Tamra Judge calls Jesus for help

Tamra Judge Thinks Emily Simpson’s Husband Shane Was Out Of Line In Argument With Kelly Dodd

Usually, Tamra Judge can take credit for stirring the pot on Real Housewives of Orange County, but not during that last episode. The end of it was just such a cluster of drama with Emily Simpson and her husband Shane Simpson screaming at Kelly Dodd.

Kelly even called Shane a “little bitch” which I couldn’t help laughing at, but Emily did not feel the same way. She threatened to “kill” Kelly in response.

All of the drama went down at the party Tamra hosted for her husband Eddie Judge’s birthday, but Tamra was nowhere to be found when all of that happened. Tamra discussed the screaming match in a Bravo blog post. She wrote, “I literally walked upstairs for five minutes, and as I came back to the party, all hell had broke loose. I heard everybody’s side of the story, but I saw it for the first time on TV.”

She continued, “I think Steve [Lodge] did what any gentleman should’ve done. He basically walked away. I’m not a fan of men getting in the middle of drama. But Shane sure seems to love the drama!” He sure does.

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Tamra declared, “I think by Shane getting involved and telling Kelly that she was drunk was out of line. JUST STAY OUT OF IT, SHANE.” She also admitted, “I would have to say that I’ve heard many different stories about Kelly and Emily’s argument. After seeing it, I’m a little shocked.”

Tamra wrote, “I get that Emily was upset that Kelly called her husband a little bitch. But that was extreme anger and strong words for an attorney/party planner to throw around.” That’s a somewhat valid point. A lawyer should not joke about killing someone and a party planner shouldn’t take part in disrupting a birthday.

Tamra asked, “Anyone else find it odd that Shane stood behind his wife and kept making rude comments as SHE fought for him?” Yes, Tamra. Anyone else who didn’t notice that needs to rewind that last episode. It is just very off-putting.

Of course that controversy took center stage, but Tamra did have some drama of her own during that episode. She and Shannon Beador confronted each other about their issues while they recouped their respective injuries on motorized scooters.

Tamra wrote, “I just want to clarify one thing: Shannon is a good friend. It just so happened that we were both going through a lot of emotional things at the same time. Everybody deals with things differently. I shut down and become angry, and Shannon becomes emotional and needy.”

She even admitted, “I was so busy trying to help Shannon deal with her divorce that I was avoiding my own stress and emotions. I can’t blame Shannon completely for not asking about Eddie or how I was holding up, because I don’t open up when things are bad. You watched me break my foot. I just wanted to act like nothing happened, even though I was in pain. I just shut down!”

She concluded, “As friends, I really do feel like it was a growing experience for Shannon and me. After our talk I have learned to open up a little bit more, and Shannon has learned to ask more questions, even when I don’t want to talk. You can trust Shannon asks me every day how Eddie’s doing now.” Lesson learned.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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