Below Deck - Kate Chastain

Does Adrian Martin Cross The Line On Tonight’s Below Deck?

Tonight is the season finale of Below Deck. This means we’re all crying sea salty tears into our wine at the loss of Kate Chastain in our lives. If it’s any consolation (it’s not) I heard Hannah Ferrier is returning for season 4 of Below Deck Mediterranean. Wait – that makes me cry harder.

Anyway, Krazy Krystal is still in her shame cocoonKate wants that girl served a nice, cold helping of hose in her face to wash off the drunken entitlement tantrum. It doesn’t sound like things improve between Kate and Krystal when Kate forgets it’s her birthday! Freudian slip?

Even worse: later Kate is stuck telling Adrian Martin that he can’t decorate the table with live, writhing sea slugs that resemble penises (penii?).

Adrian’s inappropriateness also has him in trouble with Laura Betancourt who has heard one too many sexual comments from him and finally lets him know that he’s making her uncomfortable.

RELATED: Below Deck: Tyler Rowland & Rhylee Gerber Reflect On “The Most Awkward Date”

Speaking of uncomfortable – that brings us to Rhylee Gerber and Tyler Rowland, who for 3.5 seconds were making merry after in humpland until Rhylee found herself dumped. They’re still sharing a room together, just not 1/2 of a bunk bed.

Things are going considerably better for Laura and Ashton Pienaar, who are actually making plans together post-charter. Ross Inia is also making plans in the romance front – he hopes to reconnect with his son’s mother so they can all be a family again, but he’s also reconnected with Krystal and rumor has it they’re more than post-charter pals...

RELATED: Captain Lee Rosbach Calls Out Tyler Rowland For Orchestrating A “Dump Date” On The Last Season Of Below Deck

Tune in for a new Below Deck episode tonight at 9 PM on Bravo. You can chat about the episode in the comments below, or join us on Twitter. And as always check out my recap tomorrow morning!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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