Lisa Rinna Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

Lisa Rinna Responds To Harry Hamlin Affair Rumors

Lisa Rinna had quite a season on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Lacking her own storyline, she used her time vilify another cast member. Along with dancing around in varied stages of undress, this is her thing now. Lisa also managed to take a 20+ year friendship with Denise Richards and allow it to deteriorate in a sea of accusations and rumors. It was all speculation, but because of a few ambiguous texts and unreliable sources, most of the ladies deemed it as fact.

Much like the scandal involving a dog that we will never name again, viewers lost another cast member. As a result of being ganged up on and perhaps falsely implicated, Denise said hasta la vista to women who seemed to forget all previous experiences with Brandi Glanville aka THE TRUTH TELLER. Rinna didn’t mind exposing Denise’s purported infidelity and discussing it to excess, but we all know she isn’t too keen when someone brings up HER relationship. Recently, someone accused Harry Hamlin of extra-marital indiscretions on social media and Lisa responded. Now ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about the husband…

Lisa is a champion of “putting it all out there” and “owning it“. Her expressions are a variable Pinterest board of delusion. Remember when the cast visited Amsterdam? It was glorious! The scenery, the shopping, the Kim Richards. That trip gave us the knowledge that Rinna becomes somewhat protective when a particular subject comes up. Mainly her husband and any vague insinuation he might be up to something that could jeopardize his sacred bonds of marriage.

While Kim’s “let’s talk about the husband” comment was determined to be an ambiguous swipe in an effort to make Rinna mad, it worked! And now it has happened again. Except this time it was a member of the general public and Lisa isn’t able to toss a glass across the table in retaliation. According to TooFab, a social media user shared a post stating Harry might be doing more than camping when he takes off for Canada.


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The post read, “My girlfriend f–ked Harry Hamlin in Muskoka for an entire summer in 2018 – you wanna talk about that @lisarinna ??? Or do you want to talk about his affair with Patricia?” Hide the stemware and prepare to duck! The source also shared, “I don’t have any receipts but it’s legit. He [Harry] told @lisarinna he’s ‘off the grid’ for a few days and then literally spent an entire 2 days in my friends bedroom and at her cottage. Patricia is a Muskoka whore that everyone knows, Harry included.”

Oh my, not just any whore but a Muskoka whore! It could have been easy for this comment to fade away into the internet after a day or two, but Rinna was irritated.


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Lisa responded, “Yeah and I watched it was hot as hell Patricia well she’s kind of downer I did’t like her so much.” Why so bothered, Rinna? If it isn’t true then she has nothing to worry about, RIGHT? But this is a butthurt Rinna and she wasn’t done. She also posted, “#Fbf Appreciation Post to my very busy Husband who apparently doesn’t live with us, is having a lot of affairs, and is gay.” Someone might need a Snickers… Lisa also added, “Go Harry Fu*king Hamlin.” I’m wondering if Karma’s government name is Denise. Perhaps Lisa would believe this rumor if Brandi said it? Because we all know Brandi is not a liar.

Poor Harry Hamlin, wants nothing more than to be left alone in an off-grid tent with zero ability to communicate with the outside world, is once again the subject of rumors. Funny that there is no concrete proof of this alleged affair. Just one person claiming to have knowledge based on acts that were allegedly witnessed. Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Perhaps Rinna needs to practice what she preaches. Perhaps it’s time to talk about the husband.


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[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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