Married At First Sight Recap: – Got My Mind Made Up

I don’t think I have ever been this shocked by a season of Married At First Sight. The viewers have been on a roller coaster of emotions, throughout this process. I must say, there were many surprises on Decision Day. Some decisions made me happy and others, not so much. I have a feeling so much more that will be revealed very soon. Who else is looking forward to the reunion? I have to know what truly happened when the cameras stopped filming. Something tells me we may be in for a bumpy ride.

The emotional journey comes to an end after eight weeks. Four Bostonian couples must decide whether to stay married or get a divorce.  With tears, ultimatums and surprising revelations, the choices won’t be easy. One couple makes a surprise appearance. This season has definitely made history. I will let you be the judge of if that is a good thing or not. Let’s get straight to the recap!

Jasmina and Michael

Michael and Jasmina are the first couple to sit on the hot seat. This couple hasn’t been one that I could see together in the long term. Unless something drastically changes, I don’t have high hopes for these two. Although they have become closer after a rocky start, they have yet to establish an intimate connection. Michael has been open to progressing things, but Jasmina has admitted she isn’t sure she is attracted to her husband. So you can only imagine my shock when she said she wants to stay married. Insert side eye. The poor man doesn’t even know if he is allowed to touch her. But Michael is willing to try to work on things independent of the stress of the cameras. They won’t be moving in together right away, but they have vowed to take their time getting to know each other better. One down, three to go!

Katina and Olajuwon

When we last saw Olajuwon, he was telling Katina that he would get over her, if they were to go their separate ways. Hopefully, someone has the good sense to walk away. After watching him belittle and degrade her all season, I want her to choose herself. But of course, when they both arrive at decision day, their delusions are apparent. When Katina brings up being embarrassed about dating app gate, he pretends that has been their only issue. Either this man is crazy or he thinks that the viewers are. The true Olajuwon comes out when the experts bring up his expectation of his wife to cook. Not only does he not think Katina can cook, he makes it clear that her food isn’t even edible. Why does this woman want to be with a man who puts her down and embarrasses her constantly? He even gets testy with the experts when they try to advise him. Katina feels like cooking should be 50/50, rather than solely her responsibility. When asked her decision, she chooses to stay married. Olajuwon’s answer is a bit more complicated. He first mentions he was not given the established woman he requested, but in the end he decides her effort is enough. Huh? Am I the only one who is shocked and disappointed by this? The experts are just happy another couple stayed married, totally ignoring how Olajuwon has behaved during this process.

Lindsey and Mark

Lindsey and Mark’s relationship has probably been one of the most tumultuous of all the couples. Although they have had some really great moments, their marriage has been riddled with intense arguments. Even on decision day, Lindsey doesn’t hesitate to bring up several of Mark’s infractions and chastise him in front of the experts. When asked for their decisions, he acknowledges his growth due to his wife’s efforts and wants to stay married. Lindsey admits he husband isn’t everything she asked for, but he is everything she needs. I guess that makes sense, if you feel the need to mold a grown man.

Noi and Steve

Early on, Steve and Noi have been my favorite couple from the start. Not only are they a handsome couple, they had an immediate connection. But as the season progressed, it became apparent that there were serious issues surrounding finances and an equitable distribution of chores. Despite Noi getting emotional about how safe she feels with Steve, she still feels like he should have no issue doing the lion share of household duties. This really irritated me.  As much as she loves the feeling of safety, does she not believe her husband is worthy of that as well. I have enjoyed this relationship, but Noi comes off as bratty and immature in many ways. I understand her need to feel financially secure, but the way she handled conflict was less than desirable. She even brings up the fact that Steve isn’t working as a reason why he should be doing more. Steve is offended and concerned that things may not change in the future. In the end, they both chose to stay married. I feel like there may be a lot more revealed on the reunion. Steve and Noi have some major unresolved issues that have been swept under the rug. Maybe they should have worked on their relationship, before presenting her with another wedding ring.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]

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