Luann de Lesseps Real Housewives Of New York

Real Housewives Fans Slam Luann de Lesseps For Calling Eboni K. Williams “Angry”

The current season of Real Housewives of New York has been pretty unusual, and it’s not just because the cast is down to 5 girls who were filming during a pandemic. Leah McSweeney and Luann de Lesseps are sober. While Leah and Ramona Singer are forever feuding, LuMona has become a duo of sorts. The first black NYC housewife Eboni K. Williams has started off strong, particularly on her first girls’ trip to the Hamptons. And Sonja Morgan is doing was she always does — cuddling with Marley, getting a littttttle too tipsy and crying about her decades-old divorce at any moment. And, as always, making us laugh, because what is RHONY without Lady Morgan.

During this week’s episode, Luann had the ladies over for an interesting luncheon that involved the group painting a live naked model. To no surprise, they had some trouble focusing on the art with all of the distractions. While everything seemed fine and dandy, like a drop of a hat, everyone was feuding. Leah was on edge as she dealt with her grandmother’s death and her total disgust towards Holla Heather Thomson. And even though she was fighting Ramona, Miss Singer is asking fans to give her a break. Eboni always went toes with a few of the ladies to defend Leah, particularly Luann who took it too far.

The argument began with Ramona randomly worrying about being classy all of the sudden, so she’d have the chance to yell at Leah for talking about sex all the time. Lu backed up her new bestie and said it sounds “uneducated” to use raunchy language. Eboni clapped back, saying it has nothing to do without education because she was the most educated person at the table.

The Countess, who always wants to be the star of her make-believe 24/7 cabaret life, got so offended by this, referred to angry as an “angry” woman, and told her to leave the house. It was definitely not one of Lu’s finer moments and this time she was stone-cold sober. No wonder she wants her old cronies back on the show. The new girls are holding everyone accountable this season.

Fans did not like the way Lu went off on Eboni, particularly because so many of the other past and current RHONY stars have reacted way more aggressively than the new girl. Lu posted a clip of the episode to promote it on Instagram, and fans went off in the comments. “Wow, Luann. Stop talking and listen. Maybe you will learn something. terrible behavior tonight,” one fan wrote.


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Another commenter claimed that Lu was deleting comments on the post that were negative about her. “I am no longer a fan. Call another Black woman angry and see,” they continued. Lu isn’t always the best at owning her mistakes, so it’s not too surprising she isn’t addressing this controversy head-on.

The comments just kept going, with many people saying they were “disappointed” with the Countess. One person even suggested to “Cancel Luann.” “Wow. Your hateful behavior and words toward Eboni was really hard to watch. I hope you sincerely apologize and realize your bias. It was not a good look for you at all,” someone wrote.


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During the episode, Lu also claimed to be more educated because she’s a world traveler who speaks different languages. She added that a “degree” doesn’t make you more educated. “Lu that’s literally the definition of education,” one fan wrote. “You were so disappointing in tonight’s episode. I loved watching you over the years and I always want the best for everyone. I hope in the future you choose to listen. Don’t mistake having the privilege to travel and be ‘well rounded’ as having an education or class. A shame.,” another said. Sounds like the Countess could use some tips on etiquette when it comes to not putting down other people. I don’t remember a chapter about microaggressions in her manners book.

The comments CONTINUE because fans are not letting Lu off the hook this time. “Did you know that having more degrees than someone is more ‘classically education’ than someone else?” someone asked. While some people kept it nice, others threw major shade. “I guess age doesn’t bring wisdom,” someone wrote. The Simply Ageless Countess is not going to like that one.


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[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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