Image: Courtesy of Lifetime

Married at First Sight Season 16 Episode 19 Recap: ‘Sliding Toward Decision Day’

Last night’s episode of Married At First Sight was very entertaining. As the couples are reflecting on life post experiment, they come to some new realizations. As most of you already know, I don’t have high hopes for much of the cast. But in true Married At First Sight fashion, I could be completely shocked by the decisions. You never truly know what is going to happen until it happens. I’m sure if you have watched everything unfold, you are just as excited to see how things are going to pan out.

With Decision Day around the corner, one husband’s lingering doubts leave his wife wondering if he will ever be satisfied. Meanwhile, a group of flirtatious singles gives the wives a glimpse at what life after Decision Day could look like. The men have an interesting chat about where their relationships lie. Let’s get straight into the recap!

Christopher & Nicole

Chris and Nicole are still in deep discussion about their living situation post decision day. Obviously, she is ready to jump start their marriage, but Chris still wants to take his time and not rush into anything. But that much uncertainty equates to doubt and confusion in Nicole’s mind. She is also concerned that he may make a decision based on her feelings, rather than his own. Sigh! I don’t know what to think. I can understand both points of view, but I fear Nicole’s constant over-analyzing will cause issues.

Nicole may be many things, but boring is definitely not one! While hanging out with the ladies for cocktails, a group of single gentlemen approach the group. She has no problem mingling and is definitely enjoying the attention. At one point, she even appears to be trying to hook Jasmine up with one of the men. If that wasn’t surprising enough, she says she wears the pants in the relationship and that Chris was a beta male. OMG! That may actually be true, but I don’t think Chris will appreciate her telling another man that.

Airris & Jasmine

Airris meets with Mackinley to work out together.  While there, Airris informs him that he and Jasmine are doing better than they were previously. They aren’t where he wants to be with chemistry, but he admits that it has improved. Mackinley shares that he reached out to Gina under the guise of asking about a famous friend.  But he is really interested in dating her. Insert side eye! Someone is a little sneaky. He may want to watch this full season before pursuing Gina, she is not one to handle a man with kid gloves.

Airris and Jasmine meet with the experts to give an update on their relationship. Surprisingly, Airris drops a bomb. He reveals that he has social anxiety at times, but he feels more comfortable when his wife is around. They even held each other while saying things that they liked about each other. The experts believe that they could really have a chance outside of the experiment. I don’t know why, but I have this nagging suspicion that Airris is going to break Jasmine’s heart. Him opening up more lately is giving her hope, but she is cautiously optimistic. Although they have put forth more effort in the past couple of weeks, I wonder if it will be enough.

During a ladies night, Jasmine is approached by a single man who is interested in getting to know her better. Despite announcing that she is married, she is flattered by the attention. At one point, Nicole was playing wing man in case Jasmine’s marriage doesn’t work out. But I am not sure this guy is right for her. He was trying a little too hard to get her attention. At the end of night, he even pulls out his car keys and announces the type of car he has to impress her. Sigh! Does that really work for some women? I will admit they had things in common, but I’m not sure that is guy is for her either.

Clint & Gina

Clint is still reeling from he and Gina’s last discussion with the experts. He truly feels blindsided by her comments about his personality and the things she dislikes about him. He can’t seem to let go of the fact that she called his energy bizarre. Obviously, his feelings are hurt and he did not know that she felt that way. Honestly, I don’t know why he is surprised. Gina has been pretty consistent with her negative comments about him. But while on a date they have the opportunity to sit and talk about their feelings and move past it.

Shaquille & Kirsten

For some reason, Kirsten and Shaq have a session with a songwriter to work on their very own love song. Seriously! Are they even in love? The last time I checked they are constantly annoyed with the other. To make matters worse, Kirsten sings a verse and confidently belts out the lyrics horribly. Honestly, I was embarrassed for all parties involved. Did the producers put them up to torturing the viewers with this nonsense? They could not have come up with this idea on their own.

After their session is over, Kirsten talks more about the situation with her family. She says what I have always known, most of her family doesn’t want to be on camera. I understand that Shaq wants to see what life would truly be like with her family after decision day. But Kirsten can’t make her family want to be on national television. Eventually Shaq has the opportunity to meet her father off camera. But Shaq is still having trouble believing he will receive all the support he requires after decision day.

Shaq and Kirsten meet with the experts to update them on the state of their marriage. Despite Kirsten making sure he met his wife’s father; he still feels it should have happened sooner. Shaq needs to learn to acknowledge when someone tries to accommodate his requests and feelings. He seems to always find something to complain about. He doesn’t want to be single, but he also wants their marriage to meet all of his expectations. Nothing in life will ever be completely perfect.


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