Candiace Dillard Bassett Real Housewives Of Potomac

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: You’re Invited To A Pajama Party At Dorothy’s House!

If you’re still sleeping on The Real Housewives of Potomac, there might be no hope for you. This is a franchise that delivers five star episodes every week. Every woman on the cast is working for that check. It’s the perfect blend of drama and comedy. No other city is even coming close to topping them right now. Newbie Mia Thornton already has herself front and center in the group’s drama. Her feud with Wendy Osefo is SERVING.

Mia has been quite the flip flop since joining the group. Despite her loyalty to Karen Huger, she’s shown interest in befriending Gizelle Bryant & Robyn Dixon. Whether or not she’ll bond with them remains to be seen. It’s going to be difficult for her to walk that fine line for too long. It’s likely she’ll end up planted firmly on the side of The Grande Dame. However, the journey to getting to that point should be delicious!

Gizelle Bryant Real Housewives Of Potomac

Gizelle’s fashion game is definitely better than previous seasons. She’s not ready for Vogue or anything like that, but it’s better. It’s enough for a nice National Inquirer spread. Everyone dragging her for her clumsy fashion choices must’ve permeated through her messy brain.

Gizelle & Robyn are launching a podcast together which has the potential to be somewhat interesting. This could pave the way for new drama if they discuss their costars. The green-eyed bandits know how to keep it MOVING. Okay?

The relationship with Jamal Bryant is non existent at this point. Gizelle’s throwing all of the blame on the pandemic. It’s an easy out, but STOP. Everyone sees through that facade. Pastor “Holy Whore” was anointing all of Atlanta, and you couldn’t handle it. Be honest.

Both Robyn & Gizelle are annoyed with how things went with Mia at the Pamper Party. Everyone was talking and in the way. They need to speak to her in a setting away from the other women. They specify that they don’t want her bringing Karen to lunch.

That’s a good idea because Mia has already shown a tendency to flip flop between both sides. She might self destruct if both Karen & Gizelle are looking to her for a genuine opinion. Let’s hope Mia isn’t miffed by the idea of Karen being excluded.

Ashley Darby Real Housewives Of Potomac

ASHLEY DARBY IS SO FUCKING PREGNANT. The little Joey inside of her is moments away from popping out of her pouch. Regardless of that, it’s nice to see Creepy Michael Darby making an effort to not be a shit husband. This is a first for him. It’s a good look though. Keep those trousers ZIPPED.

Ashley’s caught off guard when Michael expresses interest in making movies. No, it won’t be seedy “home videos” in motels with hourly rates. He’s actually trying to be the next Michael Bay. Let’s fund us a blockbuster.

Perhaps he can bring back Crocodile Dundee. Reboot that bitch and breathe LIFE into the franchise. It might be difficult for him to find a willing camera man though. Especially if Michael plans on being hands on.

Ashley doesn’t think this is the time to dive into a venture like this. She feels as if the baby should be the number one topic right now. Their last big business venture didn’t end so well.

Who would’ve thought Australian cuisine wouldn’t go over well in the DMV? Are you saying you wouldn’t want an Emu Egg & Cheese McMuffin? SHAME ON YOU. We Stan down under delicacies in this house.

Mia Thornton Real Housewives Of Potomac

Karen’s thrilled to speak to her daughter in a rare mother daughter bonding moment. Karen’s becoming an ambassador to her rural yee haw town. Her reach is never ending. How nice of her to serve as The Grand Dame of the cows and chickens of the farm.

Mia’s a lot more successful than she comes across. Is that rude to say? At first glance, she doesn’t seem like someone who would be so powerful in business. Almost every time we saw her, she’s talking about her clitoral reconstruction.  That’s the extent of depth we get from her in group settings. However, Mia is a boss bitch at work. You can’t take that away from her.

Mia’s struggling finding a balance between her work and home life. This is a song and dance we see all too often from Housewives. So many women watching this out there also struggle with this. It’s a delicate balance that seems nearly impossible to perfect.

Robyn meets with her trainer to help her shed those pandemic pounds. The weight gain during the pandemic is something all too familiar during these times because who wants to work out? It’s hard to remain motivated when there’s nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Askale Davis & Wendy are joining Robyn for this fitness session. Wendy is freezing her new ass off! She did not take her Bravo check and get new assets just for them to get frostbite. I’m worried for Happy & Ness. We must protect her new breast friends at all costs.

