Karen Huger Thinks Charrisse Jackson-Jordan Is “Desperate To Stay Relevent”; Juan & Robyn Dixon Should Move On

It was pretty painful to watch Karen Huger try and explain herself during that Real Housewives of Potomac reunion. Sure, her finances are her business, but then again she did sign up to be on a reality TV show about her life. So it’s hard to know what she should and shouldn’t share.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of things that don’t add up. Was Karen downsizing? Why did she move into a bigger house? Did she move because of her parents? None of it makes any sense, and there’s that tax lien which has never been addressed on the show.

Even though Karen did what she could to defend herself during the two reunion episodes, she still took to her Bravo blog so she could explain everything that went down during the reunion. Spoiler alert: nothing is actually explained, but a ton of shade is thrown.

Karen wrote, “Ray [Huger] set the record straight on them all but especially for Gizelle [Bryant] and Charrisse [Jackson-Jordan]. How dare they refer to my man as being broke? He has worked very hard to accomplish his career and all the trimmings that come with it. For these girls to speculate and throw out those verbal attacks all season was a little hard to watch.” Fair enough, but it really seemed like the cast had issues with Karen being shady more so than her actual financial assets.

The self-proclaimed Grande Dame of Potomac threw some shade: “Charrisse, being the ‘most pretentious’ of us all, was overly focused on our money. She is sitting in a glass house throwing boulders. I was shocked at her confessionals while she wants the world to think she wants to be my friend. She needs to keep her focus on her own life and stay the hell out of our checkbook.” In the real world, that makes sense, but this show is all about discussing other people’s lives.

Karen moved on from Charrisse to shade at non-couple Robyn Dixon and Juan Dixon: “Robyn and Juan have made it crystal clear that their unconventional non-marriage is for their children. He wants to do what’s right for his career and family. Robyn has repeatedly said they want to accomplish family and financial goals.” She also asserted, “I think that folks need to move on. There is nothing left to see. It should just be ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ when it comes to the Juan and Robyn’s relationship story. At any time one or both can decide to change the arrangement but until then mark her words, ‘America, I am fine!’ It’s safe to assume that Karen is not rooting for them to make it work.

However, she does seem to be rooting for Ashley Darby even though she revealed that she and Michael Darby were living apart for three months at the point when they filmed the reunion. Karen admitted, “I was very sad to hear that Michael and Ashley had separated. I am praying that they can work it out. The restaurant has become their baby and they both seem committed to its success.” She seemed pretty hopeful about their future since she said, “Michael & Ashley have some common bonds that can keep them happy for years to come.”

Most of that was just child’s play- especially in comparison to Charrisse accusing Karen of having an affair with a bodyguard/driver. She said, “Ray and I are very happy and are in a good place. I chuckled as I watched how they made comments about Ashley with her dance partner and her restaurant chef in earlier episodes. Folks just can’t stand to see a pretty girl with another man without assuming they are humping.”

She continued, “Charrisse has accused Gizzy of humping on every date she has gone on. We all watched her run her mouth at both reunions. People, get a life and back up off my panties. I know sex sells, but damn!” And she made it very clear that she is so not here for Charrisse when she said, “Charrisse needs to not come for me with all that she has going on. (That’s all I am saying with my humming tune playing in the background.) She is desperate to stay relevant.” That could be said about most of this cast.

RELATED: Gizelle Bryant Doesn’t Buy Karen Huger’s Reasons For Moving; Defends Being Called A Mean Girl


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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