Kelly Dodd confronts Shane

Kelly Dodd Claims Vicki Gunvalson Asked Steve Lodge To Talk Poorly About Her In The Press

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That last episode of Real Housewives of Orange County was a total mess at the end. Kelly Dodd was upset with Vicki Gunvalson’s boyfriend Steve Lodge and started yelling at him for talking about that double date debacle on social media and in the press. This somehow lead to Kelly calling Emily Simpson’s husband Shane Simpson a “little bitch.”

Real Housewives of Orange County is finally back on track , or at least I hope so. If we can keep the story lines at this tempo for the rest of the season, it will be great.

Kelly wrote a blog post about the last episode. Before addressing her own drama, she discussed the tension between besties Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador. Kelly wrote, “It’s never fun when two best friends are fighting. Those can be the most difficult conflicts to resolve because you’re not used to that kind of tension.”

Kelly admitted, “I get where both Tamra and Shannon are coming from. Tamra’s feelings are valid, but the way she went about it caught Shannon off guard and confused her. When I got boba tea with Shannon, did you notice that I brought up that Tamra is going through a lot and Shannon immediately turned it around back on herself? Tamra does have a point!” Fair enough.

And then she got to the drama: “When the whole fiasco hit the press about Vicki setting Michael [Dodd] up with her friend, I was really mad, and she was getting reamed by the fans online. To retaliate without looking guilty, Vicki had Steve start speaking to the press about me, and I find that for a man to get involved and stoop to that is just low. He went to Page Six and made a statement about me, so I called him a douche! …Maybe I could have used more polite language, but I was really upset at the time.” I don’t blame her. I’m so #TeamKelly on this one. First of all, she’s right. Second, her over the top reactions bless us all with entertaining television.

Kelly recalled, “At Tamra’s party, I hadn’t seen Steve in a while by that point, and I just felt really uncomfortable around him because of what had happened. But listen, when I said that drama with Vicki was over, I meant it. I have no problems with her anymore. That doesn’t mean I can’t be honest!” Be honest, Kelly. We need some entertainment this season.

She explained, “When Steve played dumb rather than engage with me about what happened, it showed what kind of man he is. In my opinion, he doesn’t respect women. Of course Vicki is going to side with Steve and call me disrespectful over him, I would expect nothing more. We saw how she was with Brooks [Ayers]! Even for all her great qualities, Vicki will still follow her boyfriends off a cliff if they ask her to.” Oh, Kelly brought up Brooks. There’s no doubt that Vicki sent her a barrage of angry text messages immediately upon reading the blog.

Kelly continued, “Steve did something malicious toward me, and I felt hurt about it and wanted to clear the air like an adult, but these people are behaving like children. Steve thinks he’s taking the high road by dismissing me, but taking the high road would have been to apologize and respectfully step away from the situation knowing that Vicki and I are now back on track. That’s what a real man would do.” Shade thrown.

Then Kelly got to her second confrontation of the party: “Bzz! Bzz! Is that a housefly? Who is this pest buzzing in my ear? Can someone remind me why any of this was Shane’s business? I find it sad (and more than a little funny) that Emily was hoping to bring Shane to the party so that we could all see what he’s really like. Well, now we know! Who talks to women like that? I said it then, and I’ll say it again: He’s a little bitch.”

Kelly Dodd: “If You Have An Issue With Someone Else’s Husband, Take It Straight To The Source”

Kelly explained, “I swear on my life, I didn’t realize Shane was Emily’s husband. I met so many new people at Tamra’s house that night that by the time I got outside and Emily introduced us, I don’t think I was paying any attention. We’ve all been there. It’s hard to keep track of a lot of new faces, and we don’t always get it right. Regardless, the way he spoke to me is telling—I have a much better idea of what went down with him and Gina [Kirschenheiter] now. You don’t call someone a drunk just because I happen to have a drink in my hand at a party and you disagree with what I’m saying. That pushed me over the edge.” So much for Shane, not wanting to be involved in this show. Should he hold up an orange in the opening credits?

Kelly concluded, “Someone call animal control, because Emily turned into a wild animal at record speed! She threatened to kill me! Did you see my face?! Let’s hope I don’t go missing before next week’s episode, and if I do, you’ll know who did it!”


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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