Candiace Dillard Bassett calls Robyn while they’re working out to invite them to a party. She’s hosting a pajama party to say farewell to a house that she spent much of her youth in. She wants the girls to get a long because Karen & Mia will both be in attendance. Oh good! We can watch Zen Wen not have time for Mia again. Tick Tock!

Candiace Dillard Bassett Real Housewives Of Potomac

Mia invites Karen over to discuss that text from Gizelle. Asking Mia to not include Karen in their lunch is evidently treasonous behavior. Mia replied to Gizelle’s text saying, “there’s nothing I have to talk to you about.” Well there you have it folks. You do not tell Mia what she can and can not do.

Robyn tried to interject, but like Karen, Mia has no time for her. Poor Robyn’s always getting dismissed. She tries so damn hard to have a moment, but they always shut her down. No wonder she spends all of her time in bed these days. Why bother when six other women are constantly outshining you?

Candiace drops by the studio to record some new music because that’s her thing now. If you haven’t heard her song Drive Back, head to your preferred music streaming service and do so immediately. This is what we call a FUCKING BOP.

SHE’S RECORDING DRIVE BACK RIGHT NOW ON THE SHOW. It’s so fun to watch the creative process on how it came to be. As the President of her fan club, it’s my duty to vehemently defend this new track. Help the prez get the royalties he deserves.

Gizelle’s taking her daughter AGAIN to get her driver’s permit. Is it not nice of me to low key judge this child for not passing this test? It’s not even the driving portion of it. Is she not studying? What’s happening here? If she’s genuinely struggling with this, do they not have resources available to help her?

Gizelle’s losing her mind in the car awaiting the result of her test. Her stomach is in knots waiting to find out what happened. Somehow she FAILED THE TEST AGAIN. Someone help this poor child with this test. Do not let her fail another time. Also if you think she might not pass this test, how about we don’t humiliate her on national television? The fuck?

Karen Huger Real Housewives Of Potomac

I admire Candiace making the decision to finally cut the cord from mommy. I enjoy her (the president earns his job), but sucking Dorothy Dillard’s nipple can only last so long. Be free! Welcome to adulthood because you’re already a decade late!

Karen is the first woman to arrive, and she’s proud of how far Candiace has come. Robyn is next, and the dynamic is forever awkward between these two. Karen immediately starts inquiring about when Robyn & Juan Dixon will finally tie the knot.

It’s the world’s longest journey to walk down the aisle. Robyn’s working overtime to make everyone think it’s the pandemic delaying her nuptials. The moment we admit that man doesn’t want her is the moment we are truly free. Let’s all say it together. Juan & Robyn are NEVER getting married. Our resident hat maker just needs a story line that’ll stretch out many seasons. Whew. I feel better because it was hard to keep that in. It was nice to release that.

Candiace doesn’t include Ashley in the party, but she claims it was an oversight. We all know Ashley’s about to give birth at any time which is proven in Ashley’s home video. It’s about damn time!

Wendy shows up to the party looking like a stripper ready for a boxing match. I’m not sure if she’s ready to perform a dance or hit Mia with an uppercut. If they keep the Fireball flowing, anything is possible.

Karen confronts Gizelle & Robyn about asking Mia not to include her in their drinks. It’s great timing because Mia’s the next to arrive. However this has the potential to go so many different ways. This is Candiace’s old home. We know some crazy shit has to happen to give it a proper sendoff.

Mia Thornton Real Housewives Of Potomac

Mia owns up to being aggressive toward Gizelle in her text. It takes too seconds for Askale to jump in and try to call Mia out. Mia fires back by shading Askale for not owning any businesses. She actually owns SEVERAL. Robyn & Wendy don’t appreciate any of this back and forth, but Candiace shuts it down. She wants a fun night for her final party. Understandably so.

Mia tells Gizelle they got off on the wrong foot. They didn’t though. When they first met, Mia was all about Gizelle’s beautiful heart. I want to enjoy Mia, but she’s way too flip floppy. She needs to start standing firm in her stances. Every other episode she’s changing her opinion based on who she’s talking to.

Candiace suggests a game of Never Have I Ever for her adult slumber party. We learn that Mia watched her husband and another woman go to town. I guess her clit needed a break! This stuff takes work, but shout out to her man!

The episode concludes with Ashley on her way to have her second baby! What a journey we’ve witnessed for Ashley over the last six seasons.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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