WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN -- Episode 15162 -- Pictured: Reza Farahan -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Ali Ashouri Files Restraining Order Against Shahs Of Sunset Star Reza Farahan

How is everyone feeling about this season of Shahs of Sunset? It feels like we waited forever just to have this season. Now that it’s here, I’m not really sure what to think. The show feels heavy and disjointed to me. Longtime cast member Golnesa Gharachedaghi has been on an IVF journey that ended in heartbreak. On a positive note, GG has gone on to have a successful pregnancy and is currently waiting the birth of her first child. Mike Shouhed is busy with another sure to fail business venture, which happens every single season. Nema Vand? What is he bringing to the table this season? Shervin Roohparvar has been downgraded to a friend of, despite being in a ton of group scenes. #justiceforshervin. The only drama that is being brought to the table is between Reza Farahan and his best friend of 30 years, Mercedes “MJ” Javid.

As a quick recap, MJ is being accused of conspiring to take down Reza and Adam Neely’s marriage by spreading rumors of Adam’s transgressions. According to my least favorite cast member, Destiney Rose, MJ put “friend of”, Ali Ashouri up to confronting Reza about the allegations. Those allegations include strip Jenga and inappropriate text messages that Ali describes as sexual harassment.

The whole thing blew up after a meeting between Ali and Reza, orchestrated by Destiney. Reza threw a glass of water in Ali’s face and MJ was somehow blamed for the whole thing. A huge (and controversial) fight erupted between Reza and MJ at a filmed pool party. This lead Reza to post a nastygram on social media about MJ, including her private medical history. Then her husband Tommy Feight went and broke some planters at Reza and Adam’s backyard, which resulted in a restraining order. Whew. Are you guys still following?

But that’s not the only restraining order that’s coming into play out of this whole mess. According to legal documents obtained by The Blast, Ali filed a civil harassment restraining order against Reza. The order was filed in Los Angeles County Court but it’s unclear why Ali is seeking protection. Possibly assault with water?


RELATED: Shahs Of Sunset Viewers Outraged When Reza Farahan Said Mercedes Javid’s “Uterus Exploded Because She Had 10 Abortions”


We hadn’t  heard Ali much since getting water thrown in his face. But, he showed up last episode.  Ali made another awkward appearance, falling on his sword for MJ. Ali’s definitely coming out swinging after catching wind of Destiney’s apology to Reza. Ali recently spoke out about his feelings, saying Destiney is a “scared and weak person”. Destiney fired back on a recent episode of Watch What Happens Live. She told host Andy Cohen, “When obviously things don’t go someone’s way, they’re gonna say a lot of things that is out of their booty hole.”

How many more restraining orders are going to come of this?


RELATED: Mike Shouhed Says Shahs Of Sunset “Is The Best Show That Bravo Has”



[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]

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