6 Reasons You Need To Watch Floribama Shore

Back in 2009, MTV introduced the world to a group of spray tanned, gym loving individuals known as the Jersey Shore.  Love them or hate them you couldn’t deny they were a cultural phenomenon.

In 2017, after the end of Jersey Shore in 2012, MTV premiered Floribama Shore. Although, it may not have taken the world by storm like it’s predecessor that does not mean it should be cast aside.  Here are some of the reasons why Floribama Shore should definitely be added to your watch list.

1. The Antithesis Of Jersey Shore


Jersey Shore was a loud, aggressive, dramatic and often times offensive show.  Where the men in the group dubbed women as “land minds” “grenades” and were unabashed in their quest for a one night stand.  By season 2 they were even blatantly asking women if they were “DTF”.  When I first heard this it even took me a moment to wrap my mind around the fact they weren’t even sugar coating their intentions.

I applaud their openness.  There is no way a woman could misinterpret the situation. If they decided not to live up to their end of the bargain once they returned to the shore house, they were immediately called a cab and sent on their way. Yet, I was also turned off by this groups brazenness.

I thought Floribama Shore was MTV’s next Jersey Shore, and was surprised it wasn’t.  This isn’t one homogeneous group but a mix of people from all walks of life coming together to live in a house on the beach.  Does Floribama Shore have the same everyday drama as Jersey Shore? No, but it doesn’t need to.

They have enough to keep you invested, and coming back without feeling emotionally drained.  You’re not stuck watching Sammy and Ronnie fighting for the millionth time. After a few seasons of watching them, even I was tired of the relationship and wanted out.

2. Old Real World Feel

Floribama Shore: The Show You Need To Watch List

When I first started watching Floribama Shore it reminded me of the original Real World.

You have 8 cast members in their 20’s coming to live in a house on Panama City Beach and have their lives documented.  They work in a hot dog shop, and at night they like to go out and have a good time.  The words DTF are never uttered, and while a few women are brought back, it’s not a revolving door of visitors. This group is definitely more low key than their jersey brethren. It’s a breath of fresh air in my opinion.

3. The Cast Members


One of the main reasons I like the show is the people on it. They are a relatively “normal” and likable group with just enough crazy mixed in to make for some good tv viewing.

There is Jeremiah Buoni. He is over 6 ft tall with a bodybuilders physique and boyish good look. With that said, he might have been able to pass as a Jersey Shore cast member, minus his affinity for wearing clothes your nerdy dad or weird uncle might like. His laid-back demeanor makes him one the other roommates turn to for support.

Gus Smyrnios has smoldering good looks and chiseled abs that have landed him on the cover of a romance novel. Nevertheless, there’s a lot more to him. His past demons surface throughout the show hindering his relationship with a fellow cast mate, at least that is his defense.

Nilsa Prowant is a lover of all “barrel-chested freedom fighters,” but lately has her sights set on Gus. Unfortunately for him, this girl does not like the word no.   They are the less crazy version of Sam and Ronnie.

RELATED: Floribama Shore Episode Recap: Not Nothing Personal

Kortni Gilson has to be my favorite in the house.  She is crazy, wild, and some of the things that have come out of her mouth have actually made me laugh.  Although some of that didn’t come about till season 2.  Season 1 had an unfortunate bed-wetting incident, and it wasn’t even her bed.

Amiee Hall, Kirk Medas, Codi Butts, and Candace Rice are the sanest in the house. They are the ones trying to throw some reason into the mix, but are not without their own issues.  Amiee takes a swing at Gus after he called her fat…or did he? Codi chases after Candace who at the time was seeing someone named Gator Jay, and Kirk gets into a couple fights all in the name of friendship.

4. Friends With Benefits

Floribama Shore: The Show You Need To Watch List

Are there still people out there who think this works? Anyone? Apparently so because Nilsa Prowant and Gus Smyrnios give it a shot and surprise, surprise they fail miserably.  In Season 1 we see Gus pursuing recently divorced Nilsa who suffered a miscarriage which led to the break down of her marriage.  After going out on one date, Nilsa realized she wasn’t looking for a serious relationship. Skip ahead to Season 2 and we have Gus and Nilsa switching roles with Gus now wanting to play the field and Nilsa wanting a relationship.  After being told many times that he was not looking for anything serious, Nilsa deciphers his message as he just needs time, and pursues him relentlessly.  Haven’t we all wanted the very thing we can’t have?

5. Girl Code


An interesting situation that keeps arising during Season 2 is the closeness of Kortni and Gus’ friendship. If Nilsa can’t cuddle with Gus then NO ONE shall have him!

After making her intentions VERY clear, Nilsa has watched her good friend Kortni, these two have known each other before filming for Floribama Shore, cuddle up to Gus.  I don’t think Kortni is interested in Gus in a romantic way.  She just doesn’t see anything wrong with crawling into bed with him to fall asleep, or curl up with him on the couch.  There is no hanky panky or looks of longing between the two, but Nilsa sees red every single time it happens.  I don’t know if Nilsa needs to get over it since her and Gus are not an item, or if Kortni is in the wrong by being insensitive to her friends’ feelings.

6. Harassment/Jealousy/Abusive Relationships


As I said earlier, this show is not without some of its own relationship drama. Kortini was in a relationship at the start of Season 2 which seemed to be a healthy one. Then the signs of crazy started showing.  Her boyfriend, Logan, would grow irate if she didn’t give him her undivided attention while he was on the phone with her.

He felt disrespected by her and her roommates. Kortni decides to end things. Unfortunately, her ex didn’t go easily into the night.  He decided to lurk in the shadows. Then, he harassed Kortni and her roommates. A great moment comes when Kortni is describing her ex to the cops and discovers Logan is known by the police. Red flag number one, don’t date someone that the local police force knows personally.

Candace admits that her boyfriend, Gator Jay, had been physically abusive towards her in the past.

Overall, Floribama Shore has a little bit of everything to appeal to viewers. It has an interesting group of characters. They are the right mix of sane and crazy to keep you invested in their journey, while not making you wish you could get off the ride.


[Photo Credit: MTV]

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