This story line with Meghan Edmonds and Kelly Dodd arguing over a text message conversation that happened months before this Real Housewives of Orange County season started filming is dragging out for way too long. Unfortunately, there really isn’t much else happening at this point. Fortunately, the preview for the rest of the season looks pretty promising.
The fans have to wait and see how the rest of the episodes play out. While everyone is really waiting for Vicki Gunvalson to go at it with Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador, we are stuck with this random argument with Meghan and Kelly.
Meghan discussed the last episode in her Bravo blog. She said, “These last couple episodes were a little difficult to watch – my hormones did not do me any favors. I have the emotional burden of a newborn, so I don’t want or need the emotional burden of drama, but apparently there was no avoiding it.”
As if this story could be any less captivating, Meghan turned to Lydia McLaughlin to give her two cents while they hiked for a minute and a half. The only enjoyable thing about this scene was Lydia’s perfectly curled hair.
Meghan wrote, “On my hike with Lydia, I just wanted to spend my afternoon with a friend. I never expected it to escalate and end how it did. Of course I never thought I’d be crying on a mountain over something this ridiculous fight, but it was hard to hear Lydia say that she was on Kelly’s side after our fight at drag queen bingo. Lydia is always trying to keep the peace and wants everyone to be friends, yet she was choosing sides?” If Lydia chose “Meghan’s side,” would Meghan find it offensive that Lydia didn’t stay neutral?
Meghan continued to preach about the supposed differences between her asking Kelly about an extramarital affair and Kelly asking her about one in a conversation that Meghan started: “I feel certain that if Lydia were in my shoes, she wouldn’t be agreeing with Kelly and she would be able to clearly see the differences when it came to the text exchange between Kelly and me.” What are the differences? We all know Meghan was pregnant, but Meghan was the one who started the conversation in the first place. If Meghan wanted a drama-free pregnancy, why did she text someone to ask if she was cheating on her husband? It just doesn’t add up.
The new mom insisted, “When I texted Kelly, I was asking her if a rumor was true. I was NOT cutting down her marriage and meant no ill intent by it. I never ‘accused’ Kelly of having an affair and I didn’t tell anyone about it but her – that’s the opposite of looking to create drama.” How did Meghan “not tell anyone about it” when she decided to bring it up on camera months after they had the conversation?
Still, Meghan continued to make the same point about being pregnant: “When Kelly texted me, she was TELLING me that my husband was cheating on me, while I was seven months pregnant. That IS cutting down my marriage.” And Meghan emphasized, “The biggest difference: I’m NOT mean. Kelly IS mean. If something I do is perceived as mean, it is not intentional and I will be the first person to own up to it. When Kelly is mean, she even admits that it’s intentional and malicious.”
Meghan was not at all done with this topic. Meghan said, “The only reason the texts were even brought up again that night is because Kelly picked a fight. I had apologized for telling Shannon what Kelly had said and I thought everything was fine between us. I never thought she would have picked a fight with me over something so little, in front of everyone.” Really? Picking fights in public has been Kelly’s MO since she joined this show. Nothing about this was surprising. Offensive, sure, but surprising? No.
Meghan said, “Kelly used our text exchange as an excuse to attack me. She wanted to go for the jugular, so she jumped on the first opportunity to do so. And unlike Kelly, I do actually have the texts to prove it! She lied in her blog last week when she said, ‘It’s a damn good thing that I kept those texts messages to show the women the truth…’ because those were MY saved texts and she was reading from MY phone at the table.” Does it really matter who had the screen shots?
She continued to come for Kelly: “She also claimed that I had contacted her about the rumored affair, after not speaking for months and with no pleasantries…yet we were texting about Aspen the day before!”Kelly said it right after Meghan contacted her about a rumored affair. Why is it acceptable for one person to bring up a rumor and not another? Oh right, Meghan was pregnant.
Meghan didn’t held back when she wrote, “I almost feel bad for her that she is such an opportunistic liar. Let’s face it, Kelly was dating and engaged to someone else WHILE she was still married to Michael [Dodd]…she’s hardly someone to spread marital gossip.” Damn.
Tonight is an all new episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Bravo’s synopsis of the drama we can expect tonight: “As rumors swirl around Orange County following Vicki’s birthday party, Tamra catches wind of what transpired about Eddie and is livid. The “Friendship Whisperer” Lydia is even perplexed by Vicki’s motives and is nervous for all the women to converge at Kelly’s beach volleyball party. Kelly is having a breast reduction and decides to have a “Boobs Voyage Party” with all the women except her former bestie, Meghan. All hell breaks loose at Kelly’s party when Tamra and Vicki finally talk face-to-face.”
Join us here for live-snarking at 9/8 C.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]