Reality TV Listings - Southern Charm Reunion

Thomas Ravenel Claims Kathryn Dennis Went To Rehab To Cover An Abortion; Says She’s “Heavily Medicated & Sexually Active With Multiple Men”

Thomas Ravenel is the Energizer Bunny of litigation. The ex Southern Charm star is gone from the show, but he still brings drama. Thomas and previous girlfriend, Kathryn Dennis, have been in a custody battle for YEARS. Their saga is a regular Bret Easton Ellis novel of drugs, alcohol, psycho paramours, and rehab. Oh, and sexual assault allegations.

Thomas and Kathryn have shown an ability to co-parent. But it seems co-parenting isn’t on their agenda. The former couple had joint custody, but Thomas’ arrest motivated Kathryn to make a change. In 2018 she filed for sole custody and that’s when the battle really began. Since then Thomas has been on a dragging fest. Dragging anyone involved with Kathryn into court. In true Energizer Bunny fashion, now Thomas has new allegations. He just keeps going, and going, and going…

Andy Cohen and Patricia Altschul have been called. Whitney Sudler-Smith is so scared of being deposed, he is lying denies visiting bone town with Kathryn over the summer. Can I be called for writing this article?  Thomas is on a rampage in his continued effort to disclaim Kathryn as a mother.

Now Thomas continues the character assassination. According to the Daily Mail, “The filings seek to show Kathryn as a negligent mother, mentally unstable, heavily medicated, sexually active with multiple men and hopelessly reckless with her finances.” If that’s the case, Kathryn will have a job at Bravo forever. The article states hundreds of pages of depositions, affidavits, etc., have been submitted by Thomas’ attorney.

RELATED: Thomas Ravenel Claims Kathryn Dennis Is Helping Their Former Nanny Conspire Against Him

Thomas brought in an “expert witness”. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Timothy Brewerton lists 17 diagnoses and medications ascribed to Kathryn’s mental health issues. Dr. Brewerton claims, “She [Kathryn] always returns to Klonopin and Adderall, two drugs that can be characterized as ‘high risk for drug abuse’.” If she weren’t getting help for her issues, Thomas would find fault in that as well.

Thomas also paid tracked down one of Kathryn’s ex-beaus. Ashley Pillar dated Kathryn after her rehab stay and now contributes to Thomas’ case. According to Ashley, who absolutely did not receive money, Kathryn “was addicted to prescription medications, marijuana, alcohol, and sex.” Now she’s addicted to sex! Court papers show Ashley is also prescribed Adderall and said, “It got so bad I started hiding my medication from her.” Also takes Adderall, go figure.

RELATED: Kathryn Dennis Reveals How She Met Her Boyfriend; Dishes On Their Relationship

An undated text message from a “friend” of Kathryn’s was submitted. Lara Dawson appeared to try to buy Adderall on Kathryn’s behalf. It reads: “I have Kathryn here at my house in a f***in full panic attack mode – she has been on Adderall since 14 and her ex stole her entire bottle….I told her I would do everything I possibly could to get her covered and she will come to you and pay you well.” Is an undated text good evidence?

In a stunning allegation, Thomas feels Kathryn’s rehab stay was to cover an abortion. “Medical records show that during her time at Promises Rehab, Kathryn was briefly hospitalized and had an abortion.” An affidavit states, “This makes me [Thomas] wonder if Kathryn’s time at Promises was a ruse and that she really went to California to have an abortion.” How does this qualify as T-Rav’s business? It doesn’t.

RELATED: Kathryn Dennis’ Rental Home Hits The Market For $1.8 Million After Southern Charm Cast Criticized her For Living There

Thomas claimed Kathryn was drinking after rehab. He said, “Kathryn’s credit card and bank records show that immediately upon her return from rehab in July 2016, Kathryn began drinking again.” Statements show large amounts of money were debited from liquor stores and bars. Seems pretty damning, but do statements also show Kathryn physically imbibing alcohol? Has Thomas ever been one to shy away from bottles a glass of bourbon?

Finally, Thomas goes after Kathryn’s dating life. He doesn’t like that her boyfriend Hunter Price stays over. Um hello, Ashley Jacobs? Thomas said, “I wouldn’t have such a problem with Hunter living with Kathryn if I felt that Kathryn was capable of being in a healthy, long-term relationship.” Yes, Kathryn is the only one in this equation whose ability of being in a healthy relationship is questionable. At least she’s not being accused of rape assault?

RELATED: Thomas Ravenel Wants Full Custody Of Kids; Claims Kathryn Dennis Failed Drug Test

Thomas shared “serious concern for her [Kathryn’s] ability to meet basic needs and provide our children with a stable environment.” Thomas is the king of stable environmentsIn a statement to People, Kathryn’s attorney denies all of Thomas’ claims. “For ethical reasons, I try to avoid making any statements to the press whatsoever, however, Kathryn obviously denies all of this and I believe that the submissions to the Court that we have made discredit such allegations.” Hopefully, Thomas’ desire to improve the kids’ lives will continue throughout his criminal trial.


[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman/Bravo]

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