.
Can Max be convinced to stick around?

Captain Sandy has a chat with Max, where she tells him how happy she is to have him on the yacht. It’s at this point he tells her his intentions of leaving after the current charter. She seems genuinely devastated, and will do whatever it takes to keep him around. That includes letting him drive the yacht for a short while. It gives him goosebumps, and you can see his mind slowly turning.
When the deck team nail one of the hardest dockings in Below Deck Med history at Portofino, Sandy treats them to ice cream. It’s there that Max decides to drop another bombshell – he’s sticking around after all! The good vibes – and arrival of a gorgeous new blonde – has seen him get his groove back.
Not all is good on deck, though. Captain Sandy appears a little frustrated with Luka when he reveals the guests don’t want to play with the water toys. She says it’s his job to “be that energy for the client.” Apparently, he should be encouraging them to use the slide, even if they’ve already said they don’t want to.
Personally, I would find this badgering annoying; but it works. That’s why Sandy’s a captain, and I’m a simple viewer!
Time to party! And argue…

After a stunning White Party, which included the male crew flashing some skin for the ladies on board, the charter came to a swift close. Still, the tip of $18,000 was a great one for a single night’s stay.
The crew prepare for a night out, and it’s clear Jack and Kyle are going to reach a tipping point. When Kyle orders a double tequila, Jack asks if he’s sure, implying he can’t handle it. Later, he speaks with Lara about Natalya leaving, and the interior team as a whole. “Everyone in interior’s up their own arse,” Lily jokes.
Overhearing the conversation, Kyle butts in. “He wasn’t so brave without you, but now he is,” the second stew says with a smirk. Kyle thinks Jack is influencing Lily’s opinion of him. How does it feel, Kyle? We’ll see the culmination of this showdown in next week’s episode.
Below Deck Mediterranean continues Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.