90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

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This season, we will witness five new relationships and the continuation of two previous train wrecks. 90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days is back with a vengeance! They definitely took the naïve, crazy and scammer mixed them all together into one big ball of reality gold that we have come to know and love. Just from watching the premiere episode, I have seen everything I need to see to confirm that I will be running to the TV every Sunday to see this shit show unfold. Join me every week watching these poor unfortunate souls beg fight for love.

Rebecca is a private investigator with three kids and three failed marriages. Already this sounds like reality TV gold. I can just see her stalking this man with her investigative skills she probably didn’t use when she met him. SMH….  Her last marriage was to a Moroccan man she brought to America on a spousal visa, but she’s ready to try again. She met Zied online and fell in love. Is there a secret app specifically for dating in Morocco or Tunisia? Can these women in the 90 Day Fiance franchise find anyone from other countries or is there a special rate on mail-order husbands from those two? Despite the concerns of her friends and family, Rebecca is ready to throw common sense caution to wind and try again. Rebecca has planned a trip to Tunisia, and her goal is to leave with a ring and a new fiance.


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

Rebecca meets with her daughter and son-in-law to discuss her upcoming trip to Tunisia. Her daughter is not happy with her mother considering her last foreign love story was a disaster. I can’t wait until Zied finally sees her and realizes how heavily filtered those videos and photos were. Whew, chile, the deception! Rebecca breaks out the old ring light to video call Zied. What is she going to do when they meet in person when there is no lighting and filters in person? I don’t understand the attraction here. This man can barely hold a conversation. He just keeps saying “I love you so much”. Rebecca will reveal a secret to Zied when they meet, that could jeopardize their relationship.

Rebecca finally tells us her secret. Her boyfriend, Zied has no idea that she is still technically married and is just now filing her paperwork for a divorce. This is really bad because in Zied’s culture, a relationship with a married woman is strictly forbidden. Wow… Maybe you should have given him a choice rather than make him break a rule in his culture unknowingly. SMH… Although, Rebecca has filed papers nothing will be official until after she returns to her trip.


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

Nail technician Caesar has spent over $40,000 to financially support his foreign love. He met Maria on a site for Ukrainian women and the two has been talking for the past five years. Now Caesar is planning to travel to the Ukraine to meet her, but EVERYONE is afraid she’s been scamming him the entire time. Once he meets her in person, Caesar plans on getting down on one knee and proposing to the woman of his dreams. Between Caesar’s creepy stare, the fact that he takes care of feet for a living and that he was specifically looking for a woman from Ukraine…. He is giving off serial killer vibes. SMH… With all seriousness, something is weird about this guy. I can’t wait to figure it out.

Caesar is riding a bike and clipping coupons so that he can fully support Maria. SMH… This woman sends him generic videos that she could be sending to 10 different men. Maria cons Caesar into taking her to a resort in Mexico rather than meet her in her home country of Ukraine. He tries to tempt her with a cheap hotel and coffee with friends and Maria isn’t having it. Her excuse is that Ukraine is too cold. Ummm…what?’ It’s clear that this poor sap is being taken advantage of. I don’t know how he is affording this gold digger on a nail tech’s salary.

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

Caesar begs his boss to float him a loan for his vacation in Mexico. His boss, like most of us, can see that this is a scheme. This guy will be eating ramen noodles for years to pay this money back. I doubt she will even show up since she has flaked several times before. He is sending $2,000 to the Ukraine rather than just buying Maria’s plane ticket himself. It doesn’t take a genius to know how this will turn out. Of course, when checking in with Maria she says she can’t go to Mexico. SMH.. chile, please.

This woman is a classic scammer, she twists the situation and makes him feel bad that he even expects to make good on her promise. Not only is he out of the money he gave her, his plane ticket to Mexico is nonrefundable. SMH… I can’t wait to see how all of this plays out.

Avery, 19 (Ohio) and Omar, 24 (Syria)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

At 18 years old, Avery decided to leave her Christian faith and become Muslim. Her family is not happy about this change, but they are hoping it’s another temporary phase.  Shortly after joining a Muslim dating site, she met Omar. Even though Omar lives in Syria, his profile originally said he lived in America. Despite all of this they fell in love online and got engaged. Avery will travel with her mom to meet Omar for the first time. She will have to decide if their love is worth potentially living in a war-torn country.

In just a few short days Avery will travel to Lebanon to meet her fiance. She visits her friend Rachel and her religious family who warns her about their concerns. It’s a shame that a friend’s family is presenting more red flags than her own family. I don’t know how a 19-year-old would have enough money to travel to Syria without a parent’s help. I wouldn’t fund or go along with my daughter to meet a man in another country at that age. Avery reveals her secret to her friend. She plans to live in Syria while they await his visa being approved.

Her mother believes that Avery will be returning to the US. SMH… This is exactly why I wouldn’t have supported the relationship emotionally or financially. She even tells her friend and her family not to tell her mother her plans. Wow… Avery is not only naive but extremely immature if she thinks the situation is no big deal. I guess she will grow up when she truly sees everything that glitters isn’t gold.


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

She’s baccccccccccccccccccccccck! The train wreck we all know as Darcey Silva is back to find love WITH ANOTHER GUY. Now, Darcey if you get on this show act a fool all over again there will be no doubt that you are insane. Hopefully, this new guy is nothing like controlling lollipop head Jesse. This time she’s got a new boo, British businessman Tom Brooks is her ‘James Bond,’. Although they met online four years ago, Darcey claims they never exclusively dated and never met in person while she was dating Jesse Meester.

Now, Darcey is finally ready to travel to the U.K. and hopefully start a relationship that will last a lifetime. This woman is a hot mess. Once again she is exposing her daughters to another long-distance relationship that will cause their mother to either be absent or on an emotional roller-coaster.

Darcey and her twin Stacey head to get more cosmetic procedures so she looks her best when she meets Tom. We find out that her twin is also dating a foreign man in Albania. Is there no men online they can meet and vet out in America before wasting all of that time and money?…geez. These women don’t need anymore Botox and fillers into their face. I’m sorry, but you aren’t fooling anyone into thinking you are younger.

Darcey video calls Tom and her insecurity and desperation leaps off the screen as she whines about Jesse. What new boyfriend wants to keep consoling you about the last? Okay… this guy seems like another douche. He isn’t going to pick Darcy up from the airport because he doesn’t want to see her before she brushes her teeth and freshens up. Maybe this was his attempt at being considerate but the cold way he said it makes it seem as though it’s more for his benefit.


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

After coming across Jeniffer’s online profile, former geek, Timothy was instantly smitten. Now, he’s traveling to Colombia to meet her in person for the first time and plans to propose. But with Jeniffer being a supposed model, he’s worried she won’t be impressed when they finally meet. Tim has a close relationship with his ex-fiance, Veronica, and her daughter who he has taken care of since she was one. He will now have the pressure of proving himself to be a capable step-father to Jeniffer’s 18-month-old daughter as well. Veronica worries that Timothy’s new relationship will impact the family dynamic she has built.

Timothy calls Jeniffer and is immediately hit with a request for $500. He is shocked but agrees to buy her things because she is so beautiful in his eyes. Jeniffer becomes upset when Timothy reveals his ex is throwing him a goodbye party. She says things will change in the future. I highly doubt she is going to allow his ex to hang around and possibly infringe on their relationship and money she could be using herself. Is it just me or does this season look like it’s going to be GOOD!


[Photo Credit: TLC]

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