Tom D'Agostino and Luann de Lesseps

Luann de Lesseps Says Ramona Singer Needs To Apologize To Dorinda Medley After Wrecking Her Home

After a season and a half of Real Housewives of New York being the Tom D’Agostino show, Luann de Lesseps got a slight break when Ramona Singer went bat shit crazy, ripped into Bethenny Frankel, and then tore down Dorinda Medley’s walls.

I’m hoping the rest of the season focuses more on Ramona’s craziness and less on Tom. Don’t get me wrong, I think last season was one of the best (if not the best), but that’s because Tom was constantly doing something new and scandalous. Now people are just harping on the old incidents and I’m done with it. If Tom does something new, then I’m all for talking about it, but if Luann does not care about Tom‘s previous antics, then neither do I and I’m so done listening to the same thing over and over again.

Luann discussed Ramona’s Berkshires antics in her Bravo blog entry. Luann stated the obvious: “After this year’s Berkshires birthday weekend, Dorinda Medley may not invite some of us back.” Dorinda is the best hostess in the world and my heart was breaking seeing how sad she was looking at the room after Ramona left.

Luann continued, “She says herself that she has a very high tolerance for unruly guests, but I think the way Ramona Singer treated her home tipped Dorinda over the edge. Remember last week when Dorinda’s house filled with smoke because the girls started a fire in a non-working fireplace? She took that in stride. Then Ramona spilled gravy all over one of Dorinda’s dining room chairs. Again, Dorinda was gracious.”

RELATED: Ramona Talks Berkshires Blow-Up On The Jenny McCarthy Show

Dorinda tried her best, but Ramona didn’t seem to care – shocking right? Luann recapped, “Even after Ramona wrecked her guest room, Dorinda tried to calmly explain to Ramona what had happened and how it made her feel. When Dorinda says she feels depressed, that’s worse than if she were angry. She was truly hurt by Ramona’s behavior and her destructiveness. Ramona needs to apologize to Dorinda, but this time, apologies might not be enough.” I hope not. As much as it kills me to see Dorinda upset, I’d love to see Dorinda put Ramona in her place. If anyone is up for this task, it’s queen Dorinda.

But of course, Luann’s blog wasn’t solely about the Ramona rudeness. She did have to mention Tom at some point…. in response to additional Ramona rudeness though. Luann wrote, “Gossips will gossip, but we don’t let them affect us. Tom was the perfect gentleman about Ramona and the naysayers, and he was more concerned about me than he was about himself. This is the type of man to marry, and I’m glad we found each other.”


 [Photo Credit: Bravo]
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