Amber Love After Lockup

Love After Lockup Recap: Love Or Con?

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The drama on Love After Lockup has escalated to entirely new level lately. Angela is back in this episode which is kind of shocking. It seemed like her story wrapped up when Tony went back to prison. Lizzy and Daniel had a huge pregnancy scare on last week’s episode, but it was thankfully negative. The last thing THOSE TWO need is a kid getting into the mix right now.

America’s favorite love triangle is getting even crazier as well. Shane proposed to Lacey, and she said yes. However, shortly after she flipped out and attacked him. Glorietta and Alex might not be able to survive if her mother doesn’t stay out of their business. The biggest question looming hopefully gets answered in this episode though. Who is conning who? Vince or Amber?

Angela & Tony

Love After Lockup Recap: Love Or Con?

Angela and Tony have been split up for over four months, but he’s out of prison now. I hope she doesn’t consider giving him another chance. HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU ANGELA.

She’s been refusing all of his phone calls, but now she’s finally answering. He begs for forgiveness, but she hangs up. Stay strong girl! He’s so not worth it.

Angela asks her friend for advice on how to handle Tony. She confesses that she still loves Tony. What are you talking about? What is there to love about this man? He’s done you so dirty so many times. WALK AWAY.

Tony will not stop blowing up Angela’s phone. He begs to come home to her. However, Angela thinks he’s just looking for a place to parole to.

He doesn’t even sound real when he speaks. None of it sounds genuine. Tony wants to earn her trust back, but she wants specifics.

Please don’t fall for this con Angela. Don’t listen to a word he’s saying. All Tony is going to do is hurt her so badly.

Glorietta & Alex

Love After Lockup Recap: Love Or Con?

Alex has been out of prison for over three weeks, and Glorietta is going bridal dress shopping. While she does that, Alex has plans to meet him with a close friend. Any chances Alex will end up meeting with his ex?

YUP. He wants to spend some time with her to know there is nothing left between them. His friend warns him against falling down that dark path again.

If Glorietta finds out, she’ll lose whatever marbles she has left. Why poke the bear bro? In addition to Glorietta’s reaction, her mom will just have yet another reason to hate him.

Glorietta cannot get enough of Alex’s body. His entire body is full of tattoos that represent women he’s been with. That’s so cringe.

I wonder if her mom will show up to dress shopping. After her outburst at the bar, I doubt she’s even invited.

Alex meets with his ex girlfriend and is amazed at how great she looks. It’s messed up that she’s trying on dresses, and he is with his former flame.

His ex calls him an opportunist and doesn’t believe he really cares about Glorietta. She’s calling bs on EVERYTHING he’s saying. I kind of really love her.

Glorietta picks out the perfect dress, but this wedding might not happen.

Lacey, John, & Shane

Love After Lockup Recap: Love Or Con?

John is finally being released, and everyone is reeling from the fight between Shane & Lacey. She wants to talk about it, but he doesn’t seem up for it.

Lacey claims to love him and apologizes for acting crazy. She went off kilter so fast. Lacey become a violent monster because her plan was blowing up in her face.

She tells Shane that his proposal wasn’t as good as John’s so she can’t accept the ring. To make it worse, she asks Shane to leave the house.

She tells him she might want to bring John back to the house, so he has to leave. That’s such an awkward thing to say to someone.

Shane asks Lacey to wait because he wants to go in the car with her. A FIGHT IS BREWING FOLKS. I love how Shane calls John “this other guy”. He doesn’t even address him as a real person. It’s so funny to watch.

Shane’s worried about them being alone together, so he really wants to go with her. Lacey feels bad about what she’s doing, but wants to give John a chance.

Shane is furious and decides to follow Lacey. THIS WILL NOT END WELL. So many combustible elements together in one setting. Something so bad is going to go down. I feel it.

John is out of prison, and now the real fun begins. John feels great to be out of prison, but the vibe is uncomfortable.

She doesn’t have the same feelings for John that she thought she would. Lacey tells John that she loves Shane, and he questions why she didn’t call it off sooner.

John refuses to get into the car with Lacey, and he takes off. However, as he’s leaving he hears Shane calls Lacey’s name. HERE WE GO.

Lizzy & Daniel

Love After Lockup Recap: Love Or Con?

Daniel plans on buying Lizzy a promise ring to show he’s all in. I’m still so glad these two aren’t having a baby.

Daniel is making so much sense. He wants to get a job before bringing a child into the mix.

He buys the cheapest ring possible because his mom is paying for it. Daniel is duping his mom big time though. He plans on PROPOSING with this ring. It’s not a promise ring at all. Oh my.

Vince & Amber

Love After Lockup Recap: Love Or Con?

Vince and Amber’s story is being dragged out so long, and she’s only been out of prison a few days. Puppy tries to reassure Amber that she can make this work with Vince.

Amber reveals that her plan all along was to use Vince for money and marry him. WHAT? How can they call Vince a con artist when they’re conning him themselves?

Puppy says to entertain Vince for the next couple months until she gets out. Amber tells the producers that she was never in love with Vince. This was all a scheme to scam him out of money he was trying to make with a new product.

As Amber’s getting off the phone she notices Puppy’s mom was listening. DOES SHE KNOW ABOUT THE CON? IS SHE IN ON THIS? If she isn’t, she might tell Vince and blow up the entire plan.


[Photo Credit: WE tv]

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