Exclusive Interview with the FIFTH Member Of The Survivor: Game Changers Jury – Spoilers!

It’s the home-stretch on Survivor: Game Changers, as we are nearing the point in the game where there are more players on the jury than left in the game. On this week’s Episode 12, the jury grew by one once again, leaving just eight players remaining in the game with only (gasp!) two episodes left this season. I had the chance to chat with the most recent person voted out of the game.

Caution, as spoilers from this week’s episode are to follow! Turn back now! If you want to get caught up, be sure to check out the Episode 12 Recap here.


It's Not a High Without a Low

Sierra Dawn Thomas was the latest casualty to be sent to the Survivor: Game Changers jury, who was made to be a victim after her closest ally, Brad Culpepper, won Immunity this past episode.

Sierra was one of the few “head-scratchers” when this season began, as in, why is she on a season called “Game Changers”? She had made it pretty far on her original season, Survivor: Worlds Apart (Season 30), finishing in fifth place overall, but she didn’t do much strategically. She was likable enough – which was the main reason she was voted out when she was that season – but didn’t really do anything to leave a lasting imprint on the game (as reported by EW.com, Sierra was actually an alternate to Survivor: San Juan del Sur winner, Natalie Anderson, who backed out at the last minute).

It's Not a High Without a Low

But this time out, Sierra was a major player, having set out to prove herself. She was in power for a good stretch of the game, working alongside Brad Culpepper, but her game was up-ended by Sarah when she blindsided Deb a few episodes back. Sierra had built a strong personal relationship with Sarah, as was evident when Sierra willed Sarah her “Legacy Advantage” that she discovered back on Day One. Little did Sierra know that Sarah leaked her knowledge of this Legacy Advantage to Michaela, which ultimately led to Sierra getting voted out.

Sierra went down swinging, to the extent that she continued working angles right down to the end. I had a chance to chat with Sierra Dawn Thomas today, the day after her vote-out episode aired. The full interview can be heard in the latest episode of the FilmSurvivor Podcast (below), but here are some highlights for those of you that prefer the written word:


On if she was surprised to be included on a season called “Game Changers”:

Sierra Dawn Thomas: Just being called to go, I questioned it. And when I got out there and found out what the theme of the season was, I was terrified. Like is this defining me or is this defining the game? Because I didn’t feel like I was a game changer my first season, but I was excited to show people that I might be. I was ready to go in and surprise myself.

On the biggest regret she has in the game:

Sierra: I mean, pretty much helping Sarah dig my grave and telling her about my secret advantage and how if I were to go home I’d give it to her. That’s pretty much by biggest regret.

It's Not a High Without a Low

On how big a factor telling Sarah about her “Legacy Advantage” played in her ultimately getting voted out:

Sierra: I think I was a target, but I do feel like I could have plead my case to Michaela that it should be Andrea, and it would have been Andrea. This would have brought Tai to vote for Andrea and I really, truly, genuinely think that Andrea would have went home if I wouldn’t have told Sarah and she wouldn’t have told Michaela and all of that jazz.

On if she knew about Tai’s two Idols or Troyzan’s one Idol while in the game:

Sierra: Not for a second, and it makes me mad! I feel like, obviously other people are good at keeping their mouth shut and I’m not, because I spilled my beans (laughs). But I feel like we could have done something really great. When there’s numbers like that, that’s how you re-take over the numbers. I feel like if we would have known about it, at least about Troyzan’s, he could have let me and Brad know and we could have really made a big move and it would have made Troyzan look great because it was his Idol. You know what I mean? I feel like we could have done stuff, but they were just keeping their mouths closed, which is obviously smart, I can’t talk about that too much (laughs).

It's Not a High Without a Low

For much more from Sierra Dawn Thomas, including how she was actually an alternate for this season, and why Cirie has not been a target thus far, please listen to the latest episode of the FilmSurvivor Podcast below or by clicking here.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter – @tomsantilli – and on Facebook, for all of the latest Survivor coverage, interviews, and movie reviews.


Photo Credit: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment

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