Image: Courtesy of Lifetime

Married At First Sight Season 16 Episode 16 Recap: “Un-BEAR-able Truth”

Last night’s episode of Married At First Sight was interesting. The couple’s retreat always has a way of shedding light on things that may have been hiding in the dark. Maybe it was the drinks or the camaraderie of the group, but we were able to get a little more insight into the couples. Things were communicated that may not have been said before. Now it is time to see what they do with that knowledge.

With two weeks left until Decision Day, everyone is anxious. All the newlyweds take time to work on their issues with the help of the other couples. The couples head to a breathtaking mountain getaway for a dual birthday bash, bear sightings, and crowning the first-ever “Married at First Sight” king. Let’s get straight into the recap!

Christopher & Nicole

Nicole was struggling with Chris’ nonchalant attitude about their living situation after the experiment ends. They have searched for rentals together, but the issue is finding a place that will allow their three dogs. I would hate to be those neighbors if they are looking at apartments. When they arrived at the retreat, Nicole was still agitated and frustrated.

Chris planned a surprise treasure hunt for Nicole to find notes of affirmation. This was a really sweet gesture that made me like Chris even more if that was possible. She has struggled with self-love and often times doubts that she deserves good things to happen to her. The fact that Chris doesn’t mind reaffirming her and expressing his love is beautiful. There may be a time when that becomes exhausting if she isn’t careful, but for now, he seems to not mind.

Airris & Jasmine

Jasmine brought an ice-breaker game for the ride to the couple’s retreat. Although it’s sad that they still need to have exercises to communicate at this point, there were some good questions. Once they arrived, the party started with shots and a pageant for the husbands. Airris took home the win for the king of the retreat. He beat out all the other husbands in style and personality. He may have had an edge given his wife is a pageant winner herself. But I have to say, Shaq was a close second in my opinion.  

Jasmine was finally getting more comfortable expressing her feelings to Airris. He routinely meditates and she really wanted the opportunity to share that experience with him. When he forgets and does it by himself, she lets him know how she feels. He appreciates her speaking up and decides to mediate again to appease her. Later, they went rock climbing and talked a little more about their relationship. Jasmine asked Airris to be more present and spend less time on his phone. He requested that she speak up at the moment and tell him what she needs. Later that evening, he shared with everyone how much he appreciates the woman he is married to. She was so surprised that she gets emotional. Hopefully, she isn’t devastated if Airris decides not to pursue things further. Something tells me she is falling for him.

Related: Married At First Sight Season 16 Episode 15 Recap: “Whiskey A No-No”

Clint & Gina

Clint and Gina are sharing a room for the first time since their honeymoon. Currently, they have been utilizing separate bedrooms in their shared condo. Although the situation is a little awkward, they make the best of it. I think Clint was definitely looking forward to it, more than Gina. The next day, they enjoyed a rollercoaster and some cocktails afterward. Gina acknowledged that things have gotten a lot better since their talk with Dr. Pepper. They both feel that doing things together was helpful. I’m still struggling to see what they are doing that isn’t in the friend zone. Friends go out, have deep conversations, and sometimes have sleepovers. As much as I can see progress with them being comfortable around one another, I still don’t view them as a couple.

At a group dinner, Gina confirmed that she and Clint are in the friend zone. She even said that she didn’t sign up for MAFS to be married to a friend. Although Clint agrees, I think he was a little taken aback. He continues to be positive and makes it seem like they still have a chance. I think Gina’s words make it more than clear there isn’t one. I don’t think anyone will be shocked if they don’t decide to stay together on Decision Day.

Shaquille & Kirsten

Shaq and Kirsten enjoyed a tubing date together. It was nice to see them just have fun together. But the fun doesn’t last for very long. She expressed concerns about their communication and how it makes her feel at times. Once they got back to the house. their issues were even more apparent as they talked to the other wives and husbands separately.

Kirsten told the ladies that she is in the middle of the road about where she stands on Decision Day. Meanwhile, Shaq lets the guys know they are still having problems, despite how things may look on the outside. One major issue is that Kirsten still hasn’t introduced him to her family. Insert side eye here. If I am being honest, Shaq is way more into Kirsten than she is into him. I guess we will have to wait to see where things go from here.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]            

